Letter to the POTUS about gun control
Gun Control is getting out of hand....
Gun control is a very complicated issue because although gun violence is a huge problem, banning guns might not be the fix.
Every day, 306 people in America are shot, Every day, 90 people die from gun violence, 31 are murdered. If we go back to 2015, there were 12,086 ki...
Mass shootings in America happen too frequently and the process of purchasing these deadly fire arms is all too easy. Other countries with control...
Gun control in america affects everyone even if you don't own a gun.
Only police officers should be allowed to own guns in the U.S.
The US has horrible gun control and it needs to change.
Safety and the Second Amendment
Gun control is no longer a question of if, but how much. A hard-line approach to the matter that incorporates the ideologies of both of the nation'...
The solution for gun violence is here, with our new background checks when purchasing a firearm.
I would like to discuss a very important issue in our country. It is an issue that makes many people feel unsafe. The issue is guns in our country.
New gun control laws are going against our second amendment. By taking away guns the government is creating more crime. Save our right to bear arms.
A letter about gun control and background checks
How to satisfy the American public, without encroaching upon our rights to carry.
Lighten the law by increasing background checks.
Persuasive letter to the next President urging Gun Control
Discussing Abortion, Gun Control, Immigration and Racism.
Gun violence/control
Gun control is still an issue and needs to be dealt with once and for all.
It is finally time that the American government prioritize the safety and security of all individuals by reevaluating the 2nd Amendment and revisin...
In this article, I out line how the 2nd amendment may be the one issue on gun control in America. It discusses how many uses of the second are unju...
Gun Control Dear Future President, My name is Dante, and I live in the suburbs of Cleveland. The United States needs more gun laws. There are a lo...
The Second Amendment has been grossly misinterpreted by recent Supreme Court decisions, and the best way to fix gun control is for the president to...
My letter is about the importance of gun policy.
Dear Next President, why not fix the gun control laws now so it doesn't get worse in the future?
The U.S. has far more mass shootings than any other developed country and the next president should work to stop them.
Concealed handgun law is important by giving citizens protection.
It is sickening to me that today, waking up to the news of a shooting is routine. Innocent civilians are being killed left and right. We need to ad...
This is about how the country needs to make stricter gun laws.
Gun violence/Gun laws/Gun control in the U.S.
My name is Nathan Welsh and 15 years old also, I’m from Grand Rapids Michigan. I am not for gun control but against it, although not as much as to ...
Loosen Gun Control.
Our lax approach to gun control is costing us lives everyday. In the aftermath of tragedy after tragedy, people complain about how easily people ca...
Dear Future President,
This is common sense.
In this essay I will talk about the issue of gun control and how we can possibly fix the problem. There are many tragedies that are caused by guns ...
I feel that gun control is a good thing for America to keep people alive,also I think that gun control can help keep people alive and the world sa...
What should be done about Gun violence in America?
There is obviously a problem with gun violence in the U.S. I believe that this is the biggest threat to our security.
Guns have harmed many children in the U.S. from and something needs to be done.
Gun violence has proven to be a pressing issue over the past few years in the United States. The United States should impose stricter gun laws in o...
A few changes that can drastically improve America.
As a rising issue in America Gun Control needs to be reviewed and implemented into our society to keep people safe and prevent unnecessary violence.
Gun control is important in our country, and there are many different views on this issue. Guns can put us in danger, but also how guns ultimately ...
Gun control is a issue that needs to be solved. Here is a letter to you, future president, on why and how you can solve the gun control issue.
We believe that the next president should address the issue of gun control.
You need to take care of who you sell guns too.
Certain measures should be taken when buying and when having a gun.
The drastic need for gun regulation.
What are the pros and cons of both presidential candidates?
Gun control in America will never help the whole country.
Right to bear arms and government responsibility to regulate sales
gun control
We should put more laws on guns but still be able to use them for protection.
My letter involves firearms for teacher in school. I believe this should be talked about to protect students.
Gun Control is something that must be handled immediately
Criminals in the USA have murdered, and killed many times over, but sometimes they can be stopped by guns as well as it can be started. New gun law...
People are supposed to be against gun control, but they're actually not.
Please help to enforce serious background checks, eliminate the ability for anyone to buy assault weapons, and create new laws to help protect stud...
The 2nd Amendment matters.
In this letter, I talk about what should be done with gun control including regulations and what should need to occur to get certain weapons and id...
This letter explains why I think that more laws should be added to stop shootings at homes, schools, neighborhoods, and so on.
Society today has been severely impacted by the rising amount of gun violence in the 'Land Of The Free', so how can we stop it?
Innocent people are losing their lives every day because of guns.
Gun control laws are worsening our citizen's ability to fight back.
Gun control has been a major problem in the U.S. Why haven't we been able to control this problem? Should we have more in depth background checks?...
My views on what the government should do about gun control relating to gun violence and why.
How to solve this growing problem.
Gun control is an extremely important topic. 26 States have a metaphorical F in gun control laws. Things need to change.
I think we need to keep the gun laws we have, but make them stricter or enforce them better.
Letter to the next president covering gun control and similar topics
Do you think the second amendment is important?
Gun violence has become one of the main issues in the United States which is why the future president needs to take action before it gets too late.
Someone new gets hurt everyday. Why isn't anyone speaking up and putting a stop to it? Do they want us all to be at risk? Anything can happen, even...
People think guns can protect them from bad people, but more people use guns to do bad things to other people. We need to control the sale of guns ...
In my letter to the next President, I argue that gun violence and police brutality is never the right answer.
A letter that takes steps to understand the truth behind gun control, and why our nation must understand our freedoms.
Gun violence has to be stopped; otherwise, the US will have problems that will be hard to change.
This is an essay on what should be changed about gun laws.
We could stop Gun violence together.
Police brutality has been an issue that has been addressed and still not resolved. It has received media attention in recent years yet it continues...
Dear President, You should stop gun violence because they are killing innocent people for no reason. According to the Smart gun laws.org it incre...
There should be more rules on who can own a gun
Is the gun the "killer" or is the individual behind the gun the "killer?"
My paper covers how lax gun control affects the U.S. in negative ways and how we can take steps to fix them.
People should have guns if they want one.
Gun control laws should not be enacted because guns help protect us and gun control laws will create illegal activity.
Gun Control is a major problem in the U.S. that needs to be thought over. Pro-gun control people want to have stricter gun laws to keep the people ...
How gun control is irrelevant in the United States.
Leave the guns alone and finish school , if your not in school don't shoot , fight.
In the US convicted felons are not allowed to own firearms. However they often end up with them. Some of these guns are illegally bought from black...
Why concealed carry of a firearm should be legal all over the country.
Gun laws should not be changed
We need more gun control
The United States the gun show loophole should be closed along with the addition of basic background checks when purchasing a firearm because the c...
The 2nd amendment should be altered.