The tensions between civilian and policeman have escalated to an outright horrid degree. Both sides should work on communication and be taught to p...
"all lives cant matter until we acknowledge that black lives matter "
Riots, protests, and more killings. Police brutality is alive and well. As communities and their officers are driven farther apart, our hopes turn ...
It is very obvious our police now need different training, and less lethal ways to deal with people.
People In the U.S think its okay to take away black lives . These are my reasons why Black people should be treated as anyone else in this world.
Basically, my letter is about the fact that police and the authorities are treating the Black community really bad. They don’t support them, and wh...
#BLM is a relevant issue going on right now and needs to be addressed.
Police Brutality
Police brutality is cruel and unfair.
Inequality needs to stop! There is no reason to discriminate against anyone based on their gender, race, or religion. Our current young generation...
There should be no curfews in all cities in the United States
Police brutality is an ongoing problem, when it shouldn't be something we should have issues with.
Inequality amongst racial groups in America is a major issue because people are being deprived of their inalienable rights of life, liberty, and th...
Dear Next President,
Looking at the negative impact of the Black Lives Matter group.
Increase training for police officers
"Racial profiling has destroyed trust in today's policemen" for instance if a black male has an expepensive car some policemen will pull them over ...
In this letter to the next president I evoke the issues of police killing innocent young African Americans and the consequences of there actions ar...
This is about how police brutality has gone overboard killing innocent people of color in the U.S and death
We need to fight police brutality.
Dear Next President, I think you should hold more social events to build stronger relationships between communities and police, so that more peop...
Black Lives Matter
Ashlyn Koontz
People have the right to defend themselves and we need to preserve the Second Amendment to ensure we can.
Police brutality has shown that we need to improve racial equality in America.
First responders need to be safe while responding to calls, but in this day and age they are not. These are my views not only from a student's poin...
Its a letter
A letter to the next President asking for equality, respect and hope for the future.
In an America where Black Men are slain in the streets by law enforcement, I ask the next president to take the initiative to change this pattern.
We are starting new as a country with a new leader and I feel as though it is vital that we don't loose track of what is important, the people.
People are afraid of the police because of news reports about police brutality.
Oppression against minorities and social changes that must be made.
Valentina Pavolini
The president should make all police departments in the United States make every police officer go through a police academy training program on how...
In this article you will read why guns should not be taken away from the public.
Police is a very big issue that needs to be addresed
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter" - Martin Luther King Jr.
This letter is about police violence in the nation and how the President can stop it.
My letter is about how there has been millions accounts discrimination against African-American and Latino children in schools and in almost every ...
police brutality against black people should be stopped
Police Brutality has gone far enough.
I hope that soon the police will be respected for the hard work and bravery they give for us and this won’t be as big of an issue as it is now. May...
There are many issues in our country but the root of almost all of then is racism. An you need to stop acting like its nothing because...
September 29, 2016 Dear Future President, In the United States, racial inequality and unfairness is one of our biggest issues today. Yes, black ...
This is a letter to the president about police brutality.
The people would feel shocked,scared, and terrified to what just happened to them and or someone they know or don't even know.
This letter is about Police Brutality and how it could and should be fixed.
A letter by Roy Acevedo
Police Brutality needs to stop because people of my color are being shot at for no reason.
A lot of problems around the U.S. have been occuring witch include a lot of violence and terrorism. I believe we can still make a change and try to...
With these solutions, we win the battle to ending police brutality and racial stereotypes.
Black history isn't taught enough in public schools. Students learn too much about Columbus and other White men when there are so many people of co...
Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization
support the hard working police
How can you improve a policemen life
According to the Washington Post, there was a count of 250 people killed by police officers in the first three months of 2016. They’re treating us ...
Police brutality has increased a lot this year.
I wrote a letter to the next president talking about police brutality against African Americans.
Police Brutality is getting out of hand
In this letter, it is about police brutality and mental illnesses. I would like to thank you for your time.
Police brutality is when a cop does something to an other person for no reason.
These people strike fear into the American people, and they’re not part of ISIS.
This is a letter concerning the growing issue about police brutality throughout the United States.
Letter To Next President
Police brutality is an issue that is getting worse and worse throughout time. People don't feel safe with the ones that are suppose to keep us safe...
I wrote about child abuse and how the next President should take more actions on trying to stop or prevent child abuse from happening.
Police should be prosecuted for their actions
Policemen who abuse their power and how we can stop it.
Police Brutality has been a major issue in the U.S. the last couple of years. Read this letter to find out how we can stop it and more.
Abortion and police violence needs to STOP.
Dear Mr./ Mrs. President, The biggest problem in the United States right now is police brutality. I think it is a big problem that we hav...
We need to address the problem of police brutality by giving them more time off the streets.
Police are the good guys not the bad
If our country loses it's respect for our officers, what will be the next to fall?
Stop the Violence...
A letter to that talks about racial discrimination and my opinion about it.
A great poem about this topic
Bad Cops to Good Cops
Racial discrimination from cops
According to CNN, states require more training time to become a barber than a police officer. This may be the reason there is an increase in polic...
I wrote a letter addressing police brutality.
police brutality
Police Brutality toward black men is becoming more of a problem each and every day . We can't continue to allow these officers who swore to protect...
Many African Americans are dying by police officers at higher rates than another minority. No media and even officers can dispute the facts, number...
I want you all who ever reads this to focus on black lives matter because many black people are getting killed for no reason by the police.
My Letter is about how police brutality is a problem and suggestions on hoe to fix it.
My name is Dylan I'm at West Seattle High and I want to talk about Police Brutality.
Abuse from others is not new to African Americans, nor is it new coming from our law enforcement. But, it comes to a point where enough is enough. ...
a google slides presentation on police brutality for letters to the next president by Jalah Jones and Asha Mukhtar
My letter is about the problem of police brutality and if its a major problem and if it needs fixing.
Our nation is torn apart by police brutality, but better police training and supporting Black Lives Matter can help.
Dear Mr. Future President The phrase “black lives matter” has become the cry for many African Americans in the long struggle for freedom. But du...
Many African Americans in the U.S. are starting to die due to the disastrous actions of the police.
The media is portraying police as the bad guys in this country, overplaying the stories that point out the far and few bad apples.
Police brutality needs to stop now, we can't let the people who protect us kill us because of our color.
Police issues cause a lot of problems in the U.S.A
" No matter your social status or how powerful you feel you are, we are all equal. We came here by birth and will leave in death."