Lowering taxes is critical for our community to survive.
Illegal immigrants are costing the U.S. money and our jobs.
There are many homeless and they need a place to stay.
By reducing, reusing, and recycling we can save our world from this catastrophe we have brought onto it.
Education is the biggest problem today and if we go and fix how we educate our children then everything will work so much better.
My letter addresses how the United States is in a terrible financial crisis and I provide possible solutions to help improve the financial status o...
This letter explores American poverty.
Trump wants to cut business tax rates to 15%
Regardless if the next president if female or male, democratic or republican, or a liar or a person completely unfit to run the country, one thing ...
The U.S. is 20 trillion is debt. You can't run a company 20 trillion in debt. So how does a government run 20 trillion if debt. The answer is not w...
a letter about a fair tax system
Gun control is a major issue. People are worried and confused about why you would take our guns that help protect and feed us. On the other hand, t...
Dear President, What's the real cost of having a mental illness?
In this letter I have written some arguments for "Illegal Immigration" and if they help or not in a better economy?
Here I will write about College Expenses to our next president.
College athletes are some of the hardest workers on their college campus, but do they really deserve to be paid?
This letter is just an overview of where I stand in my beliefs of what our labor and business field should look like. Lower taxes will encourage bu...
Dear, Donald J. Trump, My name is Adam. I was born here in the United States of America at the Kaiser Permanente hospital. I go to Aptos Middle Sch...
Many people are against free colleges and their reasons are correct, but the thinking should be re-evaluated and look to making colleges and u...
Women's inequality is something that has become a large issue for many people in America. Dear Madam or Mr. President, There are many disadvanta...
There is a problem in the U.S. involving money's role in the elections of the U.S.
That we need to start taking a step to fix the debt. We keep falling farther into debt each day and no one wants to take a stand to take a step to...
We must save the Black-Footed Ferret from extinction.
I care about how much college may cost me.
Develops points against issues revolving illegal cannabis. As well as demonstrating points for the push of legalizing the use of Marijuana for recr...
Can our future president actually make America great again?
If minimum wage is increased, then small businesses will go out of business, taxes would increase, and school dropout rates would increase.
We need to close the Wage Gap!
Limit the welfare period and the workforce will improve in no time.
Dear President,
I discuss issues on how taxes should be changed and organized differently.
This letter is requesting better organization and project management on construction projects, for the safety and sake of all people.
Taxes are a problem in America. We need to fix it and lower them.
The many problems with the tax system in our country is doing a lot of harm to individual lives, and the economy as a whole.
College Student Athletes should receive compensation for their contributions to their university.
College Prices MUST go down to get students out of student loan debt.
My letter is about whether immigration is good or bad. Immigration could be a good thing for our counrty. SInce our country was made from immigrant...
The gender wage gap is an issue that has plagued our society - and we need to fix it today. In order to achieve full equality, men and women must h...
Why taxing women for their necessary hygiene products as a "luxury" is counterproductive, unprogressive, and frankly unfair.
Drug Trafficking needs to be enforced more and needs to come to a stop!
The minimum wage should not be raised despite the long-held belief that it will reduce poverty and improve the standard of living.
"Chemotherapy (chemo) usually refers to the use of medicines or drugs to treat cancer. The thought of having chemotherapy frightens many people. Bu...
Welfare is a corrupt system run by the government.
Female athletics are not as popular as male athletics, but that can be changed. People voted for equality and it needs to happen more in the sports...
High taxes can cause big problems
A little more information on how the organization started and why it is important.
In April 2016 TIME magazine calculated that every man, woman, and child in the United States would have to pay $42,998.12 to pay off the national d...
Many Universities are considering paying their student athletes.
The minimum wage should be raised to $10.10 (www.alternet.org) rather than the current $7.25 because young Americans need a reliable income, and ra...
Putting taxes on sugary products and drinks could be the solution to decreasing obesity and consumption rates nationwide.
Persuasive letter to the next President, advocating for the change of immigration
The United States of America is no longer a model economy for other nations, we need to make steps to ensure our people have jobs and well paying j...
My opinion of how taxes should work within our country
This letter is about making the right decision to our countries.
Homelessness is getting worse and we need to make it better
The future president should stop child abuse. This will help children so that they don't go through terrible experiences.
One of the biggest controversies in America is Immigration and how it should be handled. Legal Immigration truly defines our country and makes us t...
Funding for education needs to be increased in order to produce smaller class sizes and more teachers.
My viewpoint on equal pay for all American women and men.
Offering free college tuition would put us spiraling into debt, cause a major raise in taxes, reduce value and quality of education, as well as mak...
I believe that one of the most important issues in our nation today that needs to be addressed is the distribution of wealth and the quality of our...
This talks about how we should import less and be a little more self reliant.
The programs in place in the US to help refugees are pretty flawed, and could use some changes.
We are overcrowding prisons and it very bad for the prisoners and society.
That there are too high taxes or payment.
My letter is to help lower college pay.
As you may know, the US economy is slowly declining. This letter explains some ways that this economy can be improved, such as an increase in minim...
Taxes On the Middle class; What they can cause, and how to prevent it.
Over the last 30-40 years the price of college has increased by about $18,000 and has became less affordable.
The foster system has many faults. If done well, it can do a lot of good. But if done poorly or not managed, can be a living hell for all people in...
What will we do when we meet our oil crisis?
There are many people in today's society who are being held back by money issues, and college tuition is a huge factor in someone's life.
The Majority of cars right now run on gas. In the future we are going to run out of gas especially since the number of cars is constantly growing. ...
College Debt is a huge epidemic that plagues millions of students in America. A pastor in Colorado allegedly stole $392,000 from his church to pay ...
Most car crashes are caused by teenagers/adults texting and driving.
This is my letter.
This is what I think you should do as president.
Climate Change is a growing problem for everyone in the world, including the United States. The fuels that we use and burn are causing serious dama...
The rising cost of tuition in Oregon has increased over the past years and has become an issue for some high school graduates going into college. W...
Explaining why taxes should be lower.
Immigration and its problems.
We need to help our economy get better with money.
This letter is about the unfairness of prison sentencing. I believe that it is unfair to serve major sentences to people who have only done minor ...
Women's rights especially equal pay is important.
How America Can Become Less Obese
Illegal immigrants should not be allowed in the United States.
A letter to the president that addresses the problem of classist education in America.
The cost of college is very expensive for middle class students. This letter explains that if the government cut college funding, colleges would lo...
The military should get more funding put into them to increase the quantity and quality of the equipment they get.
Immigration has been a very common problem, well I think that the future president should fix that problem. But with NO damage.
The minimum wage must be raised to help around 1.7 million people in the United States to stay out of poverty.
Do You Think Your American Soldiers Are Financially Stable?
Do you think house prices are absurd in the United States? I do too along with many other people.
Abortion should be illegal and needs to be stopped.
The MLS should not come to Detroit.
Public tax dollars should not be collected for private entities.
Persuasive letter to the next President advocating for the legalization of Marijuana.