Illegal immigration needs to be stopped and regulated in the United States to decrease both overpopulation and crime rates.
The government needs to do more to protect the United States from groups such as ISIS.
Guns have become one of the biggest problem in american society. Over the last decade multiple gun violence have occurred.
This piece is about how we should have background checks on gun purchasers to lower the danger of homicide in America.
Gun Control
Letter to the POTUS about gun control
Gun violence is one of the most serious issues in the USA right now.
Over seas terrorism is a big problem in the world.
The Second Amendment was written for a reason. Taking away our guns in unnecessary and unlawful.
I feel Gun control should be enforced more than it already is, to many people have been killed because of these loose laws.
The war on drugs should end because it is terrible for America and the people in it.
Gun violence must be stopped, many people are dying and getting hurt because of this.
Terrorism is all over the United states today. The terrorist continue to reel in people to join them and it needs to be stopped.
Gun Control is something that must be handled immediately
Our country currently does not have enough gun control, we need to pass much more legislation prohibiting people from having guns.
Drug abuse has become an issue that has caused many teens and young adults to drop out of school, lose their jobs and sometimes lose their homes.
Guns can be dangerous, but with the right laws they can be kept out of the wrong hands. Not everybody who commits a crime is unworthy.
Limiting the restriction on guns
As terrorism attacks are happening more frequently, people begin to become scared of possibly being in one.
Gun control is a huge issue in today's society and it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.
During the previous years in the US there have been more shootings and bombings, racial discrimination, conflicts between authorities and other peo...
Innocent people are losing their lives every day because of guns.
This letter stresses the significance of ridding the presence of ISIS from the United States.
Why gun control is more logical.
What are the issues with Gun Violence? And how do we put an end to it all around the United States
Everyone thinks we need gun control but we already have laws in place to do this.
Issues for president
Why there needs to be a gun law in the U.S.A.
In this letter I think gun violence is a huge part in this nation problem and should be put on the next president priorities for the next 4 years.
Do you think the second amendment is important?
Guns in America, Jeremiah K
Some people want to add gun laws. In some spots people want to get rid of the safety of gun protection.
We need more gun control for our safety.
Police brutality needs to be resolved quickly.
My community has been affected by gun violence. Recently there has been two lives taken last month.
In my letter I am addressing the immediate threat of the organization, ISIS
A look into the increasing drug epidemic and the effects such as increased prison rates and drug related deaths.
Gun laws are the cause of much violent crime in America and need to be changed so that it is difficult to obtain guns and a person owning an illega...
I feel that gun control is a good thing for America to keep people alive,also I think that gun control can help keep people alive and the world sa...
A summary about problems that comes from guns.
With all of the gun violence occurring in our nation, something must be done to prevent the loss of innocent lives. We need to take a fresh look at...
"murder is wrong and it needs to stop with the government helping".
The future president needs to find a way to control gun violence.
In this letter to the Next President, Gun violence has gotten out of hand and we need to put an end to it.
With all of the gun violence in our country, we need to step up and fight against the tragedies and violence that have been plaguing the United Sta...
Too many shootings have been happening lately and we need to do something about it! My solution is gun control. Read my article to find out why I t...
Gun violence is one of the biggest problems in the world, but what is the president going to do about it.
Since the days of the early settlers in the United States, firearms have been part of the American tradition as protection and a means of hunting o...
Although we already have gun control, it is not strict enough. We need gun control so fewer people have access to guns and to reduce gun deaths.
Control and regulation is not a ban.
I am writing this letter in regards to Gun Control, and why this country will be more dangerous without it.
talk about loopholes
Gun violence has become one of the main issues in the United States which is why the future president needs to take action before it gets too late.
The age for a citizen to own a gun should be changed from eighteen to twenty-one.
Gun control is a prominent issue in our society. Every time you turn on the news, you are bombarded with stories involving violence and the use of ...
What are the pros and cons of both presidential candidates?
Gun Control in America and why there is nothing being done about it
2nd Amendment Rights & Gun Control
I believe that guns should not be taken away from people who have been good citizens; although, there should be more strict background check for p...
By Josie
It is important to care for those who do so much for this nation.
Firearms are one of the leading issues in our country and I believe that being educated on Firearms can prevent tragedies.
I believe teachers should be armed.
Guns are causing too much violence today. Guns should be only be only to protect people, not to cause violence. Lets put a stop to this and make gu...
Children should only be able to shoot or handle a firearm with the supervision of a parent or someone of age to keep a close eye on them. Children ...
My subject is about making more gun laws and stricter background checks.
thoughts From A hunter.
Guns for the public should be limited.
This letter to the future president addresses his/her responsibility on fighting the War on Terrorism
We need to do something about this. We must take a stand and not let this big problem go.
Illegal immigrants should not be allowed in the United States.
My opinion on gun rights in the USA and how they could be changed or made better.
There aren't enough gun prevention laws and regulating gun control needs to be bigger in our country
It's pretty easy to get guns in Chicago, and we should do something about it.
As the population increases, it also decreases due to gun violence!
Some problems, solutions, and suggestions to benefit the people of the United States of America.
America is shooting itself in the foot with its lax laws on gun control.
we don't need gun control
Gun violence is an important issue that impacts people all around the world.
This video letter expresses my many concerns about our country's future.
Gun violence is a huge problem that happens all the time, but it needs to be stopped, and there are a few ways to prevent it.
Dear Future President, With being president, I know you have many responsibilities. I understand you can’t cover everything everyone as...
Gun control has become a growing problem over the years, and it needs to be fixed.
Many leftist politicians want to take away our right to bear arms in an attempt to end gun violence. This won't work. The second amendment is gua...
Terrorism has been going on for over a decade, we need too stop it!
Outlining my concerns regarding immigration policies in the face of increased terror threats.
Mandatory or readily available education about addiction is not only helpful but increasingly necessary.
This essay is about stricter gun laws. This is because of the easy access to get guns, there are a lot of shootings by underage children, and there...
The wrong people are getting a hold of guns. A result from that would be the outrageous amount of deaths in one year caused by firearms.
Letter on the stop of terrorism.
Need to Increase regulations on guns
Even though gun control is supposed to help protect us, it actually increases harm and dangers to the people in our society.
Gun Violence
I feel the movement on gun control is a futile effort.
I will talk about gun violence.
Stop Terrorism
Gun control is not something to be taken lightly. It is a serious issue.
What's wrong with gun control and how we can fix it.
What should be done about Gun violence in America?