My opinion about the death penalty.
Animals all over the world are being abused.
Political Candidates support education for the masses, but do not send their children to public school.
All around the United States, the opportunities available for every student are not the same. They definitely should be. Whether about the school m...
Women are treated differently then men. Dress codes is just one of the many inequalities.
I am writing to the President about the illegal immigration issue and how it is hurting our country in many different ways.
Can Trump make America have equality again.
How poverty affects many people in America
A discussion of the importance of education in America
I propose the creation of government funded colleges to raise America's education of youth and to help low income students impact the world
Immigration is a serious matter in our country and needs to be taken care of in a sensible and responsible way. Immigration is an issue in the Unit...
With people becoming more and more dependent on electricity, renewable energy is becoming more significant to our lives in meeting our needs and ke...
Water pollution can have a severe effect on our earth and it’s time for this generation to take some sort of action to prevent further damage.
This is what I feel about the wage gap.
There are so many ways to improve the lives of the people who give up the most.
Green energy can help the world become a better place. A cleaner and safer place for future generations.
Women are not being treated equally to their male counterparts.
Basically my letter explains many topics that are important to me and others and that would affect us deeply.
Colleges and University are amazing in U.S. I can't argue with that, but I feel like schools doesn't teach their students like they should. ...
The food in US is wasted in a great percentage, while part of people have no secure food source. Look in the problem and try to work on it.
Everyone deserves a chance.
Gun violence in the United States kills thousands of people each year. I believe that there are things we can do to bring these numbers down.
Racial profiling and police brutality have become some major problems in our nation. Something must be done to fix these problems.
People of every sexual orientation: bisexual, straight, gay, lesbian, transgender came together to show support and pride by marching in the Pride ...
There are way to many people that do not have a home and we need to fix that.
Women and men should be treated equally and paid equally too.
Guns create lots of violence in The United States but why are guns always looked at as the cause of all this violence. We need to think about what ...
Abortion should stay legal
how fracking should be considered a problem
I think there are very many issues that should be reviewed on transgender rights.
Cancer alone is a harmful disease, but the actual price that families have to pay in order to get the proper treatment is really what's killing Ame...
Global warming is happening now
The US should legalize marijuana.
Why shouldn't we be a Divided Nation of racism and stereotypes, with a lack of gun laws? Because it is tearing this nation apart. America has been ...
Abortion should be illegal.
Vote Yes on Prop 106
The restrictions and banning of guns in the United States is not only unconstitutional, it is unsafe.
Global warming is one if the biggest problems in the USA and the world, we can take a step into the future and help to protect the Earth and this g...
Climate Change is often an ignored part of current issues. It may not seem as important as economy or immigration, but it is just as if not more im...
talk about loopholes
Abortion needs to be kept a right, and you, next president, can do that by appointing the right Supreme Court Justices.
Prescription drug abuse is at a high on college campuses, and can lead to abuse of other dangerous illegal drugs.
This is about how our world today is not fully aware of how energy is destroying our planet it explains ways we can preserve the earth through the ...
My opinions on what Mr. Trump should tweak about his policies.
Every year more than 3 million reports of child abuse are made in the United States. Most abused children suffer greater emotional than physic...
Dear next president, I'm a sophomore at Belgrade High School. I feel that there are too many guns in America. There are always accidents with guns...
Global warming is a big issue that affects the people, environment and world. If it does stop now, results would be catastrophic
Look what is happening; black people are just getting shot because no one cares about black lives. American police already have killed twenty-fiv...
I think we should use technology to stop animal testing.
Viewpoint on immigration
The paper talks about how the price of college tuition is getting higher.
Medical Marijuana has been proven to be of value to patients struggling through the painful side effects of many illness and, therefore, should be ...
Animal cruelty is wrong because you are hurting a life, and why would anyone want to hurt a life?
The price of epi-pens has gone up at an outrageous rate and something needs to be done to stop it.
Dear Next President, Please make the college tui...
The LGBT community should be able to adopt in any state. Second parent or joint adoption are not allowed to the LGBT community This is not right an...
I want abortion to stop, so let's make an effort to have it stopped.
American schools are full of awful conditions, we need to band together to try and improve it.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become US citizens.
Illegal immigrants are getting out of control day by day. They should be stopped.
The person holding the gun is the problem, not the gun itself.
Racism is still a huge problem in the U.S. People of color are getting assaulted, and sometimes killed because of the color of their skin. 896 peop...
Women pay more than men from birth to death .
Censorship is just a word, its consequences are much more than that.
The only big problem that is still existing is the way the law is being applied towards some the communities that are in the U.S. This problem has ...
Student debt is becoming a growing problem in our society and it needs to be stopped.
I think that the country should have more bike lanes.
Abortion and police violence needs to STOP.
Teenage pregnancy is a dilemma that many teen moms don't know how to handle.
Why are we treated so differently?
Homework is always stressing kids out and i want to put a stop to it.
Immigration is a difficult topic to discuss and has been a central focus of the 2016 presidential campaign.
Convicts with first time offenses should have the same chance to get a job as somebody with a clean record.
NBA Players Against Police Brutality
Women around the world deserve equality.
Gun violence are problem in America today we need make laws to solve this problem.
Schools should start later in the morning to empower students to be more successful.
The topic of abortion has always been controversial and let this be the year that we let women make the decision for themselves and not have to wor...
Why the president should let same-sex marriages be legal.
Has the thought of calling the authorities for these innocent animals ever cross your mind? Do you really want to let these animals suffer in anima...
This letter asks some questions about how we can fix problems in which the candidates talked about during debates.
Guns are ruining our country... Mental problems and gun dispersal are the key factors to address the problem of Gun violence.
Animal Cruelty
We should make a stand for undocumented immigrants because they are an important part of our community.
This letter is about alternative energy and why we should use it.
Predominantly black schools in the US aren't given the same educational tools and resources as predominantly white schools.
I think that unless a woman is raped or the baby will harm her, she should have the baby.
School schedules leave students tired, hungry, and inept.
Schools around the country are increasing their tuition, making it harder for students of all classes to get an education.
Why schools should have healthy lunches
The U.S. is sinking into a money hole, and if it doesn't stop, it's going to be a major problem.
Equal Pay Women’s rights!
Dear Next President, Immigration reform is important to keep hard-working families together. Separating families is devastating for everyone. This ...
Firearms must be further regulated to protect U.S. citizens.
There is lots of pollution and trash in our water for our animals. There is a way that we can stop this. We can clean up the earth, and make it a n...
Community colleges should be free.
The not so surprising truth of the threat of Global Climate Change.
How people are discriminated for speaking their native language and how it impacts not only the individual but the rest of society.
There doesn't need to be more laws to stop racism, but there needs to be a change in attitude towards racism.
Argument on global warming and if it is real or not.