Immigration and how unaccompanied children come to the United States and have many obstacles to overcome to live a better life.
This is a letter to the president about terrorism
argument with people who think professional sport players get paid to much.
Child labor is an issue that many people look past, and forget about. It is more important than many realize and must be dealt with by Congress imm...
My name is Avery and I am a freshman in high school. I believe in pro-choice and I think that the mother should have the right to chose whether she...
Coal and crude oil energy sources are more harmful to us than we thin they are. Nuclear energy provides us with a better option.
Water pollution can have a severe effect on our earth and it’s time for this generation to take some sort of action to prevent further damage.
Allowing global warming to continue unchecked is putting today’s society and that of future generations at risk of losing the world as we know it t...
Gun Control is a major problem in the U.S. that needs to be thought over. Pro-gun control people want to have stricter gun laws to keep the people ...
Why do people have to pay to survive health care should be free.
I am a junior from Lafayette, Louisiana. As a high school student, I have noticed the changes in our country involving education, jobs, and poverty...
Gun control affects the wrong people in America. It disarms citizens and keep them from defending themselves. More gun control laws in America sh...
Immigration is huge and should be handled appropriately.
Mass incarceration destroys communities
Racial Discrimination in our country and how it impacts us as a whole.
Police are killing inocent people, and it needs to stop.
Reinstate voting privileges for ex-convicts who have proven to have changed their lives for the better.
Elephants are headed toward extinction, this letter shows why we need need to inform ivory buyers of why buying ivory is so bad, set stricter poach...
The United States of America should be a nation that provides everyone the same educational opportunities. America is known as the land of opportun...
The minimum wage shouldn't be raised because it does more harm than good for our country. Raising the minimum wage causes job losses, inflation, jo...
Arts education is important to schooling today, and we need to try and keep it alive in school.
People keep dying in the United States, because guns are out of control and I want the president to take a look very close at gun sellers and try t...
We should not treat them with disrespect
Concerns about gun violence and some facts to make you think about this problem we have and make some changes to it.
I want to focus on free higher education.
The social impact of the transgender movement.
Animals are dying everyday to our human ways. They then soon die off from the world. We need to stop this before we kill ourselves, let's save the ...
Trumps ideas on making America Great again is not to bad, it is just the way he plans to do it and what he will do after it.
What will you do about social security? Well I am going to be telling you what it means for us to have it in the united states of America. And what...
Illegal immigrants should be deported because they have broken the law and hurt the United States economy
This letter is describing both sides to police shootings. Who is affected and what can be done.
The financial aspect of getting a college education can be deterring to a lot of teens aiming for higher education. This issue can be dealt with i...
Domestic animal abusers are five times more likely to abuse their loved ones next. What can we do to give this issue more prominence?
Climate change is a pressing matter for everyone, and it is something we must do our best to mitigate immediately.
Although we are rich in renewable sources we are poor in non renewable
My letter is about creating a new scholarship for college students who's financial aid has ran out.
Racism is ruining our country.
I am writing to the President to discuss the issue of cancer.
Terrorism is everywhere! They are on social media, targeting teenagers and younger kids around our age. Even worse, they are spreading rapidly! We ...
Schools need more security. Children and teachers shouldn't be scared to go to school.
According to the Huffington Post, at least 194 African American lives were taken at the hands of police officers so far this year. ALL Lives Matter.
We believe the next president needs to address the issue of gun control.
College tuition cost needs to be lowered for the success of this Nation to grow
Police brutality and racism has been occurring for too long, and you have to take action before history repeats itself again.
Why buying locally sourced meat or meat-free options is better in the long run for ourselves and the future.
Dear next president, The issue of police brutality has been a major problem and popular issue facing this country right now. The police are...
College student should be paid
As the use of electronic devices advances, the more cases of cyber bullying will occur.
Police Brutality is getting out of hand
This letter speaks about issues such as gun control, foreign relations and privacy specifically with emails.
Firearms are way too easy to obtain these days, and we need something that can help control the firearms.
These days crimes involving gun violence are increasing at an exponential rate. Everywhere you look a tragedy with guns involved has occurred. Scho...
Cosmetic Animal Testing is, unfortunately, still a common practice in the beauty industry. It is not nessassary, effective, or moral and I believe ...
In this essay I talk about women's rights in the United States and why they are important to me.
Illegal immigration is causing problems for the United States.
Immigrants are what make up our country. Why Make a wall to block them?
Many people face the fear of not being able to pay next month's rent or getting evicted from their households everyday and if there were more rent ...
What should we do with our taxes?
This is a paper about how we can solve and what is wrong with Illegal Immigration
This letter is about football injuries.
If you ask a group of 3 people and you asked them about human trafficking 1 out of those 3 will know what human trafficking is. Be informed about t...
Before pollution gets worse and worse we need to change the way we travel.
adding jobs to the U.S. economy should turn everything around, trump says he is going to add 25 million jobs to strengthen the economy.
This is about ending standardized testing or changing the requirements. Standardized testing is not necessary.
Animal Cruelty is happening all around the world and it needs to be stopped.
How can we fix the problem of college minority acceptance rates in America. Everyone deserves the chance to be successful.
I think that school food should be made a lot better for kids around the country. This letter explains what is wrong with school lunches and how th...
I think single mothers should have some type of government help that does not have to be a hassle to get.
Many veterans are experiencing delays in the health care system as it is now, which needs to be changed for the people who have worked hard to serv...
A fetus is a human not a mistake.
Do you believe that global warning is happening? Well it's happening, and it has been becoming a big problem. Help us fix the problem.
Illegal immigration is a big issue in our country. We need to do something about it. This letter addresses this problem and gives information and a...
We need to keep guns out of the hands of people with criminal records.
Some people can use guns wisely. most of human society can't use guns properly. I type this letter to inform you of gun control. You should conside...
Reasons that the next President should close the gender wage gap.
People that are Pro-Choice believe that giving birth to an unwanted child can cause depression. According to, women who hav...
Dear future President, Have you have seen in the news? Many unarmed young black men have been fatally shot by police officers across the country. ...
Guns should be illegal in the United States.
Students have to wake up very early and rush to get to school on time.
thoughts From A hunter.
Dear President. Everyday we look around and see that everything is normal but many of the people we see everyday are homeless or struggli...
Police brutality on black people should be forced to an end
An oil pipeline that sits at the bottom of the Straits of Mackinac by the name of "line 5" threatens all we have come to know and love about the Gr...
Mass shootings in America happen too frequently and the process of purchasing these deadly fire arms is all too easy. Other countries with control...
Ever since humans were formed racism has been a problem. Throughout the years many people have tried so hard to stop this but despite their efforts...
Using a needle exchange program to fix a problem. This is just my opinion on a subject I feel strongly about.
Impacts of oil fracking slam poetry
In America discrimination is a big problem. There are many types of discrimination but two main types of discrimination are gender discrimination a...
After-school music programs like El Sistema in OKC help students build a community.
My subject is about making more gun laws and stricter background checks.
A letter written by a 17 year old, Hispanic woman, that focuses on the issues of immigration which need to change in America.
I think the government should enforce more gun control.
48 football-field lengths of trees are cut down every minute.
There are to many standardized test for kids in the United States
Facts and opinions on marine pollution and one of the biggest cause for it.
A friend told me that wisdom is a lot different than smarts. I wanted the political party representatives to realize that KNOWING what to do as pot...
Stricter gun laws are not the only way to prevent shootings.
Minimum Wage is too low.