We are all immigrants in some way or another. It should be allowed.
Dear Next President, Are you aware of the current condition of our current Judicial System and the state of our prisons? I firmly believe that the...
Post-Secondary education is becoming more in demand, people need to adapt to the change and efficiently increase knowledge and motivation.
This is about recent police brutality reports.
Today, there is a growing debate over abortion, and I believe we should end the debate and make abortion legal.
The Hispanic community is in need of help to increase graduates not only in high school but in colleges too. Hispanics are one of the fastest growi...
Homelessness is a very important issue that has gone on for many years. Many lives have ended early because of the causes of homelessness, and the ...
This letter is to inform about the high percentage of obesity; the increse risk of gaining diabetes, in high school lunches and to pursuede and sho...
Stand by those whose lives and lands are violated by the Dakota Access Pipeline.
We need immigration reform to make it easier for immigrants to become citizens.
College tuition needs to be lowered to a reasonable price for people who can barely afford it.
Homelessness is disappointing because it is sad to see all those homeless people living on the streets and no where to live and nothing to eat.
Our environment is collapsing at an increasing rate, we need to take action soon to protect us and the planet we live on.
A police officer stops you because of your skin color? Because of the car you drive? Even because of how you dress... how would you feel?
NBA Players Against Police Brutality
America should mandate that all public schools hire a child psychologist to evaluate children in grade Kindergarten, 4th, 8th, and 12th. This will ...
About 3.2 million kids are victims of bullying. We can help them by stepping up for them.
Police abuse power and kill people for unnecessary reasons. Families are affected when police kill their loved ones. There is always another side t...
The U.S. government is in debt to foreign countries. College students and graduates suffer from debt in the U.S.
In this letter, the pressing issue centers around to acceptance of the Syrian refugees in the United States and how helpful the U.S. could be in ai...
How will you improve and maintain proper health care for the women of America? What are the future improvements and changes you will make as presi...
Animal abandonment is only one of the many reasons why beloved companions in the U.S. die each year. It's time we considered the non-human civilian...
Dear Next President, I think you should hold more social events to build stronger relationships between communities and police, so that more peop...
we don't need gun control
The climate is changing rapidly, for worse. What can we do to reverse the effects?
With increasing tensions between Russia and The United States, how will our next President handle these problems and what course of action will he ...
My opinion on a few issues that I find very important.
Dear​ ​Future​ ​President, ​ ...
Human trafficking has become a major problem that needs to be resolved.This is how we can prevent this problem from continuing to hurt our girls an...
Why renewable energy should be put into full effect.
I feel that college now should not cost so much to get an education.
The legalization process should be made more effective and easier for the people coming into the U.S.
Our Nation needs to gang up on the obstacle of unemployment!
Just a couple points about how our educational system is failing.
Let's look at the pro's and con's of changing the drinking age to a lower age.
Steps should be taken to make America safe again
Lowering college tuition
My name is Timothy and I would like for Hillary to read this and help solve this number one issue in our country today. As we all know innocent Bl...
Animal testing is a terrible act and must stop.
The spread and building of nuclear weapons. What the problem is.
People should be educated about how to keep themselves healthy, and helped to make healthy choices.
I believe that the President should raise the minimum wage to $13.
This is a letter addressing sexual assault, what the American Criminal Justice System does about the misconducts, and the way that it affects peopl...
Abortion should be legal only when medically necessary.
We need to start paying attention, and sacrificing things we don't need, for things we do, like oxygen, and a place to live.
Global warming is a serious problem in the world
The U.S. fiscal deficit is the utmost concern for the next president, due in part by international economic turmoil.
Censorship is just a word, its consequences are much more than that.
Combat in the Middle East has taken so many lives and cost so much money that it is imperative that it is stopped.
There are a lot of issues surrounding animal treatment. We need to fix issues like animal testing and dog fighting.
Black Lives Matter is a group that protests the police, but in the process they are breaking laws. Black Lives Matter could be better than they are...
Injustice to refugees is a baseless, immoral act.
I took the time to wright about how immigration is causing problems for the U.S.A.
Health care payments are helping and even troubling some families. Not everyone can afford to buy insurance with a low paying job.
The education system must change in order to intellectually, culturally, and emotionally enrich today's students.
Why and how you should address child abuse.
It's expensive!!!!
When is the hatred going to stop
I hope to focus on free education.
Bullying is a very bad thing that needs to be fixed, but with the help of you, Mr./Mrs.President, you can help.
We've all heard of racism and know that it's a big issue, but when are we going to face it?
In the U.S. conserving water is as important as breathing air and soon we will run out.
The war on drugs - A failure still funded.
Working together to help save the planet.
Addressing the lack of diversity in the teaching methods in America.
Victims of abuse, whether physically or verbally, need to be heard.
African Americans don't deserve to be seen as a separate category than all other races. America needs the people as a whole to face challenges and ...
Some subjects that personally affect me or that I am concerned about, are immigration, unemployment, low income families, equal rights, for all sex...
Mentally ill people are being blamed for gun by politicians and media violence when the real problem for gun violence is poverty.
Society today has been severely impacted by the rising amount of gun violence in the 'Land Of The Free', so how can we stop it?
College debt in America continues to progressively grow as each year passes. While it is impossible to wipe away our debt immediantly, steps can b...
This letter, is a way for me to share my wish for better journalism for the American people.
This is a letter about reforming public school education.
Women in society are fighting for their rights and how can you help this cause?
Abortion is the murder of innocent humans and needs to be stopped
I wrote about the issues the next President should focus on. Which are racial tension and terrorism. These are one of the biggest issues that are h...
Drug abuse has risen in teens, education about abusing could be the fix
I am writing about police brutality and how it is wrong.
Don't take our guns
Bullying has become more and more of an issue in the United States.
A letter from a frustrated young woman demanding social and political equality for an entire gender that has been trampled on since the dawn of civ...
No matter how old, young, or what the color of your skin is, all lives matter.
This is about how global warming changes us as a country.
I am writing to you on behalf of the transgender individuals in your country. They are being denied their civil rights and it’s up to you to do som...
The majority of students face the trials of trying to pay for college. If so many students are having a hard time, why is there no one helping?
My letter is mainly about politics like taxes, border protection, and the justice system. It even talks about the election on November 8th 2016.
Forest fires in the U.S. are a problem. Here is some background and solutions for them.
How much land being taken from Native Americans
If schools were to start later in the morning students would improve in school in so many ways.
Marijuana should be legal in the US.
Many schools across the US have removed many of the things students actually wanna do and enjoy going to school for.
There are many important issues involving our country currently. So why don't we work together and solve these issues one at a time.
School violence needs to stop.
Immigrants are being deported for no reason. People came here to the United State to start a new life.
Peer Pressure and how it influences us.
Environmental destruction needs to stop!
20,000 people die every day from cancer. This includes men, women and children who should or could be saved if we could just find a cure.
Refugees should be admitted into the US to have a place to call home. In the past, no refugees have committed any acts of terror.
Dear Future President,