My letter talks about all the reasons why marijuana should be legal and how it will help our economy and medically.
This country deserves equality for all.
My concerns in this area.
This letter is about what I feel should be done for immigrants, when they come the United States.
about how the system should be changed.
We need to make sure that the dogs and cats that don't have homes still get the right care. The street is not the safest place for these animals ev...
Is a right that women should have because it involves their bodies. And it shouldn't be taken away by anyone. My letter gives the reasons why.
Resettling Syrian refugees is not an easy task. Refugees have a long-term list of needs that have to be met. They need jobs, transportation, home...
The rich aren't paying there taxes putting large amounts of stress for the lower 99% and they have to much influence in the government making it ve...
The minimum wage would effect the country in negative ways.
College tuition is very expensive and many people don't have the money.
Abortion should not become illegal
I think that the president should not deport illegal immigrants become U.S citizens.
Homelessness is a huge problem and we can stop it...
We believe that the next president should address the problem of people suffering from smoking
It's time for the government to take action to protect animals.
Many people in the middle and lower class are unable to afford a higher education. Please help more US citizens get the education they deserve.
This is a plan I know will work to get more rights for lgbt+ people in this nation or even the whole world
With presidency, comes great responsibility. He/she has to be prepared for duties, such as solving the issues of citizens, and just being a great ...
My letter is about gun control. Specifically that people with registered guns aren't causing the problems, We promote too much violence through med...
Why are stricter gun laws a necessity?
To prevent bullying from happening, you have to teach people why bullying is not a safe thing.
Gun Control
This letter was created to express concern over the proposals for immigration in the United States and reasons why you, as the future President of ...
Heroin use in the United States is worsening every year and the government of the United States needs to find a better way to decrease the number o...
Government has to stop taking property
gun control should not be a thing because people use guns to defend themselves.
When teens get pregnant there first reaction is to get a abortion because they feel like their in this alone, they're not ready to care for one yet...
Schools need to ramp up their security, to prevent violence.
The Honorable Future President 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear future President, I am a resident of North Miami, FL and I am a ...
Discrimination against transgenders is an issue which must be stopped in order to continue to prosper together as a nation
Marijuana should be legal because people need it for medical reasons.
We are all littering. We are all hurting animals with our trash.
Police Brutality/Black Lives Matter and Gun Control are major problems throughout the U.S. and something needs to change.
In the US, you have the power to end the pay gap between women and men and finally overcome gender discrimination.
Abortion is killing innocent lives
Homeless is a huge problem; let's do something about it.
This is a problem in my community because people everyday, are getting their lives taken away from them, for something that's not their fault.
600 people are dying each year from accidental gun deaths. How do we stop this accidental violence?
The Syrian Refugee crisis is a serious humanitarian crisis and the US needs to accept more refugees.
Basically, college students in Louisiana are having problems affording college tuition and there are questions on what our next president will do a...
Find out why animal testing is horrendous and how it harms you and you bank account.
Racism is a growing problem in the United States. Many African Americans and Muslims are being discriminated against just because of their skin col...
Rising tuition costs threaten the American Dream
Are we really free to love whomever we like?
Abortion is not the right decision.
Keep Wrestling Alive.
The pay gap between men and women has decreased; however, this may not be enough. Both men and women deserve equal pay!
gun violence should be a law
We need new strategies to help spread awareness about child abuse.
Homelessness in America
National reciprocity for concealed permit holders, supporting our Second Amendment right.
To decrease the number of undocumented immigrants the U.S government should make visa requests more easily obtainable to people in other countries ...
This letter talks about what people do to themselves when they get bullied and how bullying could be stopped.
People in the LGBTQ+ community aren't always being treated as equals and we need to fix that.
As the human population increases, global warming increases with it.
We need gun control. I think we have reached a new low in the grand history of atrocities us humans have committed. School shootings.
Global warming is something real, we shouldn't be looking it as something small. We are just making it worse for our planet. Something small from e...
My letter is about gun control
In this letter, I talk about what should be done with gun control including regulations and what should need to occur to get certain weapons and id...
Education systems need to be catered to the career path the student plans to take in order to give them the information and knowledge they require ...
Immigration is an issue for the U.S and it should be taken care of.
The 2nd amendment was created to protect us from the Government. For the Government to take it away is the same as taking away your freedom
Even though firearms are marked as protection, they actually cause more harm to those we want to protect. I am 17 years old and I have born witness...
Donald Trump has expressed his opinion many times regarding capital punishment, and here's my response...
The lack of technology is bad in classrooms today.
Our future president needs to focus on our generation, because we will make the biggest difference!!
It's cheaper and more efficient, and it prevents carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere.
This needs to stop. No matter our race, we are all the same.
My letter to the president I'm pointing out how important Affirmative Action is in today's world.
Currently only 6% of studies on marijuana is to analyze its medicinal properties, but these studies show some of the miracle effects this one drug...
October 26, 2016 ...
The situation of immigration is at a high but we need to know how we should approach it and realize what consequences could come our action to cont...
These days crimes involving gun violence are increasing at an exponential rate. Everywhere you look a tragedy with guns involved has occurred. Scho...
Dear Future President,
Taxes are necessary for our social safety net
This is effecting a lot of people all over and becomes more dangerous each day
We can’t be expected to know what we’d like to do in the future if we’re not exposed to careers. All high school students should have access to div...
I wrote a letter to the next president regarding college costs.
How to down the abortion rate.
Out of all my my research on this topic between the two candidates, I could hardly find any sources for Donald Trump. It's almost as he has avoided...
Unclean unsafe water is an issue in Africa. Will you do anything to prevent this issue?
Inequality and racism throughout the nation
Why you, Mr trump should switch America to nuclear power.
Getting your child vaccinated is important for your childs health and for people around them.
Climate Change is often an ignored part of current issues. It may not seem as important as economy or immigration, but it is just as if not more im...
My letter is about banning animal testing in cosmetics and reducing it in all other tests, for reasons such as that it is inhumane, ineffective, an...
We should support Israel in the Middle East.
A woman's right to her own body should hold a higher power than the government or any religious group, especially when it comes to the subject of c...
My letter to the future president about what life is like in modern Aleppo and how we can help the innocent citizens.
Gun control is an issue on which Americans are deeply divided, and Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump couldn't be farther apart on it. The fact that...
A letter on the support of abortion.
"Every 109 seconds, and American is sexually assaulted. Every 8 minutes, that victim in a child. Meanwhile, one 6 out of 1,000 perpetrators are sen...
The LGBTQ+ community deserves equal treatment.
I'm addressing the issue of sexual assault on women.
Water in many cities in The United States, have contaminated water or also known as unsafe water. The most common problem are the lead pipes that w...
School Funding
A letter talking about the pollution problem
One of the most pressing issues is the federal budget. Both democrats and republicans can agree that the doling out of money should be closely and ...