Immigrants should not be deported and should be given the citizenship if meets requirements.
Dear Future President, Women in the U.S have an option of having a child or having an abortion. All in all, women should have that option, because ...
The future of immigration process in the United States
The uses of tech can go far, but are we using it too often?
There is no need to ban guns, but there are steps that could be taken to ensure America is safer.
The education system in the United States must be reform in order for children to compete at a competitive level. The next President of the United ...
Only police officers should be allowed to own guns in the U.S.
A summary of a few of many of underlying faults in the American public education system
College athletes should be paid for what they bring to their universities. For all of the blood, sweat, and tears that they shed for the school, th...
Politicians tend to overlook the issue of Climate Change.
Improved gun control and regulations are necessary, but should not be banned.
What should we do to fix the drug problem?
In this letter, I will be highlighting my concerns about the higher cost of education and why there should be a change in this issue so all humans ...
Planet Earth is greater than the United States alone; how can we support the global effort to take care of our globe?
Asian students face racism in schools.
Women's Rights
Gang Violence
In our class we worked on slam poetry on politics and as a group my group and I decided to do our poem on immigration. We wanted to express our fee...
In my letter, I addressed the constant topic of immigration and how it has made a positive impact to America, why we should continue with our immig...
There is a lot of racism in this country, and it seems to only be increasing as the days progress. I believe racism shouldn’t be tolerated anywhere...
Everyday about 5,760 children are being given up or put in foster care and orphanages . So clearly things aren't getting better . There are way to...
Abortion is known as the infamous baby killer, however, there's more to it than the life or death of a fetus.
Drugs should be illegal/banned.
This is an important issue that needs to be handled immediately. We need to stop police brutality.
I am writing a letter to the future president to explain why there are many reasons why the children of undocumented immigrants are not a threat.
A letter to the next president
Immigration has played a large part in our country's past and will continue to play a large role in our future.
Our Economy is damaged, do you have the power and courage to change it for the better, or are you going to just let it slip?
A plea for help with the growing trash problem in our country.
This plan illustrates the importance of rebuilding America and preparing it to handle immigration before we allow more immigrants in. In this propo...
I believe men and women should be paid the same salary for the same job.
I strongly believe you should make it your primary effort to eliminate pollution from this great country. I say this because I don't want our futur...
Dear future President, my name is Elizabeth Flores Moya, I am 17 years old and currently attend Community Academy of Science and Health high school...
Our minds should be focused on education not profits for test companies
Terrorism is a major problem in the U.S. and there might be a few ways to prevent it.
Gun control is a huge problem that is always talked about. It needs attention and something needs to be done.
Let's apply some laws to keep our country with the least affects on the active global warming.
my thoughts on environmental issues
Either deport illegal immigrants en masse or grant amnesty en masse - but be decisive about it.
Transgender people have certain access to different things like their choice of restroom which is absolutely unacceptable. Abortion is an issue tha...
America needs to put a stop to all animal testing because it is cruel and inhumane.
There is a increasing amount of police issues and it needs to be stopped.
Texting and driving can be dangerous
Issues of immigration have become much more persistent and prominent over the last decade, specifically in this election cycle, and are, in part, d...
In our current society there seems to be a misunderstanding between citizens and the police force. I believe that lack of police training may be on...
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S. citizens
This massive issue of the heaping national debt cannot be overlooked because the consequences will continue to develop into a major downfall. The N...
Global warming is the most pressing issue we face today as a global community yet we focus more on our selves than all of us a whole.
"Racial profiling has destroyed trust in today's policemen" for instance if a black male has an expepensive car some policemen will pull them over ...
While the problem may seem small now, euthanasia is a major issue in the United States.
A letter addressing the atrocities that occurred because of a careless mistake in Flint, Michigan.
Which endangered animals should we save and why.
Slow Immigration Down
The decision to end a pregnancy is a basic human right that should be available anyone wishing to have an abortion; it needs to be a choice.
College tuition is rising and a lot of people cannot afford it. The cost for college should be lowered so more people can have the opportunity to g...
Public and private schools are becoming more and more dangerous due to the violence that goes on in schools.
Why should a dead body have more rights than a pregnant woman?
In this letter I will explain the problems and my concerns with the Common Core State Standards in hopes that you will take my ideas into considera...
kids of color are underrepresented in kids books
Racial profiling among police brutality is an issue, here is my stand.
transgender bathroom are the big topic around america if it should be legal or nah these are my reason and opinion on what we should do to fix it.
Our government should continue to fund Planned Parenthood because of its effective role in our country.
Immigration problems
Many Students are being suppressed in today's education system. Many students are not gifted in comprehension and understanding of high level class...
We need more gun control in America so it can be more safe
The laws on abortion needs to be changed.
Rape and human trafficking are major issues in today's world.
This is my letter on the issue of police brutality in our nation.
A life is a life no matter how small it is. This is my response to the abortion debate.
Letter to the next president about equality issues in America.
to Hilary
Our state and community police officers do so much for us as Americans. We need to keep them safe too.
Improving the economy is not as simple as following one simple course of action; however, I believe that legalizing the recreational use of marijua...
This letter is about where America needs to place it's priorities.
The issue regarding healthcare and the debate between the candidates.
Kaepernick is kneeling during the national anthem and people are getting upset . Kaepernick believes the flag is not fair.
Global warming and climate change are real, current, and man-made. We need to be the ones to fix the issue.
College debt is a very serious problem because it is increasing yearly, leaving students swimming in debt when they get out of college. With this b...
Texting while driving laws should be more enforced because it distracts the driver and puts lives at risk.
Persuasive letter to the next President opposing standardized testing.
College Student Athletes should receive compensation for their contributions to their university.
There are problems with our health care, I can only hope you can fix.
Racism is a problem.
Gun violence is a problem in our country. Innocent people are being murdered and they have the right to live their lives as long as everyone else.
I created a letter about my concern for the amount of debt college students attain by the time they graduate and how it affects them and their futu...
School start times are too early.
It is 2016 we should no longer be supporting and promoting rape culture.
In this text I am writing to the next president why they shouldn't ban guns in the U.S.
It's time for change.
Teens should stop smoking because they could influence younger kids to smoke,also they are young and their lives will be ruined due to the side eff...
United States youth are suffering from parent deportation
technology can be helpful, but it can be dangerous.
Medical marijuana should be legalized, not ignored.
Some subjects that personally affect me or that I am concerned about, are immigration, unemployment, low income families, equal rights, for all sex...
Dangerous roads, dangerous driving, and deadly blind sides are leading to Americans Deaths.
This letter to the president discusses gun control and the benefits of the gun industry and being able to own a gun.
A look into the number of people being allowed to enter the the country coming from refugee areas in Europe.
Many states have banned the Death Penalty, which takes away from the justice system. Why? read on...
Less and less schools are enforcing cursive handwriting for elementary aged children, and cursive is disappearing from our country at an alarming r...