Deforestation may not seem like a big problem right now. If you are thinking this, you are incorrect! Deforestation is a vast issue right now, and ...
Drug usage in teens is getting to out of control.
We need to show young teens that they don't have to edit their photos on social media to be beautiful, by restricting the amount of editing profess...
Persuasive letter to the next President, advocating for the change of immigration
Dear Future President,
I wrote this letter because I have an strong opinion about global warming and what the next president should do about it.
The programs in place in the US to help refugees are pretty flawed, and could use some changes.
Terrorism is a rising problem in many countries, and now it's happening to us.
College tuition costs are much too high, but will lowering them really help?
Racial Discrimination in our country and how it impacts us as a whole.
Teachers should be trained better to deal with bullies in schools.
Alcohol is very bad for people and it can harm them.
In the midst of inequalities and political chaos, one issue remains ignored: the bullying phenomenon in American schools.
Schools need to allow students more sleep.
This is an average L.A. high school student's point of view on our current education system.
Eradication of poverty must occur in order for the United States to become a more independent nation.
Nationwide economics education can help prepare our citizens for the future.
Students should get sleep rather than complete homework.
Abortion is the murder of innocent humans and needs to be stopped
Banning mass breeding facilities can not only decreases the amount of companion animals euthanized, but also give them a chance to find a loving ho...
This letter explores the issue of inequality to women.
Helping Homeless get their life together.
Gun Control has been a key issue in America of recent years, one that needs political action done to prevent future incidents.
A Mexican immigrant's life is hard. They come to the United States to live a better life with or without papers, but Americans decide to deport imm...
Executing criminals that convicted the most violent crimes should not be put to death; Therefore it should not be a form of punishment. ...
My paper covers how lax gun control affects the U.S. in negative ways and how we can take steps to fix them.
School start times are adding more stress to students lives that they do not need.
Abortion needs to stay legal. Women die from illegal abortions.
The death penalty is worse than life in prison, because it isn't economically sound.
The drug policy and drug war are overly strict and do not solve any of America's drug problems.
Some issues like police brutality, terrorism, etc. can really be a bigger issue if our president doesn't fix them.
this is what came to do in the united states, but most of our opportunities are taken away because of what we are, where we came from, and the colo...
Colleges do not provide enough help financially for middle-class citizens.
Recently, the United States has been in controversy over the actions of police officers around the nation. The actions of a few people cannot const...
Guns do more harm that good
Find out why animal testing is horrendous and how it harms you and you bank account.
Students of different ethnicities are not receiving the same opportunity for success through our current education system.
The gender wage gap in America should be closed.
The US government must utilize the power of GMOs to strengthen our country in numerous ways.
Persuasive letter to the next President to abolish standardized testing.
There is a need for growth in the labor force and wage incentives.
Pollution and Global Warming is a big problem in the present day.
Hunger is a big problem in the United States and in the world. Stop hunger.
Dear President: I am writing this letter to you about an issue that is important to me as well as my peers in high school and to children of all a...
we have a growing America, lets bring the new, old, similar and opposing together.
Black Lives Matter
Inequality needs to stop its getting to much out of hand
As the population increases, it also decreases due to gun violence!
Education is the key to life. It will help you everyday.
I am a 16 year old high school student who believes that everyone should be treated equally in this country.
The current hysteria regarding muslims in America brings up an important issue between national security and human rights.
I have a concern about gun laws that are negatively affecting our nation. I want to share with you the facts about guns and death in the US, guns a...
The healthcare system was created to support the citizens of the United States. However, this system has its flaws.
Undocumented immigrants should not be separated from their U.S. born children, families need each other for support. As the next president, I hope ...
My letter is about LGBT community rights and equality. I believe everyone has the right to be equal and be treated the same no matter what their se...
Thermal pollution is not well known but it is still killing lots of animals.
Our planet is a gift to us. We as a community should be protective of it.
A look at how gender inequality needs to be eliminated.
Animal testing in laboratories is abusive and cruel.
Basically to let the president know that people are dying more of guns than surviving. I want the president to do something about it, From personal...
Undocumented immigrants should become American citizens in this nation.
A big issue
Convicts with first time offenses should have the same chance to get a job as somebody with a clean record.
Problems concerning poverty in our country, how it's a problem that must be taken care of, and possible solutions. This urgent problem is discussed...
Syria is threat to the United States.
Breeders are over breeding dogs and cats leaving the mother and puppies/kittens in poor health, causing people to bring them to shelters, where the...
Almost every day, you hear a child has gone missing on the news. An average of 700 children are abducted each day in the U.S.
No one should be kneeing for the National Anthem it is disrespectful.
My dear future president i was just wondering if you could do something about a major problem these day's. Terrorists are doing a lot of harm t...
I address this letter about immigration in the United States. As you may know,there has been some problems about the topic of immigration, like wha...
People shouldn't be treated differently because of their sexuality.
Dear President. Everyday we look around and see that everything is normal but many of the people we see everyday are homeless or struggli...
The importance of better gun control and regulations.
I think there should be a substantial increase in border control. There are many people entering this country legally and illegally. If the rate of...
Violence in Schools
This essay summarizes how expensive College tuition is and the problems it can cause.
i think that the LGBTQ community should deserve more help and support because we don't feel that we get as much help.
Our military needs better funding
The next President should recognize immigrant's academic work and achievements. People spend lots of time and money to get a diploma and when that ...
Nearly everything that happens in the world will boil down to equality, which is a necessity as basic as oxygen.
Standing for the Pledge of Allegiance
These people strike fear into the American people, and they’re not part of ISIS.
Marijuana should be legal.
Do you think the second amendment is important?
Students take so many state tests that it stresses them out and makes it hard for them to be children.
Raising minimum wage would result in a better economy and society.
The affects of Police Brutality and Racial Inequality upon African-Americans.
It doesn't matter what language you speak, what race you are in, or the color of your skin, we are all human and we should all be treated fairly, e...
We need to stop the persecution of the LGBTQ community from the government and the people of this country.
I am writing this to address the National Debt issues
Where can the US draw the line between supporting its low-income citizens without hindering economic growth?
Children are dying everyday from hunger and having to suffer from the day they are born.
How to help and view people in poverty around the world. People around the world that live in poverty are looked at completely differently, they ar...
This letter is about child abuse.
Recycling should be mandatory in the United States because it allows every person to do their part to protect the world.
I believe that abortion is a problem that we should have a choice on.
Many people cross borders daily. They harm our country all the time.
Let's look at the pro's and con's of changing the drinking age to a lower age.