Change our ways to improve the environment
Our nation is corrupt and divided. When it comes to social issues, we become even more separated from one another. We are in need of a change that...
What does the internet mean to the world, and how censorship can destroy it.
Police violence is hitting too close to home
Why PEDs shouldn't be allowed in sports
Gun violence is a major issue in the United States, that we need to solve. Stricter gun control laws will decrease the amount of gun violence in th...
Dear Future President, Our world has faced discrimination in many forms, but one has corrupted our entire workforce. The gender pay gap is the hu...
Animal cruelty needs to stop its harming our population. A lot of species are dying because of animal cruelty.
As the new president we want you to stand up for domestic abuse.
The veterans who fought in wars are going homeless and many are hungry. We need to help them get back on their feet.
I care about how much college may cost me.
Why we should stop terrorism
I feel that the cost to adopt should go way down in order for more parents to be able to adopt and more children be able to find good homes.
We should make college more affordable so that we can increase the number of skilled workers in our country.
Save the new generations of working class Americans from unimaginable debt by sucking up our pride and guns to benefit the people whose tax dollars...
Guns don't commit crimes people do
Discrimination against race
Why is college so expensive? There are many families who can't afford the rent already so, why make it harder for them by making college so expensi...
Abortion is not okay, and it never will be. Give the baby a chance to live a fabulous life.
A life is a life no matter how small it is. This is my response to the abortion debate.
Abortion should become less available in the united states.
a short letter about racism.
Lack of gun safety has changed the world.
As the agricultural business expands to meet the needs of growing nations, deforestation increases, adding to one of the biggest environmental prob...
This letter is describing the issues I think we have with homelessness in America. I explain some problems but also solutions for homeless people a...
Stop signs should be abolished and become yield signs
Pennies are weighing down our pockets and our nation. It's time to take a stand.
Abortion should be a woman's choice
Black Lives Matter is more than just stories of people blocking highways on the news. It's a fight against institutional racism.
This letter explains the flaws in our criminal justice system and how they can be the start of more racism and a divided country
This letter is a plea to have nation or state wide start times for high schools changed, or made more uniform.
What Are We Coming To?
The polar bears are dying. We must defend their future.
In this text I am writing to the next president why they shouldn't ban guns in the U.S.
This letter will inform you about the loophole of birthright citizenship.
There is a lot of gun violence in the country. With more gun control the violence rate would decrease.
Police Brutality becomes worse and worse each day. It's an important matter in our country and it needs to stop.
Keeping our right to bear arms.
My letter is about allowing the Syrian refugees into the United States.
Ever since we were young, we've been led to believe that college is the key to success. Unfortunately not all of us have the same financial resourc...
I provide problems with job availability and some how immigration is effecting it.
There should be only one race, and that's the human race.
I think the death penalty should be more strict.
I think abortion is okay in some circumstances. It really just depends. These are my thoughts.
I write this, firstly, for the sake of the nonhuman animals who are the real victims whom are in a need of salvation; secondly, as an act of refor...
This is a letter about gun violence in America and how dangerous people can be if guns are in the wrong hands.
Why the death Penalty should become illegal.
I suggest that we not make mistakes like Britain. They left the EU because of a mistake. Don't let Texas do the same. #NoTexit
A life changing crime with a punishment way too small
My letter is about gun rights. It argues against gun control and gives alternate solutions. It also states why guns are important to Americans.
We need to stop using animals for human entertainment.
We should stop deforestation to protect animals as well as nature
This is a letter addressing student loans being a burden to those who are in a lot of debt.Causing students of today to not even want to go college...
There are too few restrictions on guns in the United States, especially in comparison to other countries. Background checks need to be implemented ...
National reciprocity for concealed permit holders, supporting our Second Amendment right.
Racial inequality and injustice is a problem that is not going away but needs to be solved.
The problem with people not going to college.
This letter is about the problems that students in our country face, specifically issues related to stress caused by an overwhelming number of assi...
It needs to be more equal and fair
Something has to be done about the lack of gun control in our community, our nation!
Schools should enact policies to help prevent, and hopefully end, bullying.
In a country full of rights and opportunity, I beleive some people should not have access to guns due to their state of mentallity.
The best way to give everyone equal opportunity and stimulate economic growth is not by making higher-level education free.
Many people cross borders daily. They harm our country all the time.
Improving the healthcare in the U.S is very important. Everyone should get the same amount of treatment even if someone is wealthy or poor.
Gun control is unnecessary.
Today's athletes are looking for an advantage over the competition that will help make them winners. Unfortunately, the adolescents of today are ca...
Dear Future President, I believe that public colleges should have more affordable tuition. Many students want to continue their education after ...
Drunk driving is a big problem in the United States, so here are some solutions.
In order to make America a better place, we can start with not legalizing the use of marijuana.
Redos and Retakes on homework and tests are hurting to students that are going to college.
Suicide is a growing epidemic in today's youth. The stigma associated with teen suicide only makes the concern more at risk. The time is well over-...
It's time we took a second look at the charter school situation in the U.S.
This letter addresses two issues in America today.
Don't let ocean pollution stop you form what you believe is beautiful:)
Women's inequality is something that has become a large issue for many people in America. Dear Madam or Mr. President, There are many disadvanta...
America's lack of gun control and the hazards it has created... The irony of "self-defense" and "thorough" background checks.
Illegal Immigrants need to be deported out of USA and go home
Sexual assault sentencing and statistics.
This letter is requesting an end to standardized testing in the United States.
Dear Mister or Misses President, The Amendments in our constitution were established for a reason, that reason is to assure the freedom of our peo...
This article is about Woman who have been victims of Domestic Violence, and them feeling like they
I would like to discuss the sustainable living practices of Americans and how they need to be reformed.
Our Gun Control and Background Checks need to be upgraded.
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Future President! Every day over and over again are people killed from guns. We hear it every d...
As president, I hope you can make reforms to the growing discrimination in America . Also, please reevaluate the gun laws we have due to how access...
Guns have harmed many children in the U.S. from and something needs to be done.
With small changes i believe you can end discrimination.
My topic is on sexism in jobs, and wages and their oppritunites since history has spiraled.
Poverty occurs throughout the whole world. No one should have to go through "Poverty".
Racial Inequality is a major problem that is still happening in the United States.
Orlando, San Bernardino, Newtown, Aurora. These places have become almost synonymous with the mass shootings that took place there. It is estimated...
Police need better training to stop the brutality.
This letter is about the ways education is received and how it needs to be changed to adapt to the learner.
Children are coming to United States because in their own country they are suffering violence; they need receive help to get a better a life and a ...
I think we should have more time for extra-curricular activities.
In recent years concerns and some changes have been applied to school lunch. However, students are still throwing away cafeteria food and opting fo...
#BLM is a relevant issue going on right now and needs to be addressed.