Over the past century, technology has advanced dramatically, medical breakthroughs are extending human life beyond what was previously thought impo...
This is what I think you should do as president.
The majority of recently graduated high school students plan to go to a college of university. The cost of tuition has made it nearly impossible fo...
This letter is about homelessness.
Dear Mr. president I am writing you this letter to talk to you about animal rights. The first thing I worry about is all the animals in zoo’s. ...
This letter is to inform about the high percentage of obesity; the increse risk of gaining diabetes, in high school lunches and to pursuede and sho...
In the United States the is a wage gap based on gender that shouldn't be there, everyone should get equal pay for equal work. With that change the ...
There is a way you can help these animals in puppy mills, dog fights, and animal hoarding.
I think that the gun control debate is nonsense. and that the answer is clear: banning or restricting guns does not help the situation in America.
My thoughts on Police Brutality
the inequality of males being paid higher than females and why this needs to change.
The causes and effects of ocean pollution.
The anti-discrimination laws for the LGBT citizens of the United States are clearly not working and it is up to the next president to fix it.
Reproductive and abortion rights for women are extremely important, and will put our country in complete chaos if the wrong decisions are made. It ...
Racism is still a big problem going on in this country and it needs to be addressed.
America needs to focus more on the terrorism happening inside our country rather than letting it hide in the shadows of international terrorism.
Abortion should be seen for the hideous crime that it is and therefore be made illegal in the United States. There are other solutions to unplanned...
Youth homelessness is a big issue in our nation, but do you know just how big of a problem it is?
There is a big issue.Children that are in foster systems don't get the opportunity to have a great education.
This letter is focused on the issue of Gun Violence in the United States.
Change has to be made in order to help and reduce the increasing population of people who are homeless in the United States.
how are you going to help the country?
Buying a gun should be made more difficult.
Dear next president, please take care of all these gun-related accidents. It should help to stop all off these things by taking them away from peop...
Condoms, Birth control,etc...
The existence of certain guns and the owners of guns with questionable records have been a major problem in our nation leading to the unnecessary...
Should parents be sneaking vegetables into their kids foods? Lettuce talk about that.
Abortion should only be considered when certain curcumstances apply.
High taxes can cause big problems
Global warming is a big issue now a days. This Article will explain how and why it effects us today.
Home made moon shine should be able to be made when you want to.
How will you, the future president, address our dire environmental predicament?
Anchor Babies
we could save them by saying just yes
Illegal immigration is an issue in the United States for many reasons. Changes need to be made before more damage is done to our country's economy.
Everyone deserves to be treated with equality and respect.
The LGBTQ community has been threatened and discriminated against. This needs to stop.
Our Education Depends On It, You Can Change It.
This is about fossil fuel issues.
Rape culture is a huge problem here in america, but the first part of fixing the issue is addressing it.
We need to keep the 2nd Amendment to protect my rights and also yours to bear arms.
Police Brutality
What I believe about the next president.
We need to increase budget for ZIKA
Blacks Should Have The Same Rights As Whites.
This essay combines the issues that are current, and why they need to be payed more attention to. By contributing more money to the environment, th...
Innocent blacks getting killed by police.
The history of the U.S. dollar and how it pertains to the issues of the U.S. Economy.
Letter to the president on gay marriage
Pro-gun control
Immigration has been an issue that has played the country.
Americans are worried about the government trying to take away our guns. Many believe that guns should be taken away, and some think otherwise....
Illegal immigration is a major issue in today's economy, but building a wall is no way to go about solving this problem.
The children of our nation are confined to certain education standards based on skin tone or socioeconomic status. It is up to the next president t...
Yes, ISIS is made up of Muslims, but not all Muslims are bad.
Gun violence and terrorism are the two most severe crimes that concern me right now. This letter addresses both of these issues.
Homelessness and poverty are some of the biggest problems in America right now. 564,708 people are homeless today in America which is an insane amo...
So, you're the president of the United States now? Great. Wonderful. There are many issues out there to be concerned about, but you should focus on...
I wrote this letter because I have an strong opinion about global warming and what the next president should do about it.
Let's enhance our safety as a country through saving the lives of innocent people by getting more gun control laws to regulate legal guns.
Racism is becoming a problem in today's world. Racism itself persists in our schools,offices,court systems,police departments, and else where. Per...
Racial profiling among black males has created a tension between the police for and the people of the black community. This has become an ongoing i...
We have been constantly polluting our planet for many, many, years, and if we don't change our ways of life soon, we will be forever changing the p...
persasive letter to do border patrol
Police Brutality/Black Lives Matter and Gun Control are major problems throughout the U.S. and something needs to change.
I am writing to you as I am very concerned about the increasing cost of higher education.
Homework should be banned because it can have extremely negative effects for students, it is unclear whether it is actually helpful, and it takes t...
The wolves of our world are in need of help. There are not many left, and they have been on the brink of extinction for decades.
Dog fighting or dog abuse, whatever you want to call it, it needs to stop.
Why Illegal immigrants should be tolerated
Abortion rights should stay legal for the following reasons. Abortion could make lives better for teenage mothers, rape victims, and mothers who ca...
Women (and men) are getting catcalled on the streets every day. What are you going to do about it?
My letter is about what "Police Brutality" looks like.
People who served us now don't have shelter!
The effect terrorism has on society and it's consequences.
Letter to future president
With people becoming more and more dependent on electricity, renewable energy is becoming more significant to our lives in meeting our needs and ke...
Police Violence has become a major issue in American society.
Our earth is an important resource with which we need to survive. If we expect to live happily in the future we need to take care of it. My letter ...
Persuasive Letter to the next President to eliminate the Standardized Tests.
bye bye abortion
The 2nd Amendment needs to be strengthened in order to decrease gun violence.
About how republicans should switch to pro-choice
All about Femnisim and how to treat women.
Its not about race.
Education needs attention
My letter is about how the president should stop immigration.
Gun violence are problem in America today we need make laws to solve this problem.
Laws should be more strict
Animals should have the same rights as humans, they should have the same rights because they can think for themselves and can make their own decis...
Letter to the next president about equality issues in America.
schools start too early for students to properly learn
LGBT Rights are being discussed in different manners and both candidates have different views on this opinion, so read my letter to find out why th...
How pollution is affecting the earth.
College tuition prices are too high.
We're spending more on our military budget than the next 7 countries combined. Here is how we can stop it.
Colin Kaepernick is kneeling during the National Anthem. There is now a huge uproar across the nation.
Women are getting paid less and not getting equal jobs. Women are also not getting all the rights they should be getting.