This is a problem in my community because people everyday, are getting their lives taken away from them, for something that's not their fault.
Police officers need to lower their amount of killings, racism, and take responsibility for their actions.
Animal abuse MUST stop NOW!!!!
Letter to the next President
Students nationwide are being given anywhere between 2-3 hours of homework per night. When is enough, enough?
Bilingual Education is underappreciated throughout the country.
You are President of the United States, "Forgive and forget," no longer applies.
Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization
About 3.2 million kids are victims of bullying. We can help them by stepping up for them.
My letter is about ending animal cruelty, it must be stopped. You think it's sad seeing animals locked up in cages.. Imagine how they feel looking ...
Islamophobia is rising in the US and it is important to work together to put an end to it.
Animal cruelty needs to stop- and vegetarianism needs to start
Immigration is hurting our country but here's what we can do
People are not aware of the frequency of suicide.
LGBT members are often discriminated just because they’re not straight and are often harassed.
The homeless need to have access to good health insurance.
Why are we not trying more to stop suicide and save lives?
The number of refugees are dramatically rising everyday. This is becoming a huge problem for our country. A problem that we need to fix and fix fas...
The price of college is way too expensive for students fresh out of high school.
This letter is about how the future president should help make public college tuition free.
Police brutality is wrong and has to be put to an end. This is an important issue to not just me but to most people.
Illegal immigration is a ongoing problem in the U.S that needs to stop
America currently faces healthcare issues. For some, the ride to get to the hospital gets dangerous, as well as the hospital itself. Our payment sy...
Horse soring is a form of animal abused that is has been banned but the law needs to be enforced.
Feminism affects every woman in the world.
Drugs are killing us slowly... get rid of chemical poisons
Terrorists need to be stopped, they can't continue to destroy our country.
Concussions in the NFL are a problem and need to be stopped.
This letter is about Circus Animal Abuse.
Learn from me, a 15 year old African American female, from Philly, what issues need to change in my environment, in effort towards a better America.
Why abortion should be a personal decision.
Dear President, I'm scared to be a woman.
This is about computers for schools and why they should have them.
I'm Black. Am I Next? This is what many minorities want to know while they just try to live their lives as American citizens. In this letter, we wi...
Issues for president
The nuclear weapons are too dangerous for the future.
Being a teen in high school can be really stressful, which is why the school systems needs to be altered.
Why is animal abuse so important and what should our country do to start helping this issue. Animal abuse and animal testing are both in the catego...
Racism is around the world,but did you know every child deserves their education.It Doesn't matter what your race or skin color you are.People are ...
Women's rights and the problems American women face as a whole. Looks into Why we have some of these problems. Focuses on Wage Gap, Sexual assault/...
We need to put an end to gas/oil powered cars.
Stop gun violence.
Having a stricter animal cruelty law will make it harder for anybody to treat an animal poorly.
In the United States, many look to higher education as a way to build their futures, yet all too many dreams are never brought to fruition due to e...
Gun control is important in our country, and there are many different views on this issue. Guns can put us in danger, but also how guns ultimately ...
In this letter to the next president, I will be arguing that gun violence need to be stopped and I will give some suggestions as to how we can fix ...
During this letter I am addressing my opinion on abortion and whether I believe if it should be legal or not.
There is way too much homework given to students in middle school through high school. This is causing problems for some people.
What America needs is smarter gun control laws. Not less, not more.
This contains two of the topics I believe the next president should address during their presidency.
This letter is basically explaining that immigration will always happen no matter what anyone tries to do. Either legally or illegally. We need to ...
I believe the leader of our country should lead an effort to reunite our polarized and broken political system.
A persuasive argument about GMOs using 18th Century Rhetoric.
This country was established for freedom, liberty and pursuit of happiness. It's hard to fulfill these thing's if people are being killed because t...
A plea to stop abortions.
If a woman chooses to get an abortion, it is none of your business. You should have no opinion on what a woman chooses to do with her body. But if ...
To be armed, or not to be armed; that is the question.
My letter is about why we should have vocational training in high schools.
College tuition is way to high for kids to join good colleges for what they want to go into.
We need to do more to protect endangered species in this world.
The cost of college for today's teenagers is outrageously high, and there needs to be a reduction made by the federal government.
There are way more problems America should be paying more attention to. We need to take these issues seriously, while we still have time.
Islamic terrorism needs to be stopped.
It is unfair that certain people are discriminated against, and I believe that should change.
It is about the violence in the city that people go to far to kill someone with a gun.
Women need to be given equal rights and pay in America.
There are so many people in the world that are starving and do not get enough to eat everyday. But there is something everyone can do to help this ...
The paper talks about how the price of college tuition is getting higher.
With the ongoing debate about gun control, here is why it isn't the problem.
Gun control and violence is becoming a big problem in the United States of America. read this essay to find out why and how to help.
The United States' gun control laws need to be improved.
Plastic bags should be banned because they create havoc in the marine world.
There has been many debates involving the rights that women have and how women should be treated equal. I believe that our next president should fi...
Bees are dying at an alarming rate and we can help to save the bees.
We need to take a stand against Islamophobia since it is a real problem in the U.S. Muslims don’t condone or believe in what ISIS and other terrori...
Police Brutality is killing innocent people, causing riots and uprisings, and are causing people to lose trust in their police force and court syst...
Animal abuse is intolerable and needs to end.
The minimum wage in America should be raised because of how much income affects a child's life. The current minimum wage is not enough for a family...
How a "pik and a click" could change children's lives
Many conservative politicians wish to defund Planned Parenthood but as a young woman, I think it provides necessary services and should remain fund...
Fixing the American Educational System
The police need to stop violence because it is affecting our community!
Keeping our troops safe at home and overseas.
Gun laws are altogether not strict enough.
The letter I have wrote is about ways we can help save our ocean by getting all of the garbage out and also ways we can use less plastic.
Every day, more young adults try prescription pain killers for the first time. The future this could lead to is tragic, but the way our country han...
Abortion is a medical advance that has changed lives for Americans everywhere. Working backwards by making it illegal would cause devastation to ou...
The roads in rural areas like Idaho are horrible, and tax dollars are not going to good use.
Student loan debt is forcing people to hold back on things like having children, and that's not good.
Teens should stop smoking because they could influence younger kids to smoke,also they are young and their lives will be ruined due to the side eff...
Dear future President, Have you have seen in the news? Many unarmed young black men have been fatally shot by police officers across the country. ...
Most people have no clue how new money is created in the US and the reality is that banks create new currency every time a loan is made. This debt-...
The future president should not have strict gun laws.
All people should be equal, no matter what skin color.
Laws should be made to control gun ownership
Give less money to the rich and more money to the poor.
If the government would legalize and tax on marijuana, would the public be better off? Yes. It would.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S citizens .
The idea of feminism should be changed, not completely abolished. Radical feminists should stop stereotyping men and focus on political and economi...