Water pollution is a serious threat to the marine environment. It puts many animals at risk and is decreasing the plant life. A vast majority of pe...
Many schools across the US have removed many of the things students actually wanna do and enjoy going to school for.
Abortion should be kept legal since women should be given the choice of what they want to do.
Every single day, the world burns through 94 million barrels of crude oil. This statistic is the equivalent to draining an Olympic sized swimming p...
We should support illegal immigrants.
We have misguided views on world cultures, we fear the unknown. By isolating ourselves, we strengthen those fears, until we separate. Fix this issu...
Dear, Donald J. Trump, My name is Adam. I was born here in the United States of America at the Kaiser Permanente hospital. I go to Aptos Middle Sch...
The Refugee Crisis
legalizing medical marijuana
Taxes are a big problem in America. The more taxes raise, the more Americans struggle to pay.
The education needs changes starting at an early age across the nation and these changes can be made.
There are many positive outcomes that would result from lowering the legal drinking age from 21 to 18.
The process of becoming a legal resident of the United States should be shorter, and shouldn't ruin families or break them apart.
This letter is about how bullying affects people. It needs to stop.
To protect American people we need secure borders.
Police brutality is increasing day by day and we need to take action.
College tuition should be free for public/community colleges for in state students.
Global Warming is a problem that is being overlooked
A big issue
In order to keep people safe, gun laws must be changed or altered.
1.6 million children will experience homelessness this year, making up one-third of the homeless population.
College Costs
Homelessness is an issue and it needs to stop in America.
Emiah Fennell has a simple request for the next president: fund equal access to education for all.
LGBTQ+ youths are harassed and abused daily and we need to take action.
Abortion should only be available in certain cases.
A look at the immigration issue facing our country.
In this letter to the Next President, Gun violence has gotten out of hand and we need to put an end to it.
My name is Candlelynn and myself and many other girls agree that there needs to be a stop to student dress codes. It causes many issues in many sta...
This letter is about the poverty rate of the city in which my school is. The town is very poor because there are no business opportunities. I would...
Many problems occur in this world, one of them being abortion and people wanting abortion to be illegal. If this were to happen it would have a neg...
This letter is about how the healthy eating program should stop and the food should go back to normal
What does the gender of someone have to do with how much they get paid? On average, women are earning 20% less than their male coworkers. This affe...
Many people may need health care or medical care because maybe some people can't afford the full price of the bill. Also what if a family is poor o...
The numbers of inmates should be reduced only in a way that will benefit the inmates but also the country.
Abortion should be kept legal and safe for every woman who needs it.
I’m 13 and I know how important the 2nd Amendment is.
School start times are too early.
Medical marijuana should be legal in all states because it can help sick people and can provide extra revenue for the state.
This letter tells about how kids are getting taken away from their immigrant family. And how getting deported is not the the solution.
Analyzing the wealth gap of America, and defining what it truly means, and what we can do to reverse its growing trend.
American schools are full of awful conditions, we need to band together to try and improve it.
Letter to the future president (Jobs)
Abortion is the act of taking away a life, taking away a life is murder. So i believe that abortion should be illegal.
to be added
All lives matter
Illegal Immigrants Help the Country in Many Ways.
Gun violence is a very serious problem that should be dealt with.
Women's rights is a topic that should be taken very seriously however is usually not. Women are being disrespected and things should be done to mak...
should gun rules change or stay the same?
People with disabilities rights being taken away, them being neglected and thought to be outside of society, there is no hope left for them in this...
Sure, adoption isn't quite on the list of most important issues in the United States right now, but it could be later. We must stop putting prices ...
Funding for Public Education
Police should stop abusing there power by taking innocent lives.
Everyday, people have to suffer being ridiculed and discriminated against for having a mental illness. We need to work together to end this problem...
A letter about the need for gun control in order to increase public safety.
Homelessness is a problem.
Debt, terrorism, racism, and gun violence.
Many students can not afford to pursue higher educations because of raised college tuition.
One issue I want to complain to you that the US wastes much food. Much food that we can’t eat most of is sold around us. We cook much food though...
We are running out of fossil fuels and at a very fast rate. Will the next president make the differences that need to be made? Or will they just pa...
There is a gun show loophole in the US, and criminals can take advantage of it.
My letter highlights the moral and legal issues involving banning abortion in the United States.
Abortion is one of the most controversial topics in today's society. The side of pro-choice argues for its allowance in the situation of rape, wher...
Decrease Tuition
A lot of people in the government say they care about the education system. However, a lot of them don't know what is truly going on. I wrote this ...
Police brutality is a big and glowing problem in the United States. We need a third party organization to watch over the Police Department.
I do not believe that scientist should hurt the silent victims going through torture and being tested on to make our everyday products.
The giant pandas that live on this planet are nearing extinction. We need your help to stop their extinction.
Politics and the government have become so grey, and it's an accomplishment to have a transparent elected official. It shouldn't be that way. We ne...
Sleep deprivation is affecting the education of students around the world. Read more to see how the future president could change this!
This is a letter about college
the problems having to do in our country
This letter is about the legalization of recreational and medical marijuana.
Cancer needs to be a priority to cure and stop it from killing our human race.
College tuition has tripled over the past three decades, so we need to find new ways to make college affordable for low-income families.
Many Universities are considering paying their student athletes.
Change has to be made in order to help and reduce the increasing population of people who are homeless in the United States.
Abortion is an issue that is killing innocent lives and negatively affecting our women.
Dear Future President of the United States,
The requirement for meals in public schools need to be changed
Do we, Native Americans, have the right of freedom of speech? If so, then why do we have an oil company trying to destroy our sacred land with a pi...
Animal Cruelty is happening all around the world and it needs to be stopped.
I believe that the standardized testing should be eliminated because it does not prove a child's mentality and IQ.
Cigarette companies are harming our community.
It all depends on your hand and a pen.
This election season, protecting the second amendment has been a heated debate. Emma Bible believes every American has the right to bear arms.
Pollution has become a huge problem in our country over the years. It doesn’t only affect one person, it affects everyone in the U.S. It can cause ...
Examples of discrimination against Lgbt people in the United states will be shared and so will some ways to start fixing the problem
I personally feel medical marijuana benefits a plethora of people and could help support the economy more effectively than any other cash crop.
Dear Future President,
Terrorist attacks are still happening in 2016.
Gun violence is a huge problem that happens all the time, but it needs to be stopped, and there are a few ways to prevent it.
Currently, there is an imbalance in America between men and women and the rights and the respect that they are receiving. Women are being downgrad...
Renewable energy for America can mean saving the environment and creating money. Yet, how can we balance our need to go green and our need to keep ...
Letter to the next President
In schools, we don't learn the things we need to be successful and get jobs. If we had another year of high school we could learn these skills we a...
The American youth will be affected the most by your presidency.