Lowering college tuition
Marijuana is safer than you think.
Are students failing the system? Or is the system failing our students? What would happen if we salvaged what is left of a "happy" student? Or even...
Abortion should be a choice to the women.
my thoughts on environmental issues
I think equal pay should be instated because everyone should be payed equally and have the same job opportunities.
Protect those who can't stand up for themselves.
This is a letter to the President of the United States about why the gender pay gap should be resolved.
ISIS has harmed thousands of people and if we don't do anything to stop them more people will die. After ISIS was revealed to the world people all ...
We should not accept so many immigrants.
Persuasive Letter to the next President to cancel the standardized test
Help find a way to end pollution.
My letter is about pollution and I think we should learn how to recycle all types of materials
People have the right to be free and happy.
What comes to your mind when you hear the words Racial Profiling?
Chickens are being abused in terrible ways. Their valuable life needs a rescue out of cramped cages.
This piece is about how we should have background checks on gun purchasers to lower the danger of homicide in America.
A letter to the future president about racial inequality against people of color.
Many people have died from police brutality. It's time we take a stand and fight for what we think is right. ...
Gun violence is obviously a major issue in America and something needs to be done. We need stricter gun laws so accessing one is difficult.
At the age of eighteen one is considered an adult, and an adult should be able to legally enjoy an alcoholic beverage.
Workforce Training for Teens and the Cost of College
Global warming is a major issue that if not controlled, will end life as we know it.
This paper is about the stressed youth in our education system. It talks about the problems we face that stress out with day to day activities.
Gun control has been a serious problem for years and it is time to end it. With simple solutions such as background checks, we can make this world,...
So, you're the president of the United States now? Great. Wonderful. There are many issues out there to be concerned about, but you should focus on...
Texas student Aoife Khan feels the new state law allowing guns on Texas college campuses makes students less safe and wants gun control to be a maj...
Dear Next President, Imagine if you were an immigrant and have to deal with the rude comments people are saying about you. Many immigrants have is...
Multiple kids are being put in foster homes and not being adopted. There are also many kids being abused and we are not doing anything about it. Am...
Overall, animal testing is something that the future president will face, and he/she must do something about it. Animals are harmed and killed ever...
Using race in college admissions should be stopped.
The US has horrible gun control and it needs to change.
The prices for organic foods should be lowered so that more people will be able to purchase foods that are better for their health.
Business moving to China is killing American jobs.
Why gun control is not a difference maker!
Proactive solutions are needed to educate teens.
Has the thought of calling the authorities for these innocent animals ever cross your mind? Do you really want to let these animals suffer in anima...
Texting while driving is not safe for anybody on the road.
Homeless is a huge problem; let's do something about it.
Drug Trafficking needs to be enforced more and needs to come to a stop!
The First Amendment is arguably one of the most important amendments in the Constitution. This is not only because it guarantees our right to free ...
Homework can cause family problems. It can cause stress and can affect your personal relationships.
This letter talks about an important issue, that does affect our community, which is abortion.
Leave gun control how it is
Abortion should be seen for the hideous crime that it is and therefore be made illegal in the United States. There are other solutions to unplanned...
The people that are reading or watching should chose what they want to believe, not the news channels.
looking at the problems of our mental health facilities, how we treat our mentally diseased Americans.
I am writing this letter to inform you of the social injustices the people are facing daily through the fear of police brutality.
I think the death penalty should be more strict.
There are 318.9 million people waiting for you to listen, and speak up for the ones that cannot speak for themselves.
Prison laws and management, and crime rates are an issue because I believe that our judicial laws need to change. The laws need to be more strict, ...
letter to president
Ways we can prevent divorce.
Technology addiction is the new OD of the modern era. Is it hurting you more than you realize? This letter will address the issues of technology an...
Letter to President Trump
To the Future President: Abortion is against the Bible.
This letter will show you how much I love afterschool
Gun control is a major issue. People are worried and confused about why you would take our guns that help protect and feed us. On the other hand, t...
College education is at an unreasonable cost for most citizens.
Drug abuse has become an issue that has caused many teens and young adults to drop out of school, lose their jobs and sometimes lose their homes.
College tuition is high and needs to get lower because some students who need a college education can't afford it.
In the world today not everyone has the same equality; some don't have equality; we want to make a change to that problem.
Reasons why abortion shouldn't be legal.
Illegal Immigration into the United States should be allowed under certain circumstances.
We need to find a cure for cancer.
My essay is about stopping abortion and raising minimum wage.
The wage gap should be eliminated between men and women. Women have the same qualifications and work ethic; therefore gender should not affect the ...
College Tuition costs have gone up tremendously.
Then our politics become bad and other countries well have no problem taking over America.
Yes, ISIS is made up of Muslims, but not all Muslims are bad.
Everybody deserves a chance to have a good wage.
Police Brutality against black men has risen tremendously.
Dear Future president, In America, there are many issues that our country is facing. So... we as citizens of America and you as our leader should w...
It's time to encourage some reforms at the NCAA.
Develops points against issues revolving illegal cannabis. As well as demonstrating points for the push of legalizing the use of Marijuana for recr...
Immigration is more than just an issue dealing with people; it deals with education, income, and the lives of those people around you.
A NFL Quarterback Colin Kaepernick has been taking a knee during the National Anthem due to what he claims unfair laws because of skin color.
The water is in danger, and it's our duty to save it. Saving it all is hard, but we can do it!
Many cars in the United States and most of the world runs on gasoline, but yet, an increase in gas prices will eventually lead more people to ride ...
Islamophobia is a serious growing issue in our country. Day by day the problems connected to Islamophobia are growing and it is affecting millions ...
In our changing world, it is becoming mandatory to involve the younger generations in politics that were formerly reserved for the well-established.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S. citizens
Refugees have come to our country for hundreds of years...
Many reasons why the Common Core Standards are negatively influencing schools across America.
News channels need to increase coverage on environmental issues in order to raise awareness.
Students that are obese should receive extra treatment.
Not saying that all lives don't matter but right now black people are getting killed and we need help to end the killings of innocent people."i'm g...
Abortion is not ok because it's murder of a child, who has the potential to change our world.
There should be Gun Control.
The news media needs to focus on the positive things that Muslims do, and not only the negative actions of a few. Recently, There was a social expe...
I am writing about child abuse and how we should make more support group.
Give children in the United States the right to the education they need and deserve.
Are you scared to step outside today in our modern world? Guns have been one of the most dreadful things in our country. Massacres have occurred ...
Reasons that we should not get rid of our guns, and how it can't help us if we do.
College Tuition is on the rise and we need to do something about it.
Many innocent people have been affected by their skin color and there needs to be a change.
legalizing medical marijuana
Persuasive Letter with reasons to the gender pay gap
Immigration should be reasonable in order to protect our country.