Racial Discrimination in America
The federal minimum wage must be increased for people who work all day and can't afford their own daily needs.
Our next president needs to deal with global poverty issues
Abortion should be free under any insurance because women should have the right to decide what happens with their bodies.
Think the minimum wage needs to be raised? I don't think you've read my letter.
This article is about the growing problem in america and how bad income inequality has come
Greyhoud racing is unethical, and it needs to stop.
The fight on better school lunches is a big deal. Is there anything thing you , Donald Trump can do? So that processed foods that are high in fat, ...
Commercial animals are not covered by even minimal protection laws.
The focus on legalizing medical maijuana
Racial profiling is when you believe someone has committed a crime just because of their race and it's something that needs to be stopped immediate...
Teenage pregnancy is an issue that needs more attention!
Energy is a big problem in the United States. People don’t know that when they switch on a light, they could be hurting the Earth and wasting its r...
Developed countries need to help combat climate change before it is too late.
A lot of people think that video games are useless and shouldn't be played because they think people are wasting their time, but video games can be...
The cost of getting into a college is insanely high and needs to be lower in order for students to get an advanced education.
Letter about immigration
In this letter I displayed my opinion on certain issues that I think should be addressed and resolved.
Students in America are falling behind in subjects like math, science, and reading. We are below average in math and reading and just barely making...
Equality among men and women.
Some people think about the black lives matter protest and agree,but I think that all lives matter.
It's so important for our country to deal with the problems that come with immigration.
Gun Violence is one of the most serious issues plaguing our country
There are so many homeless people in the world. And no matter what the cause of their homelessness, no one should feel any less human.
Citizens should solve their problem in a well thought out approach instead of disrespecting our national anthem.
Securing Americas borders is a very serious problem that we have today, not from incoming immigrants but from outgoing jobs. It is something that g...
Gun Regulation is ineffective because criminals will access weapons even if it's illegal, people own the right to arm themselves, and guns are not ...
Why Fossil Fuels Are Underrated
I'm going to talk about why LGBTQ+ equality is extremely important to our country.
Abortion is a decision that should be allowed for all women.
Sexual Assault victims are getting the short end of the stick.
Most Public Service Announcements about the internet inaccurately represent the internet.
Women are being paid less than men for the same amount of work.
What can be done to change the struggling public school system in America
Lower the frequency of road construction by investing in better materials.
Animal abuse is just as an important is just as important as any other abuse.
Sexism is rising and should be abolished and LGBT rights are in danger.
"Racial profiling has destroyed trust in today's policemen" for instance if a black male has an expepensive car some policemen will pull them over ...
The issue with drug abuse, specifically heroin, in the country will be discussed in this letter to the president.
The qualities that America needs in a president.
Immigrants are being evicted from their own home, but are still judged for their cultural background. The U.S. should respect the immigrants and n...
I list the problems associated with transgender bathroom rights.
An American citizen's duty is to vote. But are the citizens educated on what they are voting for? Young adults should not be shielded from politics...
Homelessness in America is a serious problem.
examples and statistics about how unequal transgenders get treated and judged my hateful people and why things need to change
Minimum wage is a big and broad topic, but someone has to address it, and I believe that keeping the minimum wage the same will be the best option.
United States youth are suffering from parent deportation
Lowering college tuition can open doors for many people to become successful.
Abortion can let women decide for themselves whether they're ready to take on the role of a mother. Children who are born to mothers who are prepar...
We need to provide the diversity courses for students and spend money to support education.
My topic is Women's Rights. I will be discussing things like Education and Salary.
Those on the "no-fly" list are prohibited from boarding planes because of their potential threat. In order to prevent future terrorist attacks, gun...
Standardized is worse than useless, it's projecting false information and destroying hundreds of thousands of lives.
The homeless needs help and I think that you will help them. When they can't help them selves then you should help them. Not a lot of people help t...
Gun violence has to be stopped; otherwise, the US will have problems that will be hard to change.
School hours should be changed.
An investigation of the homeleness of America.
Gender Equality is the greatest issue America is facing today because women aren't getting paid the minimum wage and they are doing the same jobs a...
Transgender Equality in America
Why is animal abuse a thing that isn't being punished
A video about racial discrimination.
Stricter gun laws are not the only way to prevent shootings.
Ocean pollution is a problem that we need to fix to save our marine life and us.
There is a need to change life for many and stop the violence.
Police brutality is a serious issue in the world, with the presidents help, I think we can help the world become a better place.
Arms Limitations
The United States is depleting its natural resources.
I believe that college tuition needs to be lowered or even free.
We must create laws for gun control!
College tuition is rising and a lot of people cannot afford it. The cost for college should be lowered so more people can have the opportunity to g...
Muslim students can not access the free lunch program because of the lack of halal food.
The LGBTQ+ community has always had a hard time. Especially the transgender community. This letter explains why we need to enforce protection laws ...
As a president you should act certain ways and also be aware of current problems with your country.
A letter to the next president about the issue if immigration and illegals in the United States.
Children in this generation are easily exposed to drugs. With media desensitizing this generation to the gravity of drugs, it is up to our next pre...
My letter is about how people are being rude and nasty to animals. And how they are abusing them.
College Tuition costs have gone up tremendously.
Defending women of every race on how abortion is - and should be - an option.
Please bring back justice the death penalty.
No matter how old, young, or what the color of your skin is, all lives matter.
CTE is a problem for NFL players. Many players have died from it and we need to find a solution to stop it.
Global warming is a big issue now a days. This Article will explain how and why it effects us today.
Learn from me, a 14 year old boy from Seattle, who knows more than the average adult on the positive effects of abortion.
lowering college tuiton
The United States needs to help and support refugees as well as accept more of them into our country.
Do You Think Your American Soldiers Are Financially Stable?
A letter to the next president of the united states.
Make emigration unnecessary to prevent immigration.
A letter to the president to solve the problems that come with the high costs of college
There are many benefits that immigrants do and we need to help them.
The immigration laws that Trump wants are wrong and Clinton has a good solution for it
There is a huge wage gap in the United States. The average woman makes only 80 cents to the 1 dollar that the average man makes, and it is wrong.
Football should be our national sport because it brings alot of people together, and is a very exciting sport.
Dear Mr./Mrs. President, Do you ever wonder how it would feel to live in an oven? Because that is exactly where the world is headed. Each year it ...
As a fellow Middle Eastern I can’t bare to see my parents home be torn away piece by piece and I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a p...
This letter explains my concerns for political correctness in this country
ISIS is dangerous
This piece is about letting refugees into our country without checking their background information and not properly vetting them.
Our Nations Most Urgent Problem
Everyone has the right to go to a great college and have it be affordable.