Abortions in my opinion should not happen, but they happen for many different things.
Global warming. One of the biggest environmental issue within two decades. We're just making it worst, but we can change that with your help, next ...
My letter is about preventing suicide.
As homeless continues to rise as a concern in America, us willing to take a stand and help must take action now.
Ocean pollution is a problem that we need to fix to save our marine life and us.
Statistics for LGBTQ hate crimes and comparisons to heterosexual people.
Refugees should be admitted into the US to have a place to call home. In the past, no refugees have committed any acts of terror.
I'm writing this letter on behalf of how the welfare system is costing our nation too much money.
College tuition is getting in the way of other students achieving their education and life goals. I believe that the government can help make a bet...
Do you realise that every 21 seconds a child dies of a water related disease? Do you realise that there is so much our country could be doing to h...
Education can be a problem in the U.S here are some ways you can fix it.
11/7/2016 ...
The cost of getting into a college is insanely high and needs to be lower in order for students to get an advanced education.
looking at the problems of our mental health facilities, how we treat our mentally diseased Americans.
A look at how gender inequality needs to be eliminated.
Death penalties are an issue in the US. Everyone should be able to live no matter the circumstances. The government should be against it because of...
Dear Next President, "It is unacceptable to be raised in a country where the government supports killing the unborn innocent." Please consider chan...
Vaccinations protect children from illnesses.
Women should have the right to choose.
Teenage Pregnancy
The Cost of Education is Expensive
People have accidents, but leaving the scene with a dead body is just wrong.
Drug abuse is dangerous because it causes health issues and poverty. We can stop drug abuse by making the consequences harder.
My letter to the president about the amount of gun laws and what you should do to help the laws be successful
Students today are facing way too much debt from getting a higher education and it is time to do something about it.
People have abortions for all the wrong reasons.
There are many issues of "Gender Identity" and if it should be on anti- discrimination laws. How come if one person conceders themselves something ...
Why obesity is bad
Anika Biju hopes to encourage other young people to reclaim their voice in politics, but needs the next president's support. Produced by Raed Ahmed...
Abortion and Black Lives Matter Movement
Racial inequality is a problem that needs resolving in America. We can't have a country that is plagued with this especially while we are going thr...
I would like for the future president to lower college tuition.
Undocumented immigrants with lives, don't just simply kick them out
People lose lives everyday to suicide, we need to take a stand.
A level of respect for native livelihood over corporate greed must be established in order to brand yourself as a representative of human rights. S...
How America as a whole and the President should change our gun control laws to benefit citizens safety.
How the U.S. can help put an end to terrorism.
The U.S. is being plunged into a debt that we may not come out of. We need to pay off these debts.
Many rights are being violated due to National Security regulations
Ashlyn Koontz
This letter highlights the difficulty for all kinds of disabled people in the Untied States and their efforts to vote
It time for the government to catch up. We need affordable or free health care. I think Obama care can help us get to this point. Many people die e...
Explaining the reasons why college tuition should be more affordable.
This is a plan I know will work to get more rights for lgbt+ people in this nation or even the whole world
My letter is about terrorists and how they must be stopped before more damage is done to our country. We need to do whatever we can to prevent inno...
We believe the next president should address LGBTQ+ rights.
Child abuse can take many innocent children's lives.
Why Agencies are taking more and more tax money from the government.
"This is about the dignity and respect we accord our fellow citizens and the laws that we, as a people and as a country, have enacted to protect th...
Textbooks vs Tablets
I have some possible causes and solutions to talk about along with some problems concerning the LGBTQ community.
If everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, why do we still practice the death penalty.
Drunk Driving is a big problem that is destroying people's families and friends and affecting their lives.
Donald Trump should rethink what he said in the past because people don't like what he said and they are mad.
Letter to President about college costs.
Women should have the right to choose what they do with their body.
Pollution is destructive , because it creates numerous types of water pollution and also lead to poor air quality affecting people's health.
"Haha, GAAAYY!" How many times do you hear that in a day? Echoing down school halls, ringing out on streets, but do you pay any mind to it? Everyon...
The LGBTQ community is not well represented or protected and needs to be supported more by the government and the United States.
The extreme problems with our food raising system.
My thoughts to the next president on college tuition
Terrorist attacks are still happening in 2016.
Letter to the next president about equality issues in America.
Why all lives matter
Gun violence is a huge issue in America, and I would like to help put an end to it.
Animal abuse is intolerable and needs to end.
The standardized testing system that we currently use is flawed, and should be fixed. This paper covers the problems and solution to this issue.
Don't take our guns away
The consequences of climate change and why we need a solution
Climate change is a growing problem in the world.
My letter is about how our next President of the United States deals with the Islamic State (ISIS).
Someones Race, who someone loves are both things that bring out contradicting statements. The way woman are treated as if their no is a prefe...
Only talking about sexual intercourse itself and staying abstinent is not enough. It does not teach teens about so many other countless subjects wi...
This is my opinion on what Immigrants are needed for in the united states
We need to learn about being safe and healthy not only with sexual activity but with relationships, gender identity, and sexual orientation in a po...
We are seen as weak, inferior and damsels who can't make it in the world, but we've fought for our rights! We are strong and intelligent what else ...
Keep us safe, but don't take our guns away.
Summary: We need to fix school lunches and improve our standardized tests.
Renewable or Non-Renewable energy? The world is suffering because of pollution and human interaction. We need to do something.
Dear President...
President, I believe that, if we focus on the health benefit more, we could be much more happier, understanding, and healthier to who we as indivi...
The current relationship with the citizens of the United States and the law enforcement is unstable and needs to be improved
It is important to keep abortion legal and make it accessible.
Taking the words from a child who hasn't had the chance to live is inhumane. This essay goes through a pro-choice argument on the issue of abortion...
Why we shouldn't legalize marijuana and how it effects people.
In my letter to the next president, I would like the next president to work on college tuition being so costly.
Bullying has bigger effects than you think it does. It damages our society's health and employment system, and is the cause of many different probl...
Inner city public schools are struggling and kids don't have options to getting the education that they need.
One of the most flourishing life on Earth are trees, well soon they won't be. We are cutting down too many trees these days and it needs to stop.
This letter showcases the reason why animal testing needs to be stopped.
If you have any kind of a strong opinion on gun control, read my letter.
Let’s be clear we did not say only black lives matter; social media said that. We know that all lives matter but right now we have to focus on the ...
Muslim immigrants are not treated equally and are targeted for there race. For Example in Northern Afghanistan Muslims were killed in a mosque by ...
Over the years, we have had great advancements in how society treats others. However, there is still a prevalent issue relating to how American law...
Police brutality is a major crisis throughout the world along with racism that needs to be recognized and controlled in order to have a successful ...
American schools are full of awful conditions, we need to band together to try and improve it.
Islamic terrorism needs to be stopped.
cancer research isn't getting enough money to become harmless
Today many kids are being abused . Kids are getting taken advantage of and silenced by fear.