Animal abuse needs to stop because 1.2 million dogs and 1.4 million cats are dead each year because of animals abuse. So animal abuse needs to sto...
It's no secret that there is a huge gender gap in STEM-related jobs, one being computer science. There needs to be more promotion for women and gir...
We need to stop police brutality.
The welfare system has been around for many years now, and thousands of people are using it. But is it necessary?
We need to help the Homeless
The number of foreign children adopted by Americans has plummeted to its lowest level since it boomed in the 1990's. Why are foreign countries proh...
Not all families can afford college in the US
We should not treat them with disrespect
Although racial profiling is looked down upon by the Constitution, it is still a vast problem within the country. White supremacy rules our country...
College tuition is too high. College loan debt is ruining lives.
Some countries and states are saying that we should lower the drinking age to 18. I disagree on that because by lowering the drinking age it can ca...
Parents in a situation like poverty cannot just be careless of their kids.
Gender Inequality is how women are not treated as professionally or as privelliged as men. Women are strong, independent, and worked hard for there...
What the problem are with abortion and what it does to help people.
Our world today is majorly affected by pollination, yet in the future we could see a decline in bees and the many things that bees pollinate and pr...
The use of renewable energy is crucial for our environment and future. We cannot rely on fossil fuels and nuclear energy for much longer.
This letter addresses America's current health state and the growth of GMOs.
Is the gun the "killer" or is the individual behind the gun the "killer?"
This letter showcases why we should not send troops to other counties.
Racism has been a very hot-button topic recently, so here's the low down.
Small pollinators like bees play an incredible role in the food production of our world. Despite their obvious importance, bees have received littl...
In this letter to the next president I evoke the issues of police killing innocent young African Americans and the consequences of there actions ar...
Everyone is affected by the plague that these monsters spread, without even knowing it exists. They are constantly consuming these organisms, poiso...
How will our next president combat negative actions against the environment?
This piece is about suggesting solutions for 3 major problems in the U.S.
Abortion and women's rights is one of the most controversial topics right now. Defunding abortion clinics and shutting them down would be like taki...
Some people can take advantage of welfare and some people don't even need it. This is a small step to ending welfare
Should we choose to kill or should we fill up orphanages?
Hello, I am a student at Dobbs Ferry Middle School. My name is Louis Albanese and I really care about our planet being fine and intact for the f...
The next president should be sure to try to take more animals off the endangered species list and prevent more animals from joining the list.
For students, textbooks are too heavy to carry around and are soon outdated. With tablets, all the same information and more is available without t...
Parents who abuse drugs don't pay attention to how they are hurting their children physically and emotionally. This can lead to the child having pr...
I decided to address the problem of Gun Control. People believe it will stop death but I believe it will only make it worse.
Police brutality on black people should be forced to an end
Many things about our criminal justice system are driving me crazy!!! From unequal sentencing to a poor rehabilitation programs, not to mention lim...
The gender pay gap is a sexist way of telling women that “we are not going to pay you as much as men because you are a different gender”. Currently...
Discussion on the struggle veterans face when returning home
Help improve homelessness
The United States government needs to update immigration policy so it fits America's needs and protects its citizens.
America's mass gun shootings stem from the fact that it is very easy to get a gun when we take no drastic precautions to keep our people safe.
A look at the issues of depression and the way the young youth are disciplined and parented.
We need to do more to prevent bullying because it affects victims’ school achievement.
It's time immigrants get a chance to have the rights like we citizens of America do.
We need to stop Immigration in mexico coming to the US
Immigration problems
Police brutality has been going on since the 80's and nothing has been done
Children with overweight parents are more likely to become overweight themselves, thus leading to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other major ...
The building of the Dakota Access Pipeline needs to be stopped.
Matthew and Tan Washington 5 November, 2016 The Next President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, D.C...
The United States is a place for opportunity and a place for everyone to share their ideas. By having education as a major building block, you can ...
Dear Mister or Madam President
Football should be our national sport because it brings alot of people together, and is a very exciting sport.
A Letter By Pure Handsomeness
Thousands of American citizens struggle with poverty and homelessness everyday.
The LGBTQ community has been subject to harassment for too long.
Can we fix our domestic policies?
How to down the abortion rate.
How the next President should address and fix the religious persecution in America.
Stop the racial profiling and police brutality that has been going on in America
Animal abuse has been happening for a long time, but we were created to take care of animals--not abuse them. Animal abuse needs to stop now!
All students deserve the right to an education. Students should not be denied access to the education they deserve because of their financial situa...
Actions must be taken to address truancy. This letter will address what steps should be taken.
Animal abandonment is only one of the many reasons why beloved companions in the U.S. die each year. It's time we considered the non-human civilian...
Students had decided not to go to college because college tuition has significantly increased over the past years.
Homelessness is a rising problem in today's society, and something needs to be done about the issue.
How Physician Assisted Suicide has no good outcomes to the United States and why it needs to be addressed immediately.
Death Penalty
Stolen valor is the act of an individual portraying themselves as current or former military members when they have never served or completed servi...
This letter is about needing gun rights within the U.S. and why gun restrictions do not work. Restricting guns will only cause more problems, leavi...
Today many kids are being abused . Kids are getting taken advantage of and silenced by fear.
School Funding
My perspective on immigration laws
Biggest Issue on The planet
In this letter I write about police brutality, the Black Lives Matter movement, and racial inequality towards black americans. I provide solutions ...
Global warming is a serious issue and is happening right now and will only get worse over time. Global warming will and is effecting lives of human...
Bullying is one the major thing that teens confront. Bullying can cause lead to depression, anxiety, and many more negative things.
This terrorist organization is going to destroy the world unless America stops them.
The cost of a college tuition is at an extreme high as of today. It is so high that low-income, first generation students do not even want to attem...
In 2012, 71 percent of students graduating from four year colleges were in debt. That's 1.3 million students in debt, and a 2 million increase sinc...
“We have moved away from studying human disease in humans. … We all drank the Kool-Aid on that one, me included. … The problem is that [animal test...
People are not aware of the frequency of suicide.
The debate over abortion has been an issue for a long time. There's pro-life and pro-choice, what side will you choose?
Inequality needs to stop! There is no reason to discriminate against anyone based on their gender, race, or religion. Our current young generation...
The US is still using coal to power its motor. It's also slowly killing itself by releasing the horrible affects that come with burning coal. Howev...
I think all couples should have equal rights, between man and woman or same sex couples to have the ability to marry each other.
Animal cruelty can be taken in many ways, so the law needs to be broadened and brought to everyone's attention.
Deportation is a parting a lot of families in the U.S . It is affecting kids and adults we could make a change .
The US should legalize marijuana.
The minimum wage must be raised to help around 1.7 million people in the United States to stay out of poverty.
I am for gay marriage.
Describes why the current state of division in America is a huge problem that needs to be solved
The United States' laws on rape and sexual harassment are not being strictly enforced. Instead of victims feeling safe, they are questioned.
My essay is about school shooting and how it has greatly impacted out community today.
In this passage I talk about the issue and side effects of homelessness and how it could be stopped or prevented.
Hi, I'm just a boy who wants to not fix, but evolve our current education system into something better.
Products that are a necessity for half of the population, such as pads and tampons, are still viewed as a luxury. This is an issue that needs to ch...
Many immigrants are refugees trying to escape a corrupt government to a place of safety and freedom.
Homework can help a student academically, but the negative effects of it can affect kids in a bad way.