Air Pollution can really affect people in very harming ways. I have many ideas that can really help out our country, even world as a whole. If we...
Drug abuse like heroin is a big problem. Prescription drug abuse is also a big problem in the U.S. It is a big concern in our world.
a letter by. kaitlyn feurtado
It's time to encourage some reforms at the NCAA.
The business of sexual exploitation of children and women is thriving within our country, and we cannot let it go on any longer.
Mental Illnesses are not a joke. They are a serious issue that haunts many families. It deserves the funding and attention as much as any other iss...
The cost for out of state college tuition and in state college tuition is to expensive.
Dear President Trump,
The Hispanic community is in need of help to increase graduates not only in high school but in colleges too. Hispanics are one of the fastest growi...
Persuasive Letter to Make College Free for All
The cost of going to college is way too high and this hurts the US in the long run.
Suicide prevention and awareness doesn't get enough attention or publicity. The government should create a program to aid in spreading infor...
Letters to the Next President By: Casady Rickets Dear Donald Trump, People from all around the world write to the president of the United Sta...
Horse slaughter is a growing issue in our nation.
Cloning is just the tip of the iceberg of what problems it can ultimately solve
A letter to our future president
I think immigration in the United States is not a good thing right now, because our people need to be cared for first.
People believe that America is unfair to people of color.
Guns control is a big problem in the United States of America. They are becoming more of a terror weapon and that's not right. We need to fix it.
Immigration, school lunch, and natural disaster damage
Let's enhance our safety as a country through saving the lives of innocent people by getting more gun control laws to regulate legal guns.
Why college tuition should be lowered in price. Its outrageous!
We need to stop gun violence because kids are dying in a young age and adults.
We need immigration reform to make it easier for immigrants to become citizens.
Treating individuals differently because of their color.
Marijuana is a very safe and helpful drug for people.
In the past few years, involvement has gone down with fine arts in our education system. I address the benefits to fine arts and why we, as a coun...
Toxic-Masculinity is one of the worst attitudes plaguing our country and here's why.
Death penalty is inhumane.
700 thousand illegal immigrants pour in each year. However, this has gone unnoticed for some time. Sure, it gets an occasional mention, but we need...
I hope that the next president can work to prevent radical Islamic terrorism in our country.
We should not treat them with disrespect
Marijuana is some what dangerous drug but It can be used for good.
Our current immigration policies affect poverty, separation of family, and stereotyping.
Our current president allows many refugee's into our country, which has been proven to be linked to many terrorist attacks, imposing increased harm...
Abortion is a worldwide issue that should be resolved. This letter shows statistics and examples and a person story on Abortion . Want to read more...
I pull together some of my ideas and opinions on our next president as well as ask him questions.
Alexis Davis, a member of the Turtle Mountain Chippewa in North Dakota, calls upon the next president to help preserve her tribe's culture and land...
Dear Future President, I would like to discuss some of the problems I feel should be talked about and resolved, Black Lives Matter, and po...
In the Declaration of Independence, it says that “All men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,...
It is up to you, Future President, to lower the increasing rise of college tuition.
How illegal immigration is hurting the United States.
Immigration and Deportation, though it may be good, is heavily weighed by its bad aftereffects.
We need to help out wild life because if we don't we may never see them again.
October 26, 2016 ...
Clowns are in the circus, kids birthday parties, entertaining people, and now all of a sudden they are killing people, trying to kidnap kids into t...
Football should be our national sport because it brings alot of people together, and is a very exciting sport.
Coal power is not only efficient, but it is becoming clean.
Questioning the contribution of the United States in the Refugee and Migrant Crisis in Europe and Africa
The consequences of unsafe abortions, which are normally conducted when abortions are regulated or a mother may come in contact with oppression, ca...
My letter is talking about how suicide is affecting the world and the people in our community. Suicide is something we need to stop. People need to...
We need to get out of the debt that we are in.
Racial Inequality has been a problem in America for centuries. People are being discriminated against because of their background or their skin col...
Putting taxes on sugary products and drinks could be the solution to decreasing obesity and consumption rates nationwide.
The infrastructure of the country hurts the middle class and trust between the government and the people is a weak chain
Burning fossil fuels is unhealthy for people and the environment. There also is a limited amount of it in the world.
The Cost of Education is Expensive
The Polar Ice Caps are disappearing! Polar bears are being forced more South! These are all things we've heard about this election and thrown over ...
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding animal experimentation.
It should be illegal to buy cigarettes at age 18, and the legal age should be 21.
College tuition just keeps increasing, while the motivation for youth to pursue top tier education continues to decrease.
College tuition is big thing in the United States and colleges in the United States are outrageous and should be fixed.
We need to reduce the amount of profiling of black males in America.
There are reasonable reasons as to why abortion should be illegal and that is understandable. People argue that abortion is killing an unborn child...
How much food is being wasted in the United States?
Discrimination has become one of America's biggest problems today.
Persuasive letter to the next president, advocating modification towards the immigration system
Animal abuse is a deadly action that can change an animals life permanently.
Guns should be illegal in the United States.
There are no equal rights in the United States. American Muslims are being treated bad in their own country that they fought for.
The defunding of arts programs is an increasing problem and leads to an under appreciation and neglect of the arts.
Violence is a threat for teens and our communities. Many people lose their lives most of them are innocent. not everything can be solved by violenc...
My letter highlights the moral and legal issues involving banning abortion in the United States.
The future of overcrowding prison populations are on the line.
A letter about the problems of the mentally ill being homeless in the United States.
Women are getting paid less and not getting equal jobs. Women are also not getting all the rights they should be getting.
The world is populating and getting hot from climate change, if we advance space travel technology we wont have to worry about these problems.
We need to be stricter on people coming to our country.
Illegal immigration is a threat to our national security and the safety of our country’s citizens.
Schools should switch their starting hour from an early start like 7:00 A.M. to a later start like 10:00 A.M., so that students can have more sleep...
Us humans are destroying this Earth and we have to act on these actions.
Dear Mr. / Madam President : I have seen a lot of letters to you about how removing guns will stop gun violence. I am writing to disagree with...
This letter will be about me asking how to setup a college loan and apply for a college loan to help financially in college.
Income Inequality is a big issue that many people face, especially the poor.
Save our furry friends
My Letter is about how police brutality is a problem and suggestions on hoe to fix it.
The expectations placed on America's teenagers are greater than ever before. Stress levels among American adolescents is at an epidemic level. Can...
A change needs to be made in the American college application process.
Terrorism is a big issue across the world that needs to be solved as soon as possible.
i think that the LGBTQ community should deserve more help and support because we don't feel that we get as much help.
As global temperatures rise, the stakes increase to make changes protecting us from the harmful effects of global warming.
In this letter to the next president I am educating to you about teen drug addiction and how we can stop it.
There is a big gun problem in America but with some procautions, gun violence can be reduced with out taking away peoples guns.
How we can improve education in America.
My letter exposes the issue with the great rise in obesity in America over the last generation.
Jessenia Sanchez
Reasons it is essential to raise minimum wages in the United States
Animal testing is extremely cruel, and yet they are hardly protected. This is something that needs to change.