We need to stop animal testing it is not right.
The cost of college tuition is rising uncontrollably and becoming a major problem
Why late start schooling is needed around the nation
This Country is becoming less and less patriotic as time goes by. More people disrespecting America and the Veterans. It needs to stop.
Programs in high school will help high school students discover what career path is right for them, decrease the average student debt, and help stu...
Air, Land, and Water pollution are huge issues that the future president needs to address
Gang violence involving young teens.
Minimum wage needs to be raised, so we don't have a lot of people under the poverty line.
Why we shouldn't have the death penalty.
Not everyone learns the same. Still, public school systems do not teach in comprehensive, engaging, and creative ways. I believe that there should ...
Racism around the lobe becomes worse and worse everyday. It has to stop sooner because if not, it will create conflicts among people and will compl...
This letter is about immigration in the U.S
A little dip into how the media may be swaying the public's opinion
Your policies should include legality of abortion for the safety of the women’s health, the future of the female, and for undesired pregnancies of ...
In this letter, I provide facts about this election. I think it is ridiculous to see both candidates argue like kids, but immigration is a big deal...
Refugees should be able to make a home in the U.S.
Reasons why we should get rid of standardized testing.
Why is dog fighting bad? Is it illegal? Read here and find out!
My paper goes over this country's already existing issues and goes over how he can help us but with what all the people have been saying about him ...
College Debt
dear president
The amount of standardized testing in our public schools has gotten out of hand. Get rid of standardized testing.
A call for help for those who cannot speak.
The letter is about personal issues with Islamophobia, its negative impacts, and the portrayal of Muslims in media as a result of Islamophobia.
It is very obvious our police now need different training, and less lethal ways to deal with people.
The price of college tuition compared to the average income is insane to see and needs to be changed.
My letter is about the Death Penalty, and I believe that it needs to be reformed.
Domestic Abuse
America is known for its natural beauty, however for the past decades, our environment is being increasingly threatened by its own inhabitants-how ...
It should be ILLEGAL.
This letter will talk about how the freedom of speech of college students is being oppressed by the staff of said colleges and how you (the preside...
I believe in the right to bear arms. It is my right and it should not be taken from me.
Minimum Wage
College is too expensive.
In order to protect the people and their children, more gun regulations need to be enacted.
Having more gun control laws means something to me because safety is so important. I can’t control what happens to me or the the people I car...
This is about wars because some people in the world are dying because other states are thinking about attacking but people in The Unite State of Am...
College student loan debt is a big issue that many students are facing and it needs to be solved.
This essay gives reasons why marijuana is bad for America's present and future.
What should we do to fix the drug problem?
A major problem in the United States today is Police Brutality. As you have seen on the news and social media, innocent African Americans are bein...
Why are we in over 19 trillion dollars of national debt? Why is that number still rising? Why are we more concerned with international issues that ...
Dear President Obama, I am Senior at San Marcos High Schoo...
There is way to many homeless people in the US and we need to do something about it.
It talks about what the situation is and why it's important.
I am writing to you as I am very concerned about the increasing cost of higher education.
There is no reason for someone to be treated differently based on his or her looks; we are all the same and should be treated with respect.
Many cities in the United States are suffering from a high crime rate. That is why the president should make this his first priority when he become...
Why abolish standardized testing and common core? why not just fix the problems and go on with our lives. Could getting rid of these hurt the U.S. ...
Gun Control is a serious problem. The government shouldn't make a new law. Click here to learn more about Gun Control.
You're in a foreign country by yourself. What would you do?
Taking the life of a fetus is morally wrong and should be illegal.
Control and regulation is not a ban.
DACA and immigration reform.
Everyone deserves human rights, even LGBTQA+ individuals.
My letter asks the president to lead to the way in shifting our countries reliance on fossil fuels to using clean renewable energy, despite economi...
Letter To Next President -Matthew L.
Chickens are being abused in terrible ways. Their valuable life needs a rescue out of cramped cages.
Discussion on the struggle veterans face when returning home
We are all littering. We are all hurting animals with our trash.
I am writing this letter to inform you of the social injustices the people are facing daily through the fear of police brutality.
In order to protect the well being of women, We deserve equal pay, the right to be heard, and control over our body and decisions.
Political agendas are causing the American population to, once again, seek out those who need help and wrongly blame them for social issues our nat...
What actions will the next president undertake in terms of gun control?
My views on immigration.
The price of college is way too expensive for students fresh out of high school.
Overall, i hope the president will do a great job with his job as president.
Women's Rights
Not everyone in the United States who is a citizen has health care. United States appears to care less about health care than other countries. The ...
Our health care today is becoming too expensive to afford for American citizens.
yes, ALL LIVES MATTER; but for right now BLACK LIVES MATTER and are the ones at stake.
Corrupt foster care in the US.
Racial Injustice has been a hot and controversial topic lately, get the scoop- and the facts, on this important topic.
There are Millions of people in poverty with no food, water, or shelter. Something should be done about that to help others lives.
The police force of the United States is running on an outdated system that wasted money while taking away money from the offices and offers a serv...
Immigration is a big problem in the world. Everyone has their own opinion if Mexicans should be here in the US or not. They some say that we are ba...
Equal Rights for LBGTQ
Abortion is a human right that women deserve to have, and should not be taken away from them.
There are more than 200 mental illnesses. Listen to the pain of the people and families that are affected by mental illness.
what needs to be done for the Flint water crisis
Dear Future President of the United States, The costs of college severely affects the way students view their potential education coming from the...
We should support Israel in the Middle East.
Bees are dying at an alarming rate and we can help to save the bees.
Discrimination against race
How Baltimore's homicide rate is affecting the city.
What should be done about the inequality seen in both genders.
The Foster Care system is broken.
My personal views on Immigration in the United States
Abortion should be stopped.
I am writing this letter to talk about the array thing that is animal cruelty.
Police brutality needs to stop.
Solar panels can be much more effective than fossil fuels. We need to make a greater effort to convert our energy to something that does not harm t...
This letter is about how the bee's population has decreased over the years and what we can do to save them.
As you know gun control has become a major issue in the U.S., especially in recent years. Some people believe it would be best to get rid of guns i...
We must find a way to create energy that is renewable, and clean. Change is inevitable, so we must start it now.
If everyone has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, why do we still practice the death penalty.
Start times in American schools are reducing the amount of sleep a teenager gets, and are negativity affecting their grades.
I am writing this to address the National Debt issues
We need justice for native americans
Homelessness is an issue and it needs to stop in America.