This letter is about why abortion should be illegal
I feel that abortion is very wrong and that there is always another choice.
The government should not choose whether or not you have a child.
Abortion is a spiteful solution to a fixable problem; it’s taking the life of an innocent child.
A look at the abortion issue that creates controversy in our world.
Mr. President, My name is Sarina Shiflett, i am in high school and i live in northern Virginia. The topic i have decided to discuss is your ch...
Abortion should be harder for women to get because right now it is to easy
In this letter I will be talking about why I believe abortion should be an option for all women.
This article is about how I believe that individuals should be educated more on abortion.
My point of view on the controversial topic of abortion rights in the USA.
Teenage Pregnancy
I believe that life starts at conception. Abortion is and should be considered murder and should be illegal.
Some women go through an abortion either because they do not have their own life together, or they do not have the money to support that child or...
These topics are the the most important to me and I think they need attention.
There is always another option.
Abortion needs to be rethought
Abortion is wrong.
Our education system does not promote healthy lifestyles in teenagers. The time for change is NOW
Abortion is a fundamental right given to women, and it should not be taken away. An abortion could be the right thing to do in many situations incl...
I believe that abortion should be illegal because life begins at the moment of conception, abortion is unsafe for the mother, the baby is still li...
We are seen as weak, inferior and damsels who can't make it in the world, but we've fought for our rights! We are strong and intelligent what else ...
To the Future President: Abortion is against the Bible.
Planned Parenthood is more than a place for reproductive health. It's a place for freedom.
Abortion should continue to be legal for the safety of women, the future of girls, and rape victims with unwanted pregnancies
Christians do not have religous equality in America and worldwide.
Abortion is a sensitive topic and women should reserve the right to make this decision for themselves.
Abortion laws should be different.
Wage gaps between men and women need to be closed.
Depression is a national issue that needs more attention.
People thing abortion is bad, on the other hand some think it is good, what are your thoughts?
Abortion in America should be illegal. The killing of a person is murder. It shouldn’t matter if a child hasn't taken its first breath of air, its...
Abortion is a decision that should be allowed for all women.
Nothing is impossible, the word its self says "i'm possible". Women are equal to men and should be payed and treated equal too. It is possible for ...
The letter is about a dynamical changes in law and your role as the President
The topic of women has come up in the election campaign of 2016 more so than any other election. Whether it is because one of the candidates is a w...
America needs to step in to help Dalits over in India who are suffering from discrimination due to India's caste system.
Why abortion should be a personal decision.
Why abortion should be illegal.
How can abortion be bad?
Abortion is a crime that should be illegal.
Abortion should be illegal.
Abortion can't make a mother un-pregnant, it just makes her the mother of a dead baby. There are laws protecting innocent babies from abortion, why...
Abortion is the twentyfirst century weapon used to murder the future generation of Americans. Will you stand for this?
What the problem are with abortion and what it does to help people.
My letter explains personal experience and information about the problem with women's rights. Including money and athleticism.
This letter is for Trump regarding his awful behavior towards women.
The President should work to create a bill to reverse the law that legalizes abortion. These children are being murdered with the only choice being...
Dear Mr./Mrs. President, Today, Abortion is one of the largest murdering plans in the world. Every day around 125,000 children are killed. I know...
Currently, there is an imbalance in America between men and women and the rights and the respect that they are receiving. Women are being downgrad...
Banning abortion will help prevent unwanted pregnancies. Unless, the woman was raped and became pregnant. It will help woman learn how to be respon...
What I think about abortion.
Abortion is a problem that only the president needs to solve. With the help of the Senators and Representatives I believe we can solve this problem.
It is hard to believe why many Americans believe in pro-choice values.
Woman are payed far less than men. People deny this fact everyday saying that "Sexism is behind us at this point". However this is not the case at ...
Increasing minimum wage
American females should all have the right to a private abortion service.
The decision to end a pregnancy is a basic human right that should be available anyone wishing to have an abortion; it needs to be a choice.
Abortion should never be the option. There are other options such as adoption.
Every day in the US, people are having their life ended by killing machines that never should've been sold.
Abortion in the United States; how there needs to be more awareness and respect for life.
Three to seven months gestational abortion should be considered murder.
My paper is on Abortion and what my personal view is!
A letter about why Planned Parenthood should NOT be defunded.
This is a letter and infographic about our position on women's rights and abortion. We believe the woman should be allowed to decide if she wants t...
Illegal immigration should be prevented, but legal immigration is ok.
This is my opinion on school testing and why I do not think it is beneficial to the students of our schools.
Is abortion a problem in the US? If so, what are the causes? How can it be stopped? Should it even be stopped?
Babies are not part of a mother's body.
Abortion in America is not good at all, it's taking away the child's life. No one should take someone's life away from them like that. God said "th...
Abortion should be stopped. It should not be legal for a woman to terminate her child in the womb because doing so is murder. Those babies are unab...
Teenagers are in danger of having future sleeping disorders because of the traditional start time for school.
Abortion should be a choice to the women.
Why would you abort a baby? Maybe its because you were not prepared for a child, or maybe its that you were forcefully made pregnant? That is no re...
Women should have the option to have an abortion but that doesn't mean that's always the best idea.
Women's rights is a topic that should be taken very seriously however is usually not. Women are being disrespected and things should be done to mak...
If killing a pregnant woman is a double homicide, why is abortion a choice and not murder?
Women's rights and the problems American women face as a whole. Looks into Why we have some of these problems. Focuses on Wage Gap, Sexual assault/...
What gives human life such little meaning? How can a child's presence change a life? Can a child born today, be a leader of tomorrow?
Unconstitutional regulations on abortion are making women unable to exercise their right to choose. These regulations are unconstitutional.
My personal views on what the president should do to address women's rights, as well as the awareness of them.
It’s not fair the way these immigrant teens are getting treated in their countries. I say yes, to keeping our borders open. Not every immigrant is ...
A letter in hope for a change, regarding police brutality in America.
Women should have the right to choose what they do with their body.
This letter is why abortion should be banned around the country and eventually the world.
It's no secret that there is a huge gender gap in STEM-related jobs, one being computer science. There needs to be more promotion for women and gir...
Why abortion is wrong.
Some stuff surprises me, but this blows my mind. How is it legal to take the life of a new born. God blesses the woman with the baby for a reason, ...
In this letter, I will be explaining the importance of people understanding that abortion is a good but also a bad thing. Having an abortions doesn...
Ashlyn Koontz
Abortion has been a big issue for so many years. There's about 50 million abortions per year. Nearly half of pregnancies in women were unintended ...
I would like to tell you about abortion.
Teens and young adults abusing heroin and prescription drugs and the effects it has on their life.
We need to stop an ongoing problem in our society; abortion.
Our group chose to address the issue of equity for women in our letter to the future president
There is a huge issue in today's America with women's rights and equality. Currently, women are not fully equal to men and this needs to change whe...
There has been many debates involving the rights that women have and how women should be treated equal. I believe that our next president should fi...
There are four points that can shut down any arguments made by pro-choice believers.