The federal and state governments are giving students more tests then they can handle.
Gun control is a huge problem that is always talked about. It needs attention and something needs to be done.
Animal cruelty is out of control people need to take a stand and stop this issue.
I wrote a letter to the president regarding the issue of Illegal Immigrants
What are you going to do to save our environment?
Issues of immigration have become much more persistent and prominent over the last decade, specifically in this election cycle, and are, in part, d...
Police brutality have always been here but recently it has gotten out of hand. Innocent people are dying in the hands of police who use their badge...
African Americans losing their lives and policemen walking free.
In most schools, bullying is a big problem. We do not want bullying in our schools and we want to stop it. So why does bullying exist? Let stomp ou...
Illegal immigration and deportation systems
Have you ever wanted to go to college, but feared at the expenses it would cost? Why should college be so expensive to the people who can't afford ...
Immigration is a great thing with the right processes and opportunities, and through that we could make America great again!
Everyone deserves a chance to have the opportunities that being a U.S. citizen provides.
The National debt has skyrocketed since the beginning of the 21st century It has to stop.
This is about fossil fuel issues.
We have both an obesity problem and a starvation problem. People in the bronx, people in every state, and around the world, don’t have money to put...
A plea for better government funding for military personnel.
In this letter I discuss issues in our world today such as racism and police brutality.
Gun laws need to change, as it has caused so much violence over the years in our country. People have used guns in all the wrong ways, hurting them...
Dear Future President,
A look at the issues of depression and the way the young youth are disciplined and parented.
Student loans are sky-rocketing these days, to the point where it's getting nearly impossible to go to college. What do we do?
Racial Inequality
Guns don't kill people , people kill people
Police are killing inocent people, and it needs to stop.
I think single mothers should have some type of government help that does not have to be a hassle to get.
This is about a law called a bathroom-bill that affects transgender people and is disrespectful towards people who are transgender.
The biggest Problem america is facing is Gender equality.
There are many immigrant children who at a young age are living without their family because their parents are undocumented immigrants. It affects ...
Since the end of the space race, funds for NASA have been declining resulting in delayed research, innovations, and voyages.
Poor animals are suffering for our shampoo and lotion. Animal testing can be prevented.
We believe that the next president of the United States should address the issue of the mistreatment of children.
The lives of animals should not be taken for granted. Don't treat them like they're garbage. An animals life is just as precious as a humans.
Terrorism definition: The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.
About LGBTQ+ rights and freedom
How does a movement about injustice against black people affect everyone in the nation?
When researchers have money to do research on diseases many people lives are saved. But the problem is, not all researchers have the money to do re...
The Drug Court system of America may help addicts recover, but not everyone has the same care. There has to be a change.
I believe the next president should address the issue or border security in the United states of America
We need fair tuition so students can go to and afford college.
Immigrants who have a child or children with disabilities
Police brutality has been a huge topic to talk about lately. But why hasn't there been any change? There have been too many deaths caused by unprof...
It's expensive!!!!
Stop signs should be abolished and become yield signs
Persuasive letter to the next President urging to fund for technology in schools
This letter is telling the next president why police officers should wear body cams while on duty.
High school shouldn't be required for everyone after the first year.
Police violence towards mentally disabled.
Discrimination which comes in many forms is widespread and has continued for so long. ...
Dear Madam or Sir, Immigration is a big deal in America. Every person in America ends up paying for the immigrants too and i don’t like that. Some...
People’s houses are getting robbed everyday, but the police are not taking enough action. They just file a report and that’s it, in my opinion they...
Abortion is a complex subject with many different sides. I believe that abortion should be legalized and stay legal. Abortion is something that is ...
Medical marijuana can be helpful. "It can cure many illnesses and symptoms". Although many people feel as if it is dangerous, I have been informed ...
The poaching and hunting of endangered animals should have stricter laws to prevent them from going completely extinct. We should also stop the des...
There are many ways that the future president can make America's schools healthier, such as: improving the nutritional values in lunches, enforcing...
Everyone in our country deserves to be treated equally.
Police brutality is the use of excessive and/or unnecessary force by police when dealing with civilians. “Excessive use of force” means a force wel...
Reasons to change standardized testing for the better.
Imagine you were in a situation where you didn't have any money. You're a teenager with no money and u were pregnant. What would you do? Sometimes ...
Fracking is dangerous to the environment and can cause problems. There are better ways to collect resources.
13.1 million children throughout the United states are dealing with starvation everyday. Our future generation lies in our hands, we need to help s...
Despite what many people say, the Foster Care system is broken. These kids, from newborns to young adults, don't know who to turn to. The statistic...
This talks about immigrants and how we need to help them.
ISIS is one of the biggest threat to America, killing people everywhere in the world about 450,000 people.Killing people, monuments and that's why ...
Mental health is an issue that seems to be taken lightly by the majority of the people that make up this country. From being mistreated and misunde...
Rights for Women
A personally effected issue
This letter is about poverty, the effects it presents, and why we need to stop this problem.
This is my opinion on gun control
The US has been fighting ISIS for over 3 years now with hardly any progress. If we are to keep fighting ISIS, we need to pick up the pace or stop w...
Every american should be healthy, mentally and physically. But some can not be healthy because health care is too expensive.
A letter to Donald Trump.
Drug use is a huge epidemic and needs to be prevented.
All around the world, children are abused everyday. Something needs to be done, maybe a program that allows children to feel safe in showing that t...
I would like to address the immense issue of illegal immigration in the United States, and the growing number of problems it creates. I will be add...
In America today one of the most common ways of death is firearms related incidents. This letter addresses what I believe to be a solution and at t...
The main idea of my paper is how gun violence is a major problem in America today and how we can fix this problem. It doesn't only affect the peopl...
Poverty, Hunger, and Water Crisis
College Athletes should be paid for their time put towards athletics.
Healthcare should be available for everyone.
I think that Immigration is the best thing and beneficial for this country.
A shocking issue that affects the lives of millions across the country.
What would you do if you walk into Walmart for the first time and see a gun isle right next the the children's isle, this is our reality in America...
The White House argued that parents relying on 529s were wealthy enough that they didn’t need as much help as lower income families. The truth is t...
Around the United States, Greyhounds are forced to race under poor circumstances. They are kenneled for hours, not fed correctly, physically abused...
Did you know that more than 2.5 million people have been deported between 2009 and 2015? And many of those people just come to the United States fo...
Politicians tend to overlook the issue of Climate Change.
Climate change is a growing problem in the world.
Guns should not be banned.
There has been a lot things going on about immigration. Such as the debate about what the next president is gonna do for immigration. This debate h...
Your racist and sexist policies will have negative consequences and need plenty of revision.
How the cuts to school funding affect the average student.
I’m 13 and I know how important the 2nd Amendment is.
Is immigration good or bad for America?
It's bothering high school seniors
Education funding is not heading in a good direction. It needs to be fixed as soon as possible in order to protect our education system.