Awareness in Third World Countries
Writing a letter to the next president regarding Global Warming/ Climate Change.
Human trafficking is an international crime that enslaves people. Victims are abused, tortured, and often die due to neglect
Homosexual people should be allowed to marry and adopt kids.
Why do we discriminate against people who as free as us, this needs to stop. We say all men are equal, but we need to start treating everyone like ...
We need to make people feel secure and protected. So they would be able to call this place, home.
Every year 1 million animals die in connection with domestic violence. Are you just going to let this happen or are you going to do something about...
Inequality is a problem overlooked in our country
The Death Penalty can harm the guilty as well as the innocent. End the Death Penalty.
The true impact on having free college tuition.
Issues of immigration have become much more persistent and prominent over the last decade, specifically in this election cycle, and are, in part, d...
Immigration is a big deal in America and the president has the biggest impact on how it’s handled. Some of the things i would like to address are h...
I am pro-choice though I do see the other side of the argument, I believe abortion should remain legal.
Asian Americans should be better represented in the government.
A plea to stop abortions.
Louisiana's TOPS program is vital
The U.S. has far more mass shootings than any other developed country and the next president should work to stop them.
Immigration is a huge problem in the United States. Immigrants are taxpayers, entrepreneurs, job creators, and consumers.
Immigration laws in the U.S are a mess and need to be fixed now
Alcohol is a serious issue.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrant become U.S citizens.
The rising costs of healthcare is a major issue today, affecting millions of Americans.
Abortion should be made illegal for a number of reasons. Abortion is considered murder,effects us internationally and individually.
A look at the abortion issue that creates controversy in our world.
In today's society many people are being brutally hurt or even killed by police officers using "extreme force." Due to this some departments have e...
A letter to the president regarding education in America
Obesity in the U.S is a very important issue. The problem can be caused by fast food restaurants and unhealthy eating habits.
Police brutality is cruel and unfair.
Claiming a voice at 15.
My letter is about undocumented immigrants, and how we can change the immigration system to prevent chaos in our country.
This is effecting a lot of people all over and becomes more dangerous each day
Bullying needs to be abolished in schools.
This video letter is about college tuition, an issue about which I care.
Many people are doing drugs or having problems with drugs. I'm asking if we can make a difference about drug abuse and drug addiction.
Dear future president, I just wanted to tell you about criminal justice and how we can help it a bit more by having some sort of programs ...
LGBTQ rights
Media bias is a serious issue, especially in this election; find out what its all about and maybe how to fix the problem.
A letter expressing the concerns about ozone depletion and our failing ecosystem.
This letter is talking about the issues of drug and heroin abuse in teens and young adults. It gives ideas and recommendations to fix the problem
Women have many pressures from society as it is, and abortions just add to it. So many people are telling us that it's murder and that it's not our...
Women are legally allowed to have an abortion and that law should be protected.!
Sleep is an important part of life and an important part of learning new and exciting things.
Global Warming is a catastrophic problem that needs to be solved. If not taken seriously, our world will be in a deep problem.
People can't afford a good education
Persuasive Letter to Make College Free for All
The LGBT community has been getting more hate and it needs to be stopped.
Foster care has more negative effects on the former children than positive.
Abortion and women's rights is one of the most controversial topics right now. Defunding abortion clinics and shutting them down would be like taki...
Guns; let us keep them. Let us protect ourselves. Let us represent the second amendment. Environment; let us keep the animals. Let us keep the t...
Ocean pollution is a serious issue in our world that we need to address and fix this issue soon.
The cost of college is already high and now you need a degree to even have a chance to get a job.
Benefits of Renewable energy sources
Climate change is having a major impact on the world, and is only getting worse. Urgent action is necessary.
The law states that we’re all supposed to be treated equally, but we minorities beg to differ.
The next president should create laws regulating carbon emission
This letter is about how exotic cats (Big Cats) are special,and need to be left alone! And NEED to stay in their own home NOT ours.
What will you do for me?
College debt after graduation can greatly affect the lives of those who owe.
For many people unable to attend college, manufacturing and industrial jobs use to offer the chance to still earn a dependable and comfortable livi...
How immigrants should be treated in the U.S .
The United States of America has legalized abortion and the consequences are horribe for our nation.
Black Lives Matter is something that everyone should be more aware about.
Females need there pay equal pay it is there rights and it is not fair to girls.
Dear Future President, I would like to stop animal abuse because many innocent animals die each year due to animal cruelty.
A reflection on the in justifications of girls everyday
Everyone needs to know both sides of every story.
I wrote about how I believe that blacks are mistreated and needed to be viewed as equal people.
Deforestation affects more than the beauty of our surroundings, but biodiversity as a whole, as well as ecosystem services.
Doctors and heath is too expensive.
So this is my letter that shows my concerns for border security for the U.S - Mexican borders. :)
America has an unusual problem with guns. Something needs to be done to limit availability of semi-automatic guns in order to decrease the number o...
Being undocumented isn't easy. Its hard to be in a world were they judge you for someone you're not. Try an imagine yourself in a immigrants shoes....
Would you want to live in an area where you could get sick because of the military system?
The Majority of cars right now run on gas. In the future we are going to run out of gas especially since the number of cars is constantly growing. ...
Death penalties are an issue in the US. Everyone should be able to live no matter the circumstances. The government should be against it because of...
With the current increase in EpiPen prices over the last nine years parents and families are struggling to be able to afford it. So, one issue wor...
A letter about Abortion and women's rights
Costs of College
The unnecessary chemicals added in our food is harming us. They must be eliminated to improve the health of our country.
The importance of gun control and why we need it
We have a letter about global warming and all the damage it can cause, and then we have a picture we created about global warming.
This letter is to inform the next future president to take an interest in modifying our immigration system in the main category of Birthright Citiz...
AT SCHOOL, Many teens decide that education is not needed in their life due to the fact that they won’t be attending college, but little do they kn...
Climate change is affecting animals today by the actions of humans that cause the output of greenhouse gases. Humans should realize the problem of ...
Our economy is in trillions of unsalvagable debt. How will you overcome this without ruining our nation?
Some thirteen year olds are mature enough to drive.
A consideration of the unlawful and disgusting acts forced upon animals.
We need a better solution for Immigrants coming to the US.
The anti-discrimination laws for the LGBT citizens of the United States are clearly not working and it is up to the next president to fix it.
There are many things we could do to take care of our oceans as it is a reliable source of food and energy.
2nd Amendment Rights & Gun Control
Immigration is an issue for the U.S and it should be taken care of.
Millions of Americans do not have access to healthcare, which is simply not acceptable. America should follow by example of every other Western ind...
Everyone has the freedom to think what they want, but how is our future world going to be like with racism?
John Hunter Mr. Smith English 11, Period 7 20 October, 2016 Letter to the Next President Dear Presidential candidates, many people die everyday fr...
Condoms, Birth control,etc...