Students of different ethnicities are not receiving the same opportunity for success through our current education system.
We need to address terrorism and its effects
Millions of families around the world struggle to uphold their financial issues such as debt, welfare, and unemployment. Help find a solution to re...
Abortion and police violence needs to STOP.
I feel as though the United States needs to become more aware of environmental pollution and the rapidly decreasing supply of natural resources. So...
Climate Change is a issue that could ruin our Earth, this cause extreme heat, extreme weather, and Global Warming. Each of these can...
This is about the problems of drug abuse
Though it is evident that the majority of cops uphold the law to appropriate standards, lack of police training and the prevalence of racial profil...
Dear Next President, Will you reform the Justice System? Shouldn't everyone have justice? The haves AND the have-nots? Listen to this Hamilton-insp...
This letter addresses the faults of prohibiting abortion and how it would negatively affect our nation; regarding safety concerns, women's autonomy...
This is something personal to me
High school students need better information and options regarding their current and future education.
How we need to keep our gun rights.
Why banning assault rifles is an ineffective goal and ultimately a bad decision for the U.S.
Sexual harassment is a big problem that needs to end.
I think that technology use in the classroom is better than using books.
Minimum Wage should not be raised because it will cause unnecessary economy struggle, increase prices, and increase unemployment.
To stop the spread of ISIS cannot be done with brute force alone.
This letter is about the racial injustice and what the president should do.
Suicide prevention and awareness doesn't get enough attention or publicity. The government should create a program to aid in spreading infor...
President needs to look into more ways to stop illegal drug use
This is a letter to the next president about how many people can't afford to go to college in this day in age.
In my image, I painted on my skeleton, the same one every single one of us has, and depicted the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender flags in t...
I feel that the issue of racial profiling in America is a topic that needs to be discussed. I feel that discriminating against people because of th...
College is expensive, and college debt takes over.
The price of a college education
Police Brutality is destroying the lives of people in the world who didn't do anything.
Income inequality and the income gap are a big issue that has been growing and dividing our nation for the last 30 years and needs to be addressed ...
Human/Sex trafficking is a big issue in the world and I want our future president to help do something about it.
Abortion should be up to the parents of the baby and families, not the government.
School-based mental health services should be a fundamental part of the American school system.
Immigrants and refugees that can possibly pose a threat to innocent U.S. citizens should not be entering our country too easily.
The Guantanamo Bay detainment camp should be shut down.
Hi, I'm just a boy who wants to not fix, but evolve our current education system into something better.
Why guns should not be allowed
Right to bear arms and government responsibility to regulate sales
Increase the cyber security of our country.
The next president should be sure to check out the major issue of gun control in our country.
The nuclear weapons are too dangerous for the future.
Terrorism has been going on for over a decade, we need too stop it!
I am against animal testing.
Isis has been a pain to America, I am proposing a way for the new president to solve this radical group from the Middle East.
letter to president
Ocean Pollution is a real problem and is caused in large part by agricultural run-offs. Something needs to be done to regulate or prevent agricultu...
Schools should enact policies to help prevent, and hopefully end, bullying.
Bees are dying at an alarming rate, and if we don't take action now, the consequences that we will face will be irreversible.
We have a letter about global warming and all the damage it can cause, and then we have a picture we created about global warming.
Letter to the President about equal rights on how women and men should be treated the same.
FBI is trying to gain access to the privacy of our iPhones.
The exponentially increasing cost of health insurance is causing an immense economic burden on American citizens
I am trying to get the president to notice the prices for college is ridiculous.
Police brutality has been going on since the 80's and nothing has been done
In 1980, under 10% of US citizens had a 4-year college degree by the age 25. We need to raise this percentage, and create a way that is affordable,...
I think the Death Penalty should be abolished.
The amount of money it takes to pay all your college expenses are unbelievable high. Those with low wages also deserve a college education but the ...
Examining why medical research needs better funding.
Letter concerning pollution in the United States
Gun violence has increased so much in the past decade, but our second amendment still needs to be protected.
This letter is about the escalating problem of Global Warming. Global Warming is a rising problem, in this letter, I talk about what's causing Glob...
The amount of videos and incidents I have seen of police misusing their power is sickening.
The voice of a person with dyslexia.What needs to change and what needs to happen to help people with dyslexia.
Rules regarding the death penalty need revision.
How important animal cruelty is in the United States.
My letter to the president has to do with homless veterans and how that is a problem, as well as how thier health is affect due to lack of vaccines...
College is expensive to all who want to attend it.
A problem and proposal about the economy
Students today are facing way too much debt from getting a higher education and it is time to do something about it.
We must try to get away from government implicitly endorsing religion. This issue is significant because as a unified country, we want to represent...
Keeping our right to bear arms.
Dog Fighting is a bigger issue now than ever and the only one who can change this is you, Future President.
Help me stop this abuse!
In the end, we are all humans.
As the use of electronic devices advances, the more cases of cyber bullying will occur.
Factory Farms
I support the thought that the biggest issue in America is that we aren't that great at fixing issues. We need a better education system.
We need to get paid more, if we need to pay monthly bills, clothing, shoes, and foods .
Dear next president, My name is Nate and I live in the suburbs of Cleveland. I wanted to bring to your attention that the Second Amendment is b...
Mental Health has become an issue overlooked by society and when actually taken into consideration, the government and society react negatively.
At the root of our country lies a distorted idea of freedom, in which only certain people are guaranteed rights based on whatever characteristics o...
Eating a well balanced meal is essential, it's what keeps you going! But are students in public schools REALLY getting just that?
This letter discusses the need of change to our current situation in regards to homelessness. Read about how we can change our country as a whole.
America can't stand idly by while we deplete all of our coal and oil anymore, if we don't invest in new nuclear technologies, this world may not be...
Dear Future President, I know, I know, this is the millionth letter you have read today and you’re probably really tired. Tired of reading the sa...
Can Trump make America have equality again.
Horse slaughter is a terrifying and painful end for horses. Each year about 150,000 horses are shipped over our boarders to slaughter facilities an...
Dear Future President, Can you remember a time of being bullied and asking your parent or an adult for help? I think bullying should be removed in...
People who immigrate to the US should be given the opportunity to become legal because they are trying to have a better life for them and their fam...
Dear Future President,
My story is on Abortion. It is wrong and first degree murder. Killing babies is wrong since there are ways to prevent getting pregnant.
It's time that we address the impact that our diets are having on our health and the environment.
Mental health is a serious condition, but is commonly overlooked by American society and public officials. It is the responsibility of the next pre...
My letter is about gay parenting and how it should be more accepted through the eyes of people. Nobody should be looked down upon by what gender th...
I think that if you like the food you eat it, so if you eat you make good grades. I think we should be able to make our own menus.
Everybody deserves a chance to have a good wage.
Genetically modified and antibiotics in foods are causing major health issues that we should stop now.
This letter discusses the importance of keeping our citizens safe from this new threat to the world known as ISIS.
2nd Amendment Rights & Gun Control
Distracted driving is a serious issue in today's society that needs to be tended to.