Immigrants that come into our country can make it a better place.
Dangerous people should not be allowed to own a gun.Police should be better about protecting all people
In this letter, I want the community to know the problem with homelessness. Every night there is a homeless person sleeping at a bus stop, in a ten...
Dear President Obama,
Even though firearms are marked as protection, they actually cause more harm to those we want to protect. I am 17 years old and I have born witness...
This is letter is going to be about how obesity is a problem in normal life all around America. It shows how if people were more active than work w...
This paper outlines the important need for equality. I focus on the LGBT+ community, and what they're fighting for.
College is supposed to be pushing people ahead but instead it is holding them back. There are too many college students struggling to pay off their...
The cost of education is immensely high for those who value their education and wish to continue.
Education Funding would help the people who want to go to school.
My letter is about the importance of gun policy.
Shows how "black lives matter" is not a positive movement in our country. "Black lives matter" is just the wrong way to do it.
Addressing why abortion should become illegal
Dear future president, One important issue that should be thought about is gun control. Guns need to be controlled better because they could get i...
Animals all over the world suffer every single day. What would you do about the abuse of animals?
When it comes to school budget cuts, the arts are first to be eliminated when they hold more value than the athletic programs that continue to rece...
This letter is an argument for an open borders policy in the United States, and it talks about the maltreatment of Muslim Americans. It speaks on ...
Some people do not believe global warming is real and it is just a myth, but all the facts suggest it's not and it's a very serious problem in the ...
National debt is an issue that our government is facing right now. If we don't try to fix it, then we will always be in debt.
America needs stricter gun laws.
In this letter to the next president, I will be arguing that gun violence need to be stopped and I will give some suggestions as to how we can fix ...
Most immigrants try to cross the border and they die trying, leaving their family and dreams behind.
This letter includes information about how prescription pill abuse can lead to teenagers to drugs like heroin
The next president should be sure to try to take more animals off the endangered species list and prevent more animals from joining the list.
In this letter, I assert that gun violence is a horrible and tragic problem in our country. The U.S has the most frequent deaths due to gun violenc...
College costs in America have become increasingly high. And this is a huge problem that hopefully our Future President can solve.
Some characteristics you should have and thoughts on abortion.
College fees are a main reason that many people don't have a full education. The economy and jobs could be even better if more people were able to ...
We think that the president and the US government should do anything they can to destroy ISIS.
Child abuse is a terrible issue world wide that needs to be addressed.
Why concealed carry of a firearm should be legal all over the country.
School lunch should have more requirements to be considered a meal.
Gun control laws should not be enacted because guns help protect us and gun control laws will create illegal activity.
Hello, I am a student at Dobbs Ferry Middle School. My name is Louis Albanese and I really care about our planet being fine and intact for the f...
keep on building off the Moonshot program and find a cure for cancer
Minimum wage affects the lives of others and if it's not raised, it can change the way the world lives.
My standpoint on Gun Control
Some classes have gone out of date.
School is a place for students to achieve their education, NOT a prison of stress and overwhelming work.
Prescription drug abuse is at a high on college campuses, and can lead to abuse of other dangerous illegal drugs.
Something so important our lives would be ruined without, has its own price tag, health.
The letter is about a dynamical changes in law and your role as the President
Drug usage in teens is getting to out of control.
I believe abortion should be illegal.
There is a gun show loophole in the US, and criminals can take advantage of it.
There are ways we can end bullying and the President can help.
We need to get rid of killer clowns (I'm Serious)
Right now, in 2016, the amount of Teenagers wanting to come out and identify themselves as a part of the LGBTQ Community is awe-inspiring, yet how ...
Our future president should be concerned with keeping everyone in line and out of danger.
Replacing Polarity Voting with Ranked Choice Voting.
Not all Muslims are terrotists. Not all Muslims want to harm others. America needs to change how Muslims are depicted.
Dear future President, To start off, I think...
My letter is about lowering college tuition.
Dear Mr. or Mrs. President, I would like to bring to your attention the incredibly high university tuition rate.
Immigration and my view on what showed be changed.
This addressees the issue of student loans and how it puts students in debt.
As global temperatures rise, the stakes increase to make changes protecting us from the harmful effects of global warming.
Americans are worried about the government trying to take away our guns. Many believe that guns should be taken away, and some think otherwise....
This is murder. Stop this now.
An informational letter that explains the significant gender equality issues that women face.
My letter is about why we should have vocational training in high schools.
Problems being caused by global warming and the call to use more renewable resources.
My main Idea is that Colored People need more rights.
I explain the reason to change the high cost of colleges and what can be done in order to fix the situation.
Problems facing public schools in the United States Today
Minimum Wage is a serious problem and should be addressed not just in the US, but worldwide. Future president I hope that you take my call to acti...
We must put an end to all terrorism.
what are you going to do for us?
Why is this happening to our nation? We as the people need to stand up and make the the brutality stop.
Do u know how many people died from terrorist attacks from 2001-2014? According to debating approximately 3,066 Americans have been kil...
I am writing to the President to discuss the issue of cancer.
Animals should not be in captivity for many reasons. It is not healthy and their life spans are significantly shorter.
Budget cuts
Nationwide economics education can help prepare our citizens for the future.
Without an educated next generation, the economy, criminal, and employment rates could all crash and burn.
In the heart of Montana, the preservation of natural forests are a top concern for Anaka DeJaynes.
The United States needs stronger gun control regulations.
My letter is about making this country better and reuniting it.
This letter talks about the problems with Police Racism.
The issues of gun control and reasons why I find it to be complete nonsense.
I'm talking about how the death penalty should be revised.
College costs in America need to be reduced.
I propose higher pay for teachers and the elimination of teachers to increase competition and raise the standard of teachers
Minimum wage should stay the same
This shows the how our country needs to improve in the aspects of control to prevent further internal issues.
We need to fix how much college costs
Abortion should be illegal.
I hope that you read my letter and make a difference to the world because we all help each other.
An oil pipeline that sits at the bottom of the Straits of Mackinac by the name of "line 5" threatens all we have come to know and love about the Gr...
costs to pursue a education should be lowered or taken away
I think the death penalty should abolished in all states because its a waste of money and a waste of time that doesn't serve justice for the victim...
Animal abuse is a serious and sad issue that needs to stop. Animal are being killed and hurt for no reason, it is not right. It needs to be put to ...
I argue for the president to pass legislation that encourages but regulates human genetic engineering in order to create a better future for humani...
This paper explains why stricter laws and background checks are the solution to violence in America today.
Why are we in over 19 trillion dollars of national debt? Why is that number still rising? Why are we more concerned with international issues that ...
Funding for schools is unfair and leaves many children disadvantaged. How can we solve this issue?
This letter talks about education in schools and about teachers.
Clean water for everyone should be the main priority of our future president because it is a very oppressing matter and affects nearly every countr...