I feel very strongly that the death penalty should be illegal. This is a letter to the presidential candidates trying to persuade them into vetoing...
Poor education is a huge issue that is important to me. Are you willing, Future President, to make a change?
My name is Baylee. I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and this letter I am concerned with the topic: should the US legalize marijuana
Views on Education
We do not need to ban firearms because they look "scary".
The wage gap is the large difference of salaries between males and females in the US. This gap has existed for decades and is still very prominent ...
there is no reason for hate groups such as KKK it is racist and they gangs needs to stop well KKK needs to stop that is basically a hate group so y...
Food waste is a serious problem around the world with a very easy solution.
Please aware, we are increasing the crime rate if we do not take appropriate actions toward the issue of gun control.
Better opportunities for others who deserve it.
Four issues that are causing a falling out with Russia and how to fix them.
Tobacco should be illegal to use and sell because of health problems of the smoker and the people around him/her.
Due to an increase in college tuition prices, it has become increasingly difficult for high school students to attend college although a higher lev...
Many Muslims are struggling in this country because they are treated unfairly. People think that they are violent but really we are not. Islam is j...
What we fail to do stuff as a generation. As the 21st century hit what were we like?
Islamophobia is a epidemic that is affecting our nation. As an American Muslim, it concerns me.
Currently, the age for becoming an adult in the U.S is 18. When you are 18 you are usually still a senior in highschool and your brain is not yet f...
People don't need to be wondering if they can pay for medicine and Medicare.
This may seem like a joke, but it is not. Prescription drugs and mainly Heroin have become a major factor. Heroin is the hardest drug, but it is th...
As one of the biggest issues we need to fix it. Global warming effects everyone on the planet. We need to take action.
Are you scared to step outside today in our modern world? Guns have been one of the most dreadful things in our country. Massacres have occurred ...
A compelling argument so school food is to be changed for the health of the children of America.
College debt has increased immensely over the past few years and nothing has been done to stop it.
Women need to be given equal rights and pay in America.
My letter is about abortion and my opinions on it. And how we can change it.
College tuition is hurting American families, but making it cheaper could resolve this problem.
Abortion is a matter that needs to be dealt with in America.
In Wisconsin and in many other states, lung cancer has been caused by the radioactive element Radon. Then the element can seep up into homes, via ...
Two short letters about violence in this country.
We need to stop racism because it is ruining people's lives and interfering with their education.
Terrorists have gotten increasingly worse in these last years. We need to acknowledge this and stop it.
This essay is written as a message to urge for more strict laws when it comes to poaching, which is killing many animals and endangered species eve...
College Costs and Security
With power resting in their hands, the future president faces many concerns that require attention.
Why gun bans won't work in our world today and why it's not the answer to gun violence.
In this letter, I will be talking about the increasing of college tuition and how it needs to be stopped quickly.
That there are too high taxes or payment.
Dear Mr. or Mrs. President, I feel that guns are to easy too get your hands on in America. We need to enforce more laws that will help with this ...
Racism is a growing problem in the United States. Many African Americans and Muslims are being discriminated against just because of their skin col...
President, the fate of these people and animals are largely in your control, so what will you choose to do about it? Please read this letter.
How can the funding in the Arts Department change?
My argument about moving the President to advocate for animal cruelty.
Almost every day, you hear a child has gone missing on the news. An average of 700 children are abducted each day in the U.S.
We should be lowering the price of college especially if the value of our degree is decreasing.
Police brutality is out of control.
While the United States is one of the richest countries in the world not much of our money has gone to feeding the poorer countries around us and t...
I am against racial profiling
My letter is stating the things that should be changed about the decisions that people make for instance the crime and the criminal justice syste...
Letter to Prez about homeless population
Racial inequality is a huge problem in America, and must be addressed. Why?
Hypothetical letter to President Hillary Clinton regarding Latino immigration legislation if Clinton were to win the presidential election.
In 29 states in the U.S. you can legally get fired for being gay. An end needs to be put to employment discrimination.
Did you know that many people each year die from drunk drivers its a very shocking number. Drunk drivers should have harsh penalties to make them n...
Coal was our power source for many of years why would we change it. If it isn't broken why would we fix it.
Although there are many reasons school starting times are incredibly early, it is not improving education. Instead, it is worsening it.
11/7/2016 ...
The big issue on how the people want a healthy homing and environment and fleeing from an unhealthy environment
Dear Future President...
For every thousand reported rapes in the United States, only six rapists actually spend time in prison. In many of these cases, the victims are bla...
This letter is about immigration.
Gender inequality is one of the biggest issues in America, And it needs to be stopped!
The price of epipens has increased dramatically in the last few years, and it is time to put an end to it in order to make it more affordable.
This needs to be stopped... now!
Police brutality needs to be resolved quickly.
How we can prevent terrorism, why you should be more aware of it.
Should we monitor immigrants coming into America. And what should we do about refugees?
More Gun Control would reduce more deaths
Persuasive letter to the next President urging to enhance the Border Patrol.
A Question of Foreign Policy...
Immigration is a big problem.
Congratulations you have won the president spot
Unequal pay rates and how they effect the working women in the U.S.A.
I'm talking about how we can help or fix gun control. also talking about people with PTSD and how they are affected and how they can
The effect terrorism has on society and it's consequences.
The income gap in America is too large, and the government is not doing enough to prevent income inequality. I would like to see everyone being tre...
Every american should be healthy, mentally and physically. But some can not be healthy because health care is too expensive.
Abortion and women's rights is one of the most controversial topics right now. Defunding abortion clinics and shutting them down would be like taki...
I think that we need to examine these questions and discuss them before we start making laws and other suggestions with the subject of abortion and...
Gun control is an extremely prominent issue in today's society. In my essay I'm stating the facts and reasons on why gun control is bad.
Suggestions for changing education in the United States
A look at how underfunding has caused many to suffer in silence with mental illness.
Homelessness in America is a serious problem.
Teen drug abuse
Protecting the young women of our nation is essential to the wellness of this country.
A 17 year old daughter of two naturalized immigrant parents discusses the problem regarding social issues with treating immigrants and how to possi...
Vaccinations can protect and save your child's lives.
Gun control in the United States is at a minimum, and we need to create more laws to strengthen our country.
Donald Trump has expressed his opinion many times regarding capital punishment, and here's my response...
Personal weapons in the U.S. should not be allowed.
Education Funding would help the people who want to go to school.
The next president should control other unstable countries from making and using Nuclear Weapons
Poverty- The state of being poor, hungry ,sick, and sad
We must stop homelessness and save children that are homeless because they're our next generation and the future of our country.
Abortion should be illegal
What the president should be doing to schools.
Violence in Schools
Women sports are treated with less respect because women "aren't made for it, they are just girls" It's time to put a stop to this sexism against w...
The debt caused by student loans cause more students to not to go to college which brings our country down and puts us in more debt.