Nowadays, police shootings are seen more often involving African Americans. They are mistreated a lot of time by the cops.
When you burn fossil fuels, it creates methane, which taps in more heat than carbon dioxide.
This letter is about how African Americans and some Caucasians are being treated unfairly. Either Clinton or Trump will be allowed in office and b...
Women's rights especially equal pay is important.
Racial Discrimination is a problem in our nation, and we need our new president to fix our nation, starting with this.
College tuition is expensive and the cost is getting higher. I will state my opinion about this topic in this paper.
So many lives are ruined by abortion each year.
How are we going to keep terrorist out of the US?
Improved gun control and regulations are necessary, but should not be banned.
Paper cups, aluminum cans, and soda rings lay scattered on coasts and in forests. They kill the wildlife living among them. 100,000 animals die pri...
20% of all incarcerated people are in for drug offenses, most of which are non-violent
What I want to say to the future president
Although racial profiling is looked down upon by the Constitution, it is still a vast problem within the country. White supremacy rules our country...
My article is about today's racism concerns and statistics. It shows people thoughts on who receives more unfair treatment and who receives it more...
We need to focus on finding homes for orphans and foster children.
Standardized testing has bad effects on students.
There are problems with our health care, I can only hope you can fix.
A lot of people in the government say they care about the education system. However, a lot of them don't know what is truly going on. I wrote this ...
Dear Future President, Children are our future teachers, inventors, business leaders, and parents of our country, whether we realize it or not. T...
Marijuana is not a gateway drug.
Make terrorism one of your top priorities!
I believe Obama Care is a great healthcare plan that keeps Americans safe.
This article addresses the importance of Green Space in cities.
Clean water for everyone should be the main priority of our future president because it is a very oppressing matter and affects nearly every countr...
The environment needs more attending
One of the main controversial issues in America is abortion. Another issue facing the states is the amount of homeless people. If these two issues ...
Everyone should have easy accessible healthcare because of economy, health, and our rights as Americans
Letter to future president
Closing down public healthcare centers, such as Planned Parenthood, is a disservice to millions of Americans.
Dangerous roads, dangerous driving, and deadly blind sides are leading to Americans Deaths.
Climate change is a big global problem that needs to end now.
This letter is about the issue of suicide among teens that is caused by abuse and bullying.
How can we trust our police if innocent people are being killed?
Allowing immigrants to come to the U.S without so many complications
America needs to prevent illegal immigration.
Michael Lobsenz wants the next president to enforce gun-free zones in schools. Produced by Devin DeAnda and Michael Lobsenz, students of Cedar Ridg...
In our society, the harshest form of punishment is the death penalty, given as a capital punishment. But, it is immoral, expensive, and discriminat...
West Virginia has a serious problem with painkillers.
Hacking is bad and can happen to anyone including big companies you trust with not getting hacked. Then, they get hacked and you're like, "oh no, I...
I wrote about how I believe that blacks are mistreated and needed to be viewed as equal people.
My personal views on gun control and what I believe is the best course for America on this issue.
Despite the best efforts and relative success of President Barack Obama in decreasing emissions, in recent years U.S. greenhouse gas emissions have...
The legalization process should be made more effective and easier for the people coming into the U.S.
I think abortion is okay in some circumstances. It really just depends. These are my thoughts.
In the U.S., Obamacare has greatly decreased the number of Americans without affordable healthcare and insurance. We need to continue the ACA, ...
It's been proven across multiple different states that when these states have stricter and more gun control laws, that there are less gun related d...
If there are better education and counseling services for minority children and adults in low economic status communities, this would create better...
November 4th, 2016 Dear Future President, have you ever had a problem with money and had a hard time not being stressed? Well, imagine that as ...
The cost of going to college is too high, we need to work to make it more affordable for everyone.
Many leftist politicians want to take away our right to bear arms in an attempt to end gun violence. This won't work. The second amendment is gua...
Deforestation has a domino affect but what will drop last?
This letter serves to raise awareness for the often overlooked major health concern of childhood obesity. It discusses the negative impacts of obes...
Abortion kills over a million innocent babies in the United States each year. These human beings are denied the right to life, which America claims...
Dear Future President, My name is Siena, and I live in San Jose, CA. I am writing you because America is having a lot of trouble with black liv...
Gender Inequity is not so much a problem in this day and age, but its beginning to bubble up again in middle schools.
More laws should be made
Standardized Testing is hurting many students futures, and it needs to be abolished.
Adoption is a hard and emotional process that can be made easier with a few changes.
In recent years there has been a rise in police brutality, especially towards the African-American community. We ask that something be done.
This letter is about transgender bathroom policies at schools.
As America continues to grow from old ways and become more aware of inequality, have we really grown apart from racism?
This letter is about homelessness and what we can do to help.
Everyone's problem in the United States is immigration. Let's talk about the cops, criminals, people with disease and more. They should improve bac...
Gun control
In any minute, any animal is being tortured. Many people don’t understand that dogs are like humans, they feel the same pain as us. We can stop ani...
Gun laws are the cause of much violent crime in America and need to be changed so that it is difficult to obtain guns and a person owning an illega...
Obamacare is disaster because it is raising healthcare prices and lessening the coverage of your benefits.
Growing concern over the high cost of college tuition.
Standardized tests are being taken way too much. They should be heavily reduced or eliminated for various reasons
Guns have been killing thousands of people including children for a long time, but now with newer technology guns are just getting more dangerous a...
I did my letter to the next president on Immigration and why I am against it.
College athletes should be paid money.
There is a way you can help these animals in puppy mills, dog fights, and animal hoarding.
Planned Parenthood is a vital resource to our country and defunding it would lead to an increase in STD's and unplanned Pregnacies
This video explains why the next president should prioritize college tuition fees and make higher education free.
Reward Veterans with they deserve.
The income gap in America is too large, and the government is not doing enough to prevent income inequality. I would like to see everyone being tre...
we need to save the animals and stop people from killing animals
Minors are viewed as inferior to adults, despite many children displaying qualities which demand more respect. Children have made a positive impact...
What I believe the next should fix.
Legalization of gay marriage in all 50 states
Racism is separating the country, does not support what America is known for, people are at disadvantages because of race, and has caused many viol...
Roe v. Wade should be defended by whoever takes the Oval Office.
Islamophobia is a growing problem in the United States...
The Foster Care System is corrupt at the moment, it's actually been that way for many years. Not only are the children being abused, but they're mo...
This letter is with regards to a worldwide issue...Gun Violence. I will be discussing things such as, gun violence statistics, ways to prevent gun ...
Millions of families around the world struggle to uphold their financial issues such as debt, welfare, and unemployment. Help find a solution to re...
We lose so many innocent people to food-borne diseases each year. Many more are hospitalized and sick due to this issue. If we can pay more attenti...
Abortion is murder. Babies and fetuses are also human, treat them like it.
There should be a change in pay scale across the US in order to help families make their way out of poverty.
A letter to the future President concerning ISIS.
Free College Tuition for everyone will make this world a better place.
My concern on Health Care and College Education prices.
As difficult as it is for poor people to start and finish college, the current school system only drives them further into failure. We need everyon...
Hi, I'm just a boy who wants to not fix, but evolve our current education system into something better.
Bullying has affected the lives of many children, teenagers and adults. It has made them feel alone, helpless and that they don't have a voice and ...
I feel that gun control is a good thing for America to keep people alive,also I think that gun control can help keep people alive and the world sa...
This letter is about how we need a stronger gun restrictions and how we need a new law to keep guns away from little kids.
Gun control taken too far.