Higher taxes in order to create more welfare programs is unfair for the rich and poor.
Impacts of oil fracking slam poetry
My letter is about gun control and the reasons why I would like this this to be part of the United States of America. I wrote this letter because e...
America must prevent those who don't deserve guns from getting them.
A major conflict in the United States has been gun control. All people should have the right to bear arms
The effects of global warming have impacted the Earth and has changed the way we live for years. It is time to take action!
Mistreatment of animals
College Tuition
This letter is about animal abuse world wide and how it is a growing problem that needs to come to an end. Animals are just as important as us and ...
Standardized testing might not be as helpful as we'd hoped it'd be, and this is why.
The water is in danger, and it's our duty to save it. Saving it all is hard, but we can do it!
The Great Barrier Reef is going to die if we don't do something about it.
Gun control should have stricter laws
Please aware, we are increasing the crime rate if we do not take appropriate actions toward the issue of gun control.
I believe that everybody should have a choice about what they want to eat, based on what is in there food.
A letter to the next president presenting ideas of drug abuse and its affects on our citizens, community, and country as a whole.
An explanation of why it is irrational, immoral, and unconstitutional to physically harm children in school.
A lot of families are getting separated by Immigration.
The issue of people dying from starvation is a serious problem, and we need to fix that.
Everyone in our country deserves to be treated equally.
"97% of people who sexually abuse children are male, and 76.8% of people who sexually abuse children are adults."
Homework has been a trouble for us for many years and we spend too much doing it instead of going outside and doing something with our life. Atleas...
We need to switch to renewable energy sources and sway away from fossil fuels.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become U.S citizens.
Gun safety in the United States
College has always been the next step of my life after high school and still is but for some people college is not there next stop in high school. ...
Students mental and physical well-being is negatively effected by the unhealthy lifestyles they lead while trying to meet the high expectations of ...
Read about the solutions we can take to reduce the poverty rate in America.
Abortion should become less available in the united states.
Public school dress codes are too strict and some parts of the code are unnecessary.
This is a letter about gun violence in the United States and our concerns
Imagine you were in a situation where you didn't have any money. You're a teenager with no money and u were pregnant. What would you do? Sometimes ...
College tuition needs to be affordable for all students.
Cost increases to needed medication
Gun control should be put to an end. Everyone who is mentally capable of owning a firearm should own one. The death rate would go down, and this co...
Through poetry, Erykah Williams voices the fear she feels as the sister of a young black man and asks the next president to do something about the ...
Police Brutality has gotten out of hand. Help me try to stop it.
Make The United States more safe.
College is supposed to be pushing people ahead but instead it is holding them back. There are too many college students struggling to pay off their...
What would you rather have school all year with frequent breaks, better test scores, and higher taxes or vacation time, summer jobs, and better hea...
The cost of college is already high and now you need a degree to even have a chance to get a job.
Equality has been an issue forever, and it's time to change that for the better of all in the US and everywhere else.
This is about wars because some people in the world are dying because other states are thinking about attacking but people in The Unite State of Am...
Animals are dying everyday to our human ways. They then soon die off from the world. We need to stop this before we kill ourselves, let's save the ...
October 26, 2016 ...
There is a vast horizon outside of our world, and we haven’t explored it. I hope that you will fund and promote the possibility of exploring space...
Immigrants finding a way to move to America, for a better life.
My topic is about gun control and how it should be increased
Women are not being treated equally to their male counterparts.
Too much homework is counterproductive on students, the overall workload shouldn't be more than 2 hours of work a night.
A look at why standardized testing is not at the heart of a quality education.
America is filled with broken and damaged people, ranging from the mentally ill who are locked away in prisons, to the homeless, to soldiers with P...
In this letter I displayed my opinion on certain issues that I think should be addressed and resolved.
We need to find a cure for cancer.
this is a letter about the issue of climate change
The world needs your help now.We are suffering from drug addictions in many people especially heroin.
I wrote to the next president regarding whether or not the confederate flag should be flown
Every student deserves to go to a good college but most can't afford it.
The importance of music education.
The amount of people who get away with sexual assault facing minimal charges is baffling and disgusting. Nobody should ever be scared to not be abl...
Do you want to stop immigration? If so, then I have a few solutions you may like. So if you want to hear them than you should keep reading this le...
college is way too expensive for the average family
I ask the next president to take a look at a few issues concerning racism in the U.S.
Gender Inequality is how women are not treated as professionally or as privelliged as men. Women are strong, independent, and worked hard for there...
It's been almost 150 years since the 15th Amendment was passed. Why are we still fighting disenfranchisement in 14 states?
Mental health is a serious condition, but is commonly overlooked by American society and public officials. It is the responsibility of the next pre...
The US has horrible gun control and it needs to change.
A satire article that talks about the issues on gun control. Also, on why we don't need them.
Police brutality has been an issue that has been addressed and still not resolved. It has received media attention in recent years yet it continues...
To many people die in gun related deaths. This needs to stop, so we need to enforce stricter gun control laws.
In our country we need a better border to protect the citizens of the United States of America
I have an issue I would like to address about music programs in schools. Many do not have them, and many do not have very good ones.
This is my letter to the future president of the united states addressing my opinion on immigration.
The cost of college tuition is a controversial topic. Many argue it would be better to provide the fist four years of college free, but others argu...
Its not right for people to ruin gun rights because of shootings around our country. Also people complaining about hunters shooting defenseless ani...
ISIS has been attacking innocent civilians for too long, and with the help of the Middle Eastern Country Saudi Arabia, the US can put an end to the...
Reward Veterans with they deserve.
Americans are worried about the government trying to take away our guns. Many believe that guns should be taken away, and some think otherwise....
I think this is so wrong and dumb.
The U.S. is being plunged into a debt that we may not come out of. We need to pay off these debts.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrant become U.S citizens.
Dog fighting In America is more of a big of a problem scene back then and the only one that can change this is you Future President.
We need to stop the unsustainable farming of palm oil because it dramatically affects the amount of carbon going into the atmosphere.
Free college will not provide the benefits needed to make the investment worthwhile.
Lives Cut Short
It's time to start supporting the brave people who risk their lives for our country.
A letter of hope for our american countries
A letter about gun violence in The United States
Sexism has been going on for far too long. Don't you think its time we put a stop to it?
Would rather have a drug addict or person who can't afford the food on their table using welfare.
Abolishment of all kind of drugs in the country.
Dear President, everyone has a situation in their life. But when homelessness comes in, it can be very serious. Over a million people are homeless ...
Why we should get rid of poverty in the US
Gun control should be strengthened because of the deaths that are caused by dangerous people getting a hold of guns
I will be explaining the two sides of this topic and my opinion on it.
I think the government should do something about all of the police violence.
The times are changing so should are school system. I will be showing you the different sides to the argument and what plan to follow.
This is about how people no matter money or race or color everyone should be treated equally. None of those should matter and you need to work for ...