Climate Change
No gun control!! we need are gun because what if someone has a gun and try to shot me and we do not have a gun.
This letter is about illegal immigration. How the president can make sure, people in the future don't waste their tears, because of an illegal immi...
The Foster Care system in the US is better than those of other countries but that doesn't mean it isn't broken
Any infringement upon this right would be detrimental to the American way.
Gun problems in the USA need to stop.
Climate change is a major issue on the cusp of plaguing our planet with ruin and it is about time someone began addressing it seriously.
The National Debt is $19,516,852,220,281.41
I wrote this to our next president regarding the issue of financial aid
Sleep is an important part of life and an important part of learning new and exciting things.
My letter on Nuclear Warfare
The United States of America needs to find a compromise for the issue of abortion.
I'm writing about death penalty sentence because people who get it might have not done the crime.
There should be stricter background checks for every gun sold.
Lets talk about what people should do about teens killing themselves. Teens everyday are very sad and feels not worthy of life. They struggle eve...
I hope that these thing racial discrimination, gun control, abortion can all be fixed in the next fue years
How can we spend so much on military offense when the people of our country are struggling to meet their basic needs?
Why do we have to fight? why can't we just figure out another way.
Gun violence is one of the biggest problems in the world, but what is the president going to do about it.
This letter is to talk about the issues of the LGBT community. This artical will include a second hand biography. Additonaly, this will discusse h...
The issue I would like to address is educational inequalities also known as educational segregation. Educational segregation needs to be addressed ...
Social Inequality is the leading problem facing our modern world and is in need of immediate attention and reforms from our president elect, regard...
Limiting the restriction on guns
Nuclear energy is the most ideal option as we face the climate change crisis. It is the most cost effective method while releasing little to no gre...
I want to focus on free education. A positive about free education is that students will be free from student debts. A negative is that some stude...
A new kind of food has been introduced to the world: GMOs. Should America follow the numerous countries who have already placed strict bans and re...
Police Brutality is a growing issue in this nation that needs to be the top priority within our country.
Immigration is a person that moves to another continent. For example kids and teenagers cross the border unaccompanied for a better life. But to g...
People have the right to defend themselves and we need to preserve the Second Amendment to ensure we can.
Guns aren't a bad thing. Keeping gun rights is important and understanding why is even more important. People need to know what good things firearm...
Dealing with the negative stigmas associated with victims of sexual assault.
In Adolf Hitler’s reign 11 million people were ordered to be executed. In this large number where 6 million people who practiced the jewish religio...
This is about rights and equality.
Problems with illegal immigration in the US.
Women across America face wage discrimination and this has to stop. Equal pay for equal work must be considered a human right in order for society ...
Mental health and addiction are two major concerns for John Diveris, who feels treatment options and over-prescription are doing nothing to help th...
How America as a whole and the President should change our gun control laws to benefit citizens safety.
Recently, society's protectors have been threatened to say the least. The amount of law enforcement officers that have lost their lives in the past...
The decision to end a pregnancy is a basic human right that should be available anyone wishing to have an abortion; it needs to be a choice.
I am a student at Northview High school in Grand Rapids MI, my name is Payne L., I am 14 years old. I am wondering when we are going to get better ...
I want a world in which students of all color are treated fairly in the classroom.
Stop sending air strikes in the Middle East because it kills more civilians than terrorists
We need to make America a better place to live.
Police Brutality
Mexican Immigration to the US
Illegal immigration is an issue in the United States for many reasons. Changes need to be made before more damage is done to our country's economy.
Dear Madam or Mr. President, My name is Jenna, and I am 13 years old. Although there are many other letters with the same topic, I find animal abu...
Misophonia is not talked about nearly as much as it needs to be. We need to step up research for this disorder, and try to find a cure.
There are multiple issues in America today but I feel like gender equality is most urgent.
This is a letter about immigration policy and its beneficial affects on history and the future.
Aleppo is a big problem. We need do to something.
Being undocumented isn't easy. Its hard to be in a world were they judge you for someone you're not. Try an imagine yourself in a immigrants shoes....
I suggest that we, in America, put stricter regulations on fossil fuels.
Make it Better
A way of improving our country is by improving our education system.
This letter discusses relations between police with people in communities.
Students and the amount of homework they are getting and how it is effcting there lifes outside of school, and there metal health
Safety for all children
Why tattoo discrimination should be illegal.
Who is pulling the trigger?
Immigration has been an issue that has played the country.
Either deport illegal immigrants en masse or grant amnesty en masse - but be decisive about it.
Fear is surrounding this country all because there is easy access to one four letter word, GUNS.
This letter is about how the jail system is so broken.
A Judicial Necessity
College tuition is on the rise, the more money going out results in higher tuition. Students are continually struggling to keep up with their payme...
Video letter about the problem of the cost of college
We pollute our oceans so much, yet we don't put much effort into saving them.
College education VS. Student loans.
there is no reason for hate groups such as KKK it is racist and they gangs needs to stop well KKK needs to stop that is basically a hate group so y...
Bullying is affecting our country in an unacceptable way.
There ar...
This letter shows the next president how important it is that we address the pollution problems and that Climate Change is in fact a real yet dange...
Banning the Niqab is wrong.
The regime of ISIS has afflicted not one, but many nations worldwide. All nations must unite to combat the terror and maintain peaceful relations a...
Can you stop terrorism or not? Terrorists have been damaging our country and hurting our people. They've hacked, bombed, and shot at us for to long...
The Black Lives Matter protest is a very important issue.
Racism affects the personal and self views of children, and not only impact their view of the world, but impacts their academic drive and to do wel...
I am writing this letter because of some of the problems in the United States concerning immigration. Lots of people are worried about what would h...
Abortion should be kept legal and safe for every woman who needs it.
Need to stop the ocean pollution because it is killing the ocean reefs.
I think that the president should allow illegal immigrants to become U.S. citizens.
My letter is about how bad gun violence has gotten in the United States and why it should stop happening.
Gun violence is a big issue.
Women's rights is a topic that should be taken very seriously however is usually not. Women are being disrespected and things should be done to mak...
America was never great... Please heal this Nation.
While Americans, under the first amendment, are protected to freely express and practice their religion, hundreds of countries are not protected by...
Women make eighty cents per dollar of what men make and that is totally unfair
Domestic Violence is very effective and traumatizing. There is no right reason why one should hit their partners.
Teens and drugs are not a good mix . Teens have bad ideas when they take drugs . Also how kids every day can be getting drugs and die from it .
So this are my reasons for writing this passage
One of my best friends passed away over the summer of 2016 at the age of only 15 because he didn't grow up with the proper education on the dangers...
Our public parks and environmental impact.
Be who you are. Love who you wish.
I believe we should stop using so much energy to stop global warming and many other things.