What needs to be done about child abuse and the abusers, and the possible escalation number from 1990.
Clean energy or renewable energy is a big problem and people should know about it because if we don't start doing some things it will get worse and...
The Death Penalty is a big issue and should be put in place to help prevent crime.
America is in dire need of a leader to unite its citizens around our differences.
Why gay adoption SHOULD be legalized in ALL 50 states!
Allowing global warming to continue unchecked is putting today’s society and that of future generations at risk of losing the world as we know it t...
Public school lunch is terrible. Lets fix it together!
School lunch is horrible for many kids and not high quality. 31 million kids are fed school lunch worldwide daily. Why not make it better?
Letter to the future president about minimum wage
Gun violence is a very serious problem that should be dealt with.
This is what I think you should do as president.
It is too risky
“We have moved away from studying human disease in humans. … We all drank the Kool-Aid on that one, me included. … The problem is that [animal test...
I am a 17-year-old girl from Salt Lake City, Utah. I believe that animals should have every right to life as we do. Euthanasia, while providing the...
Inequality is a problem overlooked in our country
Why physician assisted suicide should be an option in end of life decisions.
Military families should receive better benefits for all the sacrifices they make for our country such as permanent homes and better pay.
The type of leader I believe would be good for America would have to be a leader that does not hold grudges against people of different religions...
Homework should be banned because it can have extremely negative effects for students, it is unclear whether it is actually helpful, and it takes t...
Free college would give opportunity to more people
With around 9-10 million Syrian Refugees displaced from the Syrian Civil War, the United States should take action and accept more refugees.
Video gamers are often singled out as antisocial, nerdy, and awkward. The segregation between gamers and everyone else in the world is really unfai...
There is a lot of gun violence and deaths in America and we need to fix it.
The pay gap between women and man should be abolished.
I’d like you, as our president, the person we look up to the most to have a part in this change, to have a part in our society, and to help protect...
The stereotypes people have against immigrants.
I would like to change is the age for drivers licenses. The age should be 15 instead of 16 so we can show are responsibility with cars. All over t...
Women's right should be protected. However, family violence always happened in our daily life. There are several suggestion of keeping female away ...
2016 Presidential Letter
Guns shouldn't be taken away but they should be controlled.
The United States' gun control laws need to be improved.
Women in society are fighting for their rights and how can you help this cause?
This letter is mainly asking for some type of relief for the mothers and other family members of those who have been a victim of Police Brutality. ...
College debt has increased immensely over the past few years and nothing has been done to stop it.
Dear Future President,
Racism in America is a big problem. Bigger than it should be.
Monitoring what women and girls wear is a common practice in schools, churches, and places of work. Within the past five years, women around the wo...
A letter to the next president of the united states.
An honest question about why women are paid less than men in some areas.
Child abuse can take many innocent children's lives.
The media continuously makes excuses for heinous acts that demoralize victims of objectification, and it needs to be stopped.
Earth's reefs are dying and everyone needs to do their part to save them.
The guns that we can buy or that we can sell should be limited to only rifles and pistols and further background checks should be ran on you before...
Reducing meat consumption is better for the environment and our health.
Music programs, like band or orchestra, have several benefits that last for a lifetime.
The common underlooked crime that's is storming the states.
Making college tuition free is a plausible plan that would benefit our country economically and intellectually, as will as help you're voting numbe...
In my letter I talked about homelessness and how they need our help to get someplace in life.
My Opinion of gun rights is that people should keep their weapons for Personal defense.
Water Pollution will destroy our human population. We will soon perish if we don't fix water pollution.
I am here to talk about animal cruelty and why is shouldn't be an issue.
My letter on why not all Mexican immigrants are bad why most of them shouldn't be deported.
This letter is about Animal Extinction. It talks about why animal extinction is a bad thing and what cause's it.
Every voice matters; every vote counts.
Nine thousand nine hundred and sixty seven lives were taken away during alcohol related accidents. Out of those nine thousand nine hundred and sixt...
We need to provide the diversity courses for students and spend money to support education.
Islamophobia is rising in the US and it is important to work together to put an end to it.
Many Americans have a narrow view on racism. With this letter I would like to widen their views and show them both sides of the issue.
this letter addresses the problems that kids in foster care face and the flawed system itself
Its a letter stating that racism is a big problem in the U.S. and has 2 examples of racism.
This letter is for Trump regarding his awful behavior towards women.
My letter is about why there should be an extensive background check on people who try to purchase any kind of gun.
Dear, Next President, Our National Debt is a tremendous deficit in our Country. We need a President and staff that needs to know how to ...
I think we need to work together to solve this problem. Not just go around killing and hurting each other just because we’re getting back at each o...
I am aware that there are more issues and definitely more important ones but this is important to me. The LGBTQ+ community needs attention. There ...
Schools should be equal and every kid deserves an equal chance. Inequality in schools is not fair because other students are getting better opportu...
I am concerned about a lot of things in our country, but what frightens me the most is seeing that police officers or young African Americans were ...
I don't know who the ext president will be, but all in all, it doesn't matter. Things are crumbling, and the thing that's crumbling the most isn't ...
Technology addiction is the new OD of the modern era. Is it hurting you more than you realize? This letter will address the issues of technology an...
Veterans and people in the military save our freedoms everyday, but when we are back home are we giving back enough to them. Some veterans come bac...
College Tuition is on the rise and we need to do something about it.
Immigration Immigrants are motivated to leave their former countries of citizenship, or habitual residence, for a variety of reasons, to ...
The LGBTQ+ community needs to recieve the same rights as everyone else.
Students require more sleep.
Institutional Racism in the U.S.
I am against animal testing.
More should be done to make tuition affordable.
Do not raise minimum wage
The secrets of the government
There are billions of people in this world, with so much food produced, and yet millions of people are starving due to poverty and hunger.
Many animals are being mistreated and abandoned when they're not "needed" anymore. We need to take a stand and help these innocent animals.
In recent years there has been a rise in police brutality, especially towards the African-American community. We ask that something be done.
Social Inequality is the leading problem facing our modern world and is in need of immediate attention and reforms from our president elect, regard...
Most of the drugs being imported to the U.S. are coming from Mexico. How is the President going to strength border control to help stop this problem.
Balancing homework and a job is extremely hard for students especially when you have goals of doing well in school.
This essay shows how people are struggling with medical debt today. They have very little money and most of them don't have the money to support t...
This piece is about how we should have background checks on gun purchasers to lower the danger of homicide in America.
Addressing the issues of racism, jobs, and taxes.
Freedom of religion is no longer free in this country.
Honduras is in extreme debt and is facing a crippling economy. They are in desperate need of our help america
"Those who have the strength and the love to sit with a dying patient in the silence that goes beyond words will know that this moment is neither f...
Guns are one reason to why people are dying.
My letter is about how bad gun violence has gotten in the United States and why it should stop happening.
A letter to our next president about the issue of terrorism outside of the U.S.
Large amounts of a natural chemical known as Chromium -6 is being found in our tap water.
Hate and fear have been a huge problem throughout our history. How deal with this hate here now could determine the state of the world. We can't lo...
This is about animals that aren't getting the care and respect they deserve. I suggest that there be programs where you can donate old dog or cat b...
Would you want to live in an area where you could get sick because of the military system?