Gun violence is a big issue.
We need new strategies to help spread awareness about child abuse.
Everyday, people have to suffer being ridiculed and discriminated against for having a mental illness. We need to work together to end this problem...
Should we continue to allow abortion in our country, or should we completely invade women's privacy and take away their choice and constitutional r...
Honey bee endangerment
English 10
My opinion on gun violence and what can be done to reduce the issue.
There has been a recent uproar over racial profiling.
Inmates with mental health concerns should be treated as patients, not prisoners
Why you should legalize Marijuana
57 million people, humans, future leaders able to change the world, dead. Since 1973, millions of babies have been killed through abortion. Many p...
I feel we need to have more gun control or more security everywhere. We cant have innocent people being killed by crazy people just trying to make ...
Super Bowl Monday should be a national day off
We need to stop poverty.
persasive letter to do border patrol
We live in the United States, it's about time that we work together as a county to address our country's issues. My issue is we need, "Equal Pay fo...
This letter is about how the police abuse different people.
"If we paid our teachers what we pay our celebrities, maybe one day we'd be smart enough to know better..." -Sir Ken Robinson
Health care payments are helping and even troubling some families. Not everyone can afford to buy insurance with a low paying job.
Teaching system needs to be reformed.
Alaskan Natives have been living and teaching the younger people like me how to live how my ancestors lived.
My opinion on Russia is that we should have relations but be very cautious when dealing with the country.
Ocean pollution is killing everything!
The gap should be closed.
Does TSA really do what they say read more to find out.
This is a letter to the future president of The United States of America and I would like to request for the minimum wage to be increased.
Gun Violence is a current, significant issue in America.
Reproductive and abortion rights for women are extremely important, and will put our country in complete chaos if the wrong decisions are made. It ...
Many deaths across America have been caused by having guns in the wrong hands. The background check before a gun sale is the right way to go.
This letter is about how to save the pandas and research about them.
College Tuition is too high and prevents high school students from being successful in life and becoming important people.
Why we should get rid of poverty in the US
Police Brutality in America needs to stop.
My letter contains information about my opinion concerning physical and mental abuse to women and children.
This letter is about immigration in the U.S
My name is Elizabeth Whitehurst. I am a Junior at St. Thomas More High School. Hopefully, this letter will answer any questions about the death pen...
This is my Persuasive Essay about how we should crack down on illegal immigration
Concerns about gun violence and some facts to make you think about this problem we have and make some changes to it.
A large part of our future is how we are brought up and how we are educated. How are we expected to help this nation/ be successful if not everyone...
School lunches are terrible, and I want change.
The effects of polluting the ocean
Through poetry, Erykah Williams voices the fear she feels as the sister of a young black man and asks the next president to do something about the ...
College Tuition has increased throughout the years and have been a major problem to students around the world. This is also effecting the economy a...
We need to raise the minimum wage and have prices go down.
How sexism has affected many women today...
Watching news everyday on TV and newspapers, I realized that United States has so many shootings everywhere, including schools and malls where mos...
Dear the next president of the United States,
My opinions on why the drug laws are bad in the United States. And ideas I think we can do to make the laws better.
Abortion is what makes this country uncivilized and the existence of abortion is the problem.
A level of respect for native livelihood over corporate greed must be established in order to brand yourself as a representative of human rights. S...
This letter explains the issues of animal testing around the world. Many animals are being tortured for tests that are not even working. They are s...
Is the school's sex ed system unrealistic??
Americans should understand that Latinos come to this country for a better live, to escape gangs, but when they get here it's still hard for them ...
Many of animals are suffering from being tested on for our needs. A stop needs to come to the abuse given to animals.
A song about the way cops treat Black people and Black Lives Matter
We need to close the Wage Gap!
The cost of college is a topic that is very important to me and I think that if the cost of college is lowered a burden will be lifted off so many ...
End the practice of animal captivity for entertainment.
Racism is something that is tearing apart our world and something that needs to stop. There are many things that the future president can do to red...
The next president should help unite everyone as a whole.
The plight of mental illness is too often ignored. We need to take action to help those in need.
What will happen when all the minerals are taken out of the ocean? What then? That will happen if we keep taking minerals from the ocean. So why no...
The future of America lies in the hands of our youth. Should they really be changing diapers?
Disabilities aren't recognized enough and aren't receiving proper accommodations and care.
Gender discrimination is both wrong and unlawful. I propose a way to put an end to it.
Someones Race, who someone loves are both things that bring out contradicting statements. The way woman are treated as if their no is a prefe...
Immigrants should not be deported and should be given the citizenship if meets requirements.
America should mandate that all public schools hire a child psychologist to evaluate children in grade Kindergarten, 4th, 8th, and 12th. This will ...
This letter is about stopping animal abuse and making a change to help them stay happy and healthy.
Planned Parenthood shouldn’t be defunded or neglected for the sake of women's rights, health, and personal medical decisions in the United States.
A Huge Problem
College is an achievement many high school students wish to reach. But the cost of college has been rising every year from the hundreds to the thou...
Abortion is morally wrong and needs to be illegal.
The United States needs to do more to protect our wildlife and forests.
The licensing of guns should be enforced greatly so that our we as a country can be safer.
Women are definitely discriminated against when it comes to jobs and their pay.
Police abuse power and kill people for unnecessary reasons. Families are affected when police kill their loved ones. There is always another side t...
Too many people are killing themselves each year from bulling. We need to do something.
Make tuition affordable to allow lower and middle class students to receive a degree without accumulating such burdensome debt.
Salary caps should be put on all professional sporting teams to make the competition more fair.
Police officers need to lower their amount of killings, racism, and take responsibility for their actions.
Being a student in a K-12 Environment I feel as if there is so much more people can do to improve the way the education in schools are run. While I...
Healthcare costs in the United States have dramatically increased over the years due to prescription drug costs, unaffordable insurance, and limite...
13.1 million children throughout the United states are dealing with starvation everyday. Our future generation lies in our hands, we need to help s...
An analysis of barriers immigrants face in the American healthcare system, written by a high school senior.
We need more solar power use, use less pollutants, and find natural power.
Police Brutality
Across our nation education is not equal, whether it is the content taught or the student populations themselves. By creating an amendment to our C...
In a country full of rights and opportunity, I beleive some people should not have access to guns due to their state of mentallity.
Topics that are unsettling currently.
All lives matter. How can the President make everyone aware of this?
The minimum wage in America should be raised because of how much income affects a child's life. The current minimum wage is not enough for a family...
Countless studies show that climate change is real, but 30% of our country doesn't.
This letter is about why we need to track the spread of zika and how we need to find a cure or a possible end to this virus.
Abortion is a matter that needs to be dealt with in America.
Why are so many people in debt? How much do they owe in student loans? What can be done to help them? Find out how this can be put to an end!
¨Every single American - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender- Every single American deserves to be treated equally in the eyes of the law and in th...
While some Americans believe the second amendment gives citizens the unrestricted right to bear arms, the majority of us do feel that some restric...
High amounts of money spent on college is leaving students in debt for most of their lives.