It's important to recycle and manage the waste.
My letter is about gun control. Specifically that people with registered guns aren't causing the problems, We promote too much violence through med...
There are so many issues in this country right now.
Guns are very dangerous indeed but they're our last line of defense. What makes guns dangerous is not the gun itself - it's the user.
We need to get rid of killer clowns (I'm Serious)
Abortion should be more difficult for women to access.
What I want to say to the future president
Police Brutality has been an ongoing problem for years, and its only getting worse.
What is euthanasia, and the controversy behind it referring to humans.
Citizens should have legal authority to own a firearm.
Dear future president, I think concealed carry and owning guns is a very important thing right now because some people don’t want people to be ab...
Many immigrants are refugees trying to escape a corrupt government to a place of safety and freedom.
I wrote to the next president regarding whether or not the confederate flag should be flown
Gender Inequality - Unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender.
Abortion is not a matter for strangers to decide. Think about the woman not the unborn fetus.
This letter is about the issues today related to immigration in America.
it's a good letter.
This letter is about how abortion is wrong and how it needs to be stopped.
The allowing of guns and concealed carry in cities.
this letter addresses the problems that kids in foster care face and the flawed system itself
Just a couple points about how our educational system is failing.
Addressing what animal abuse is and how a lot of animals die from animal abuse every year. Then explain how we can minimize the number of animal de...
Keeping a balance between homework and free time is healthy for students.
Terrorism and Islamophobia are unfair and need to stop, for their sake, and the sake of our country.
This letter is about the Second Amendment and the right to protect ourselves, along with a second-hand perspective of an immigrant.
The number of drug addicts in America is rapidly increasing, and they need your help.
A bisexual student's thoughts on the lacking of LGBT+ representation in the media, why it is an issue, and how to solve said issue.
Millions of Americans do not have access to healthcare, which is simply not acceptable. America should follow by example of every other Western ind...
Bullying is an extremely prevalent issue in our society, which is causing children of all ages to lose hope and faith in society. This issue is som...
I believe that Marijuana should be legalized in all states
Cost less money to go places, and helps you with life problems.
Why is animal abuse a thing that isn't being punished
Gang violence involving young teens.
Assault weapons appear a lot in mass shootings and increase the death rate of these mass shootings tremendously. Many people in this country agree...
Youth homelessness is a problem in the United States. It is a problem that needs to be solved.
All women deserve equal rights as men in the workplace.
The Electoral College is unfair and outdated. It's time to abolish it.
This letter is to address the legalization of marijuana.
Immigration is a major issue in 2016.
This letter explains the need to eliminate GMOs and added hormones from our food.
The issue of gun control is important because of the increase of crime in USA.
College Tuition
Dear Mr./Mrs. President,
I think that the president should illegal immigrants become U.S citizens.I
I am writing about police brutality and how it is wrong.
Funding needs to start so we can start cleaning our water.
They say (a person who is pro- choicer) I say (a person who is pro-life)
This letter was written in Mr. Leeper's Social Studies class at Aptos Middle School in San Francisco, CA. We are writing to express our feelings an...
Poverty is going on as we speak. People living in poverty lack a living space, money and even education.
Hello Mr. Trump, I am extremely happy that you won this year's election. I can say that I voted for you early morning on election day. I think that...
A letter dedicated to the lives we have lost in US waters and the concern in the lack of safety.
Over the course of our existence many people have fought for our freedoms and protected us as a country. But, many of those people aren't getting t...
Multiple Sclerosis is a harmful disease
Horse slaughter is a terrifying and painful end for horses. Each year about 150,000 horses are shipped over our boarders to slaughter facilities an...
I think illegal immigration plays a negative role in our country and this letter is about why.
Talks about how we need to bulk up the borders, deport illegal immigrants who are felons and to continue legal immigration.
Pollution in the United States has become a major problem.
A letter to the president about the steady homelessness in America
Why I think schools should have later start times
Politics and the government have become so grey, and it's an accomplishment to have a transparent elected official. It shouldn't be that way. We ne...
There is no doubt that the existence of some 260 million guns increases the death pole in this country. We do not have drive-by poisonings or drive...
“We should raise the minimum wage so that no one who works full time has to live in poverty."
Cancer kills hundreds of thousands of people each year.
The amount it costs to go to college she be reduced. Many people can't afford to further their education because of this cost.
i talk about ways to make immigration easier and less complicated then it is.
Our article is about Anti-semitism.
This letter is about the cost of college tuition and how big of an issue it is for this generation. Therefore, this is an issue that must be dealt ...
People are not aware of the frequency of suicide.
My ideas for you on how to improve the education system in the U.S.
Women deserve equal pay for all their work and contribution.
The drastic need for gun regulation.
This video letter expresses my many concerns about our country's future.
I want you to bring back every one that left the country because that they were immigration .
The letter addresses the problem concerning the topic of feminism, and how currently, the American government is neglecting this issue and being ig...
This shows my view on Abortion and what I think should be changed to make it less controversial.
Vaccines need to be mandatory, to protect the health and safety of the American people.
In this letter I implore the next President to lower college cost before it turns into an even bigger problem in the United States. I ask the next ...
America needs to focus more on the terrorism happening inside our country rather than letting it hide in the shadows of international terrorism.
Our police force has been viewed as corrupt and racist to many. Social media, news outlets, and statistics all show what some officers have done to...
74% of transgender teens have reported being sexually harassed and 84% of LGBT teens have been verbally harassed.
Abortion should be seen for the hideous crime that it is and therefore be made illegal in the United States. There are other solutions to unplanned...
This letter is my stance on why abortion should remain legal
This is a essay on america the greatest country on earth and i am talking about gun control the goods and bads of it and should we have more gun co...
Why the president should let same-sex marriages be legal.
In this essay I talk about women's rights in the United States and why they are important to me.
Immigrants come to the USA not to stir up trouble, but to escape from poverty and start a new life. So why are we not helping them?
Gender Equality
My letter is about pollution in the air and oceans.
College cost a lot of money for some people. I believe that education is very important and it is not fair for some people that really care about e...
Schools in America are extremely underfunded and it is causing problems in America's future
Gun Control in the USA needs to be more secure and protected.
Considering new gun laws and regulations will decrease firearm deaths in America.
How did Black Lives Matter come to be, and how is it affecting our nation?
My letter is about the legalization of medical marijuana, and how it can help. It gives you some background information and some useful information...
There are so many people in the world that are starving and do not get enough to eat everyday. But there is something everyone can do to help this ...
solving terriosm
A fictional story based on many true stories, where a girl has to go through the difficulties of being an immigrant and getting deported.