I want the future president to focus on making schools affordable and equal.
79 cents to 1 dollar
This letter is about the Dakota Access Pipeline.
the lack of trust the public has for law enforcement.
Sex education should be taken seriously and more people should be educated so we inmprove this problem in America!
An American citizen's duty is to vote. But are the citizens educated on what they are voting for? Young adults should not be shielded from politics...
Our video speaks to the increasing problem of Islamophobia in American society. We need a president who will stand up to bigotry!
Prop 64 is an argument whether marijuana should be illegal or not in California. Prop 64 allows adults age of 21 or older to possess, transport, pu...
A bisexual student's thoughts on the lacking of LGBT+ representation in the media, why it is an issue, and how to solve said issue.
As a rising issue in America Gun Control needs to be reviewed and implemented into our society to keep people safe and prevent unnecessary violence.
Discussion on Pollution of the Great lakes and how everyday people can do their part to help
Gun Control should not be taken away from citizens. This letter explains why I think guns are a form of our security, protection and self-defense. ...
The world is ravaged by terrorism. Murderers are everywhere. Frightening everyone with their vicious ways. No one is safe; not when you do not kno...
Why are police officers killing black African-Americans?
This is a letter about the horrible things that go on in puppy mills, and what we can do to stop it.
Dear future president, The issue I wish to talk about in today’s society is the concern about the climate change. The world is constantly facing ne...
Human Trafficking laws need to be enforced more because no matter how hard we try this issue will not go away so its time we say enough and do some...
The gender wage gap is huge and it needs to be narrow, so men and women could be paid equally.
Zika is threatening American lives, what will you do?
A look at what needs to be done across the country in the coming years
It's guns and bullets /and some cops take advantage of that they do want they want / shoot when they feel like it / arrest who they want to / and t...
This letter is about the unfairness of prison sentencing. I believe that it is unfair to serve major sentences to people who have only done minor ...
The U.S. has the highest death rate caused by guns. That death rate could drop drastically if only we had stricter gun laws.
If America truly is the home of the free, then why do nearly a fourth of (working) LGBTQ people feel scared to be true to themselves?
I think we need to work together to solve this problem. Not just go around killing and hurting each other just because we’re getting back at each o...
My article is about ending abortion
Dress codes are used all around the states and there have been many complaints and here's why.
There are many different sides to the issue of illegal immigration and they all have some truth to them, but they focus on only one aspect of illeg...
Racism only makes people of color seem like the bad guys, which make others afraid of people living in their city or community.
Women are being treated unfairly because of their gender. This is what we must do to stop gender discrimination.
Whether you're Republican or Democratic, pro wall, anti wall, I just ask that you please don't ruin this country we live in. If you just left every...
Blacks and latinos are persecuted and thrown in jail at a rate way higher than whites in this country
The United States the gun show loophole should be closed along with the addition of basic background checks when purchasing a firearm because the c...
Compared to White people, Black people are getting the bad end of the stick when it comes to law enforcement.
The topic of deportation has created many number of issues across the United States. Two of them are the separation of families and the life of fea...
Raise the driving age
Vaccines should be mandated by the government as the majority of vaccinations create a safer community.
In our day and age, social media constantly updates us on the effects that racial profiling has all the way from discrimination of races to shootin...
gun violence should be a law
Immigrants who have a child or children with disabilities
What values are we instilling into the youth of today?
From the recent events with civilian monitoring by the NSA and leaks by people affiliated, the questions are: Should the government be able to moni...
In order to sustain a better economy, we need to create more jobs and more job opportunities.
This letter is about police brutality and Inequality toward Blacks and Latinos
Minimum wage is hurting both small and large businesses, and it needs to stop.
In this letter I think gun violence is a huge part in this nation problem and should be put on the next president priorities for the next 4 years.
More African Americans are being killed than Caucasians.
In this letter shows how the police is abusing their power and killing people. Also, it demonstrates how police kill people and how racist they are...
If students want to go to any colleges after high school and they don't have enough money to pay for their classes, I think the president should g...
Taxes are necessary for our social safety net
Immigrants are really hard workers, but they get paid less than their native born counterparts who work less hard but get paid more than their peers.
These are a series of proposed solutions to the much debated topic of immigration.
College tuition is too high; it's a stress on students to go to college and finish successfully.
My claim is that we need to reduce the laws of guns because to many people are getting hurt now days.
Animal has been going on for quite a long time. It needs to stop. you can help fight this war. By getting others peoples attention. The animals ar...
How does a movement about injustice against black people affect everyone in the nation?
Reasons that the next President should make immigration easy and fast.
Some countries and states are saying that we should lower the drinking age to 18. I disagree on that because by lowering the drinking age it can ca...
Ocean pollution is becoming a major problem in our world today. It is a problem that we can fix if we all work together.
Dear Future President, Pandas are one of the cutest animals in the world, and they are endangered. Pandas have been on the endangered species li...
Police brutality and racism have been extreme issues this year, so I would like to ask, Why do you want to be president?
The cost of college continues to rise, and shows no signs of leveling off. This limits who can receive higher level education.
We can't get rid of the 2nd amendment, but we can stop a violent situation from escalating in the first place.
I believe that our national debt is getting out of hand each year on a tramendence amount of money. I know our next president can help this problem...
Heroin and prescription drug abuse in America is a major issue and something needs to be done.
My letter is about whether immigration is good or bad. Immigration could be a good thing for our counrty. SInce our country was made from immigrant...
We need more secure borders in the United States
Women should have a choice to have an abortion without feeling pressured and shamed. In the name of our history, in the past when we fought for fre...
56% of stress comes from homework.
I think the death penalty should abolished in all states because its a waste of money and a waste of time that doesn't serve justice for the victim...
Dear Future President,
Reasons why undocumented immigrants shouldn't be deported.
The inequitable payments for people who are saving lives, helping others in need, who are getting paid less than jobs such as playing in a sport.
Our efforts to push out illegal immigrants have been unsuccessful. We need to take action.
Dear Mr. President, Africa, has been through so much. Can we provide any help?
Explaining why taxes should be lower.
Marijuana should be legal because people need it for medical reasons.
Dear Next President: Women's health isn't a game. How will your presidency respond to these issues?
We need to address global warming now!
My letter is about how student tuition is increasing every year preventing numerous students from going to college and how tuition price should dec...
How much land being taken from Native Americans
Immigration is a problem that people from different countries face.
Immigration has been brought up many times in this year's election. What will you, as the next president, do to fix this issue?
I think that the president should illegal immigrants become U.S.citizen.
A short letter about immigration.
There is a lot of animal abuse and neglect and a frightening correlation between animal and human violence. I suggest that people who abuse animal...
Racial inequality needs to be stopped
Tired of Racism
We need the people to work so if they have kids they can buy them stuff to play with and food to eat. If people have no money they will starve with...
A little concerned about the Mexican immigration policy
Dear, Mr. President, Over the last couple years there has been a lot going on, but nobody will forget when same sex-marriage was allowed in...
I believe all undocumented immigrants should be granted legal status because they pay taxes just like any other citizen, and they contribute to th...
Police Brutality
Unemployment is hurting our country!
Unlike common belief labor from undocumented immigrants is actually helpful to the economy, I believe they should be able to have legal statu...
Something needs to be done about police brutality.
Homework can help a student academically, but the negative effects of it can affect kids in a bad way.