The LGBT community has been getting more hate and it needs to be stopped.
Terrorism can affect how America can end up in the future, you should be able to help America stay strong from terrorists.
Alcohol is an effect of danger, disorder, and drunk driving. So why not give it some restriction?
What should be done about the inequality seen in both genders.
Why we should consider the amount of firearms dangerous.
Gun Violence is an important issue that needs to be addressed
Over many years there has been discrimination of racism against Mexicans, African Americans, Asians, and many more races.
Many come to the USA to have a better opportunity, many of them come here because their country do not have the same benefit as USA.
All illegal immigrants deserve the same opportunities as American Citizens and should not be discriminated because of their race.
How religious discrimination is on the rise in America
The oil company is destroying the Native American land and harming them. The Native Americans want to protect their water for us and everyone else....
The LGBTQ+ community is a widely mistreated and misunderstood community.
Immigration is a problem that needs to be addressed. Our immigration system is broken and we have more than 11 million illegal immigrants in our co...
The becoming problem of immigration is growing fast, The violence, drugs and the loss of jobs all due to immigration. Most immigrants come to the U...
Abortion should be banned in the US because it is an act of murder, it is harmful to the mother, and it compounds tragedy.
Bring down the drinking age.
The cops can't protect the people by killing the people, and the people can't expect the cops to stop killing people if we keep killing each other....
We need to help homeless veterans.
Students should be provided with more ways to pay for college because the tuition is too high, loans and debt brings nothing but stress upon studen...
Women should be allowed on the frontline if they prove that they can handle it.
Clean water is a necessity. We need the help of whoever the future President may be to resolve this problem.
We need to help immigrants.
Reasons to ban or severely change standardized testing.
A Judicial Necessity
College tuition should be lowered in the United States.
Just Like Humans, Animals Lives Do Matter. Animals Help The Environment More Than Humans Do. Help . A Reference From Said "Spiders ...
Terrorism is the number one problem that needs to be addressed by our next president.
There are billion of people in poverty that don't have food,home.
The federal government should fund technology in the classroom.
America can't stand idly by while we deplete all of our coal and oil anymore, if we don't invest in new nuclear technologies, this world may not be...
Police Brutality in America
ISIS is a terrorist group that must be stopped. In this letter we explain the biggest issues with them and what you, as the next president, should ...
The problems with stricter gun laws in America and the way to fix it.
We need to do more to prevent bullying because it affects victims’ school achievement.
This letter touches base on an epidemic that is very important to me.
Keeping a balance between homework and free time is healthy for students.
With the upcoming election, college tuition has been a hot topic. Will this continue to be an issue or will someone step up and fix the problem?
National parks are should be preserved for future generations
A letter about the benefits that immigrants bring to America coming from other countries. No matter where they come from but where they arrive.
Abortion is the murder of innocent humans and needs to be stopped
Why minimum wage should be lowered.
There is a problem with the respect for police in the United States. This essay explains a way to fix this problem, and not only improve the behavi...
Police brutality is an issue that matters to many people, an issue that needs to be adressed.
This letter is about the tuition fees of college, and how they affect people.
Climate change is a global problem. If we don't do something to change it, we will have less and less resources to live on, and hurt ourselves even...
immigration is one of the most important issue that united state face.
Dear Mr.President here are some reasons co2 is to Blame. Co2 to blame? Co2 is destroying the earth:ex:co2 pollution in the water,air and in the so...
Abortion must be stop, the change starts with you.
This letter provides ideas of ways to lower college tuition in the future.
Thermal pollution is not well known but it is still killing lots of animals.
Improving the economy is not as simple as following one simple course of action; however, I believe that legalizing the recreational use of marijua...
Attacks on the U.S.
Our World
a short video about homelessness
Schools need to provide free hot lunches
Beauty programs shouldn't be allowed for the younger generations but more the adults who can understand who they are being and lettting themselves ...
how are you going to help the country?
Problems with the current two party system are plaguing today's society, hindering the democratic process, and silencing voices.
Criminals who manage to buy assault weapons illegally attack and kill innocent, exposed people.
Hate crimes and discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community.
Students are supposed to focus on schoolwork in order to go to college.
Drugs are making our country a doghouse and we need to fix this issue. It is harming everyone around the nation and has many horrible effects.
To fix the system
My letter is about student loans, the cost of college, and why something needs to be done to reduce this expense.
I am writing this letter because of some of the problems in the United States concerning immigration. Lots of people are worried about what would h...
Mexican immigrants should have the same opportunities as everyone in the United States. The future president can help make that happen
This is why gun laws should be stricter
Why keep letting these things happen when we have a voice, and we can make a difference? You can help too.
We must stop texting and driving!
DACA and immigration reform.
Illegal immigration and terrorism is affecting are country.
The Importance of the US-Israel Relationship
How taking military grade weapons off the market could reduce some crime and terrorist threats.
Animal cruelty needs to be stopped and there needs to be more punishment for people who abuse animals.
Racial Discrimination has deeply impacted America for years and it has come back. Lives are being hurt and we need to solve this before it gets the...
A letter to our future president of a child abuse solution
This letter is suggesting that texting while driving should be done away with.
Earth's temperatures are rising, bringing side effects on the environment. We must act on climate change now before it's too late.
The high drinking age of 21 leads to irresponsible underage drinking.
A chance to improve the world with responsible GMO use
Syrian refugees needing to find safety in order to live there lives in peace.
Dear Future President of the United States, Every year over 100 million animals are abused, poisoned, burned, and crippled in US labs.
Women should not be forced to keep a baby if they aren't ready. The woman who is carrying the baby should have the decision if she wants an abortio...
Parents should be given the option of a legal abortion
Global Warming is an extreme issue, not only in the United States, but all over the world.
Dear President of the United States, This country was built on a few fundamental principles. The most important out of all of them, perhaps, is eq...
It is time that we start thinking of Education as knowledge and understanding.
I suggest that we not make mistakes like Britain. They left the EU because of a mistake. Don't let Texas do the same. #NoTexit
All women deserve equal rights as men in the workplace.
Article stating current problems in 2016-17 about the many dangers of the internet.
This is a letter about the mental health situation in America.
The war on drugs is a problem that needs to find a answer soon, before it is to late.
Climate Change is a issue that could ruin our Earth, this cause extreme heat, extreme weather, and Global Warming. Each of these can...
Women and men should be able to be entitled to be equal.
We need to give bullies harsher punishments. They're not going to change if we keep giving them baby punishments.
Helping and letting others know about people who suffer racism, and who causing them.
A short letter questioning the immigration policies of Donald Trump, assuming he were to become President.
This letter discusses the problems with "affordable" healthcare of today.