Abortion is morally wrong and needs to be illegal.
A woman's right to choose is freedom at its most basic.
Racial equality is an important issue that needs to be looked upon.
This is a letter addressing my primary concern regarding the issues facing the United States.
They say (a person who is pro- choicer) I say (a person who is pro-life)
Abortion should be illegal
Dear Future President, ...
Abortion is not okay it is first degree murder. You say its your body but the baby growing inside of you has it'sown body and has a future that are...
Why abortion is anti-American
Abortion should be a choice to the women.
There is a huge issue in today's America with women's rights and equality. Currently, women are not fully equal to men and this needs to change whe...
57 million people, humans, future leaders able to change the world, dead. Since 1973, millions of babies have been killed through abortion. Many p...
Dear Future President, When you were little, what did y...
Abortion is a topic that has all of a sudden exploded in today's society, and there are a bunch of things that should be understood and explained.
Abortion is wrong and it should be illegal.
Dear Next President: It's up to the woman. This infographic argues that women should have control over decisions about their health. What will you ...
Abortion is a complex subject with many different sides. I believe that abortion should be legalized and stay legal. Abortion is something that is ...
Abortion should be legal in all 50 states. America is the land of the free, so why shouldn't women have this as an option to decide on freely?
Abortion should not be legal so babies lives are not taken for granted.
Abortion should be illegal in the United States as it is the killing of innocent babies. These babies have the right to life just as much as you an...
I am pro-choice though I do see the other side of the argument, I believe abortion should remain legal.
Abortion is not the right decision.
Racial Profiling is a horrible thing. It should become a thing of the past. I hope that my incidents and facts about racial profiling will be a com...
The next President will likely appoint between one and four Justices to the Supreme Court. This will determine the direction of the country for dec...
Abortion? Yes or no?
Abortion is a bad thing. It's killing a unborn child. On the other hand abortion is also saving a mother's life.
This essay is on pro-choice abortion and how religion and government can affect peoples choices on weather or not to get an abortion.
My letter will be discussing a very heated topic right now in politics. There needs to be something done about this horrific procedure.
Abortion should be legal in every state in The U.S.
Our letter is focused on how many pregnancies are terminated
Should we choose to kill or should we fill up orphanages?
Abortion Laws
Abortion should be no be allowed and or illegal.
Many people stand for pro-life, however pro-choice may be the better topic to save the women and stand for their rights.
Adoption: a gratifying alternative to abortion.
There is a problem in America that can no longer be ignored and it must be addressed, abortion.
This is a letter and infographic about our position on women's rights and abortion. We believe the woman should be allowed to decide if she wants t...
In this letter I wrote a little about social issues in the U.S, also what we can do to better our community.
The government, simply, should not have the right to tell an individual, a woman, what to do with their body. Have it be a tattoo or a controversia...
Why planned parenthood should be funded.
I believe that women should have the right to an abortion procedure.
This letter is to the future president of the United States on the issue of abortion in our country.
Women have to have the right to abortions. The alternative to safe abortion is something women should not have to resort to. Roe v. Wade changed th...
Women should not be forced to keep a baby if they aren't ready. The woman who is carrying the baby should have the decision if she wants an abortio...
Mr. President, My name is Sarina Shiflett, i am in high school and i live in northern Virginia. The topic i have decided to discuss is your ch...
Do not criminalize abortion.
This is my point of view on abortion and the reasons why I feel the way I feel about it.
Dear Future President, Abortion should be illegal in all or most cases because it's taking someone's life who never gets a chance to live. It is ex...
The motion to outlaw abortion and defund planned parenthood because of religious beliefs is unconstitutional and intolerant.
Abortion should be legal, no matter what. Women should have the right to choose what they want to do with their unborn child.
Abortion should not be legal in the United States.
Many personal choices such as Abortion and Same-Sex marriage, have a controversial title, but its up to us to put an end to that.
This letter describes why abortion should be criminalized.
Dear Next President, Women...
Women should have control over their own bodies.
Everyone is equal, and the new president needs to enforce that more strongly. Also we need to solve the whole cops and black people situation. Anot...
My letter is about abortion and my opinions on it. And how we can change it.
As our nation's leader, I’m begging you to see the value of uniform, nationwide regulations governing the abortion process in our country. I also e...
Reasons why abortion shouldn't be legal.
Abortion means that the natural rights of an unborn child are taken away. Adoption is always an option.
Many believe that abortion is a crime. A murder even. However, it is a woman’s choice, risk, and right to decide if she wants to have a baby or n...
These topics are the the most important to me and I think they need attention.
Why there should be restrictions on why they happen
America is a country where we are allowed to make our own desicions. So why are women getting opinions about what's right or wrong?
Pro-choice side of the Abortion argument in America.
Your policies should include legality of abortion for the safety of the women’s health, the future of the female, and for undesired pregnancies of ...
Women should be able to have access to abortion clinics.
2016 letter to President
Taking the life of a fetus is morally wrong and should be illegal.
Abortion is a choice. The woman or couple that have a baby in the womb should have the option to get an abortion if they wish not to have a child u...
How can abortion be bad?
I believe that as Americans, we often push abortion on teen pregnancy when we should really be supporting them and helping them to make the right ...
My letter talks about the topic abortion, how it can harm the mother, and ways to solve the problem.
I believe that the decision on whether or not a woman can abort a fetus should not ultimately be in the hands of the government and is a fundamenta...
Abortion is a problem that only the president needs to solve. With the help of the Senators and Representatives I believe we can solve this problem.
Abortion to babies are wrong
I am talking about how we should not have abortion in this world.
Abortion must be stop, the change starts with you.
Discussing controversies, stories, and facts about abortion and why people who are pro-choice are pro-choice.
This is a letter about why Abortion shouldn't be legal. I have listed 3 reasons with support for why it should be illegal.
This letter addresses the faults of prohibiting abortion and how it would negatively affect our nation; regarding safety concerns, women's autonomy...
Abortion and undesired pregnancies are becoming more and more popular, and something needs to be done about it.
Pro-choice= advocating legalized abortion Pro-life= opposing abortion and euth...
This letter is about my opinion about abortion and why it should be illegal but with some exceptions.
I believe that the decision to have an abortion should be completely up to the mother.
The topic of abortion has always been controversial and let this be the year that we let women make the decision for themselves and not have to wor...
Abortion is not a matter for strangers to decide. Think about the woman not the unborn fetus.
Abortion is murder.
Women have the right to choose.
I am not a person with very political views. I come from a household where current events are not talked about around the dinner table. However, on...
We need more orphanages.
Abortion laws should be more restricting
Abortion can let women decide for themselves whether they're ready to take on the role of a mother. Children who are born to mothers who are prepar...
Women should be able to make their own decision about whether or not to have a child.
Abortion is the twentyfirst century weapon used to murder the future generation of Americans. Will you stand for this?
Some problems, solutions, and suggestions to benefit the people of the United States of America.
This letter addresses the issue of abortion, and expresses my opinion that it should be a woman's choice and should therefore be legal.
There is no justification for abortion. No matter what, a mother should protect her child; born or unborn.