With presidency, comes great responsibility. He/she has to be prepared for duties, such as solving the issues of citizens, and just being a great ...
Why does the United States have an Increase in flow of immigrants to this country? It's because the United States offers so many beneficial things ...
A plea for help with the rising college tuition costs.
The number of drug addicts in America is rapidly increasing, and they need your help.
Due to an increase in college tuition prices, it has become increasingly difficult for high school students to attend college although a higher lev...
Something is needed to fix equality around the United States
I feel we need to have more gun control or more security everywhere. We cant have innocent people being killed by crazy people just trying to make ...
The future of overcrowding prison populations are on the line.
Most Public Service Announcements about the internet inaccurately represent the internet.
I believe dogs should have a shelter because a shelter provides safety for other animals that might cause them harm
Abortion is a matter that needs to be dealt with in America.
Fast food and other employees all across the country have been pushing for minimum wage to be raised, but this change could lead to a price incre...
The high drinking age of 21 leads to irresponsible underage drinking.
Hope Johnson hopes the next president will recognize the growing cost of college and look for ways to make higher education accessible to everyone.
The gender wage gap is huge and it needs to be narrow, so men and women could be paid equally.
Poverty is a major issue in today's society, but we are combating it in the wrong ways.
issues regarding the gender pay gap and abortion
We should allow good immigrants into the country.There not doing any harm.
Police should stop abusing there power by taking innocent lives.
The United States has the highest rates of mental illness, and some of the lowest spending on mental health care in the world. This needs to change.
I want the president to make these cops to act like cops and not like the kkk
We need to help put a stop to pollution, global warming, and deforestation before it is to late.
There are some big issues in the agriculture world
This letter explains the harsh life of homelessness.
My name is J and I am from Washington State. My letter is about abortion and all the reasons why it should be illegal. ...
This letter is about the cost of college tuition and how big of an issue it is for this generation. Therefore, this is an issue that must be dealt ...
The world is rapidly modernizing, and for many people, the only way to succeed is to be able to attain a college education without worrying about c...
College needs to be cheaper for people to attend to. I believe that the next president can do something about this.
What the U.S. government and other countries need to know about our citizens and a possible future of war.
In my letter, I will be talking about police brutality in the United States. I will be directing the problems and suggesting ways to solve this pro...
A paragraph talking about minimum wage
Racial inequality is a huge issue today that prevents the country from moving forward.
Let's Bring An End To Abortion
Animal Rights
The education system must change in order to intellectually, culturally, and emotionally enrich today's students.
Discrimination has become one of America's biggest problems today.
People get distracted while driving and get in a fatal car crash
I believe we need to make becoming a citizen easier for immigrants. We need this for many reasons, which I will be talking about in this letter. Al...
In this letter to the Next President, Gun violence has gotten out of hand and we need to put an end to it.
Why minimum wage should be lowered.
This letter talks about bullying
Obamacare has created very many problems, and our next president should fix it.
Gun control
Our age law should be consistent on when we want a person to be an official adult or not. Drinking and smoking age should be 18 or being an officia...
Millions of people are in crippling debt in this country, and that's something we need to fix.
Nowadays, many students believe that high school is a waste of time. What can we do about this?
Most ocean pollution is a result of polluted runoff water draining into the ocean. Human waste is also a cause of ocean pollution.
Stop signs should be abolished and become yield signs
Although raising the minimum wage seems to be a simple solution to an extensive problem, there are many underlying problems it could arise.
If the schools allowed more funding for technology... the world would be a better place.
Free College Tuition will be detrimental to our country. We will propel our economy further into debt and create a lower quality education.
Planned Parenthood is a vital resource to our country and defunding it would lead to an increase in STD's and unplanned Pregnacies
There doesn't need to be more laws to stop racism, but there needs to be a change in attitude towards racism.
Why certain electives should be required in high school
School lunch should have more requirements to be considered a meal.
Our veterans are not being treated right.
College tuition prices are too high.
Making an impact on our environment by switching to clean energy can be one of the most important things that the United States President can do fo...
Privacy has been a major part of many teens and young-adult's lives as newer tech is being released. It should be very important that we have decen...
Student Loan debt is a growing problem and needs to be addressed
I strongly disagree with abortion and I think it should be illegal
Immigrants are getting disrespected in many ways and should be helped more. They have to escape they country and all we do is just disrespect them....
Unequal pay rates and how they effect the working women in the U.S.A.
Why the Police gotta be so bad towards minorities.
This is a letter concerning the growing issue about police brutality throughout the United States.
We need to stop Immigration in mexico coming to the US
This is something personal to me
Even though firearms are marked as protection, they actually cause more harm to those we want to protect. I am 17 years old and I have born witness...
Physical Education should be a nationwide requirement in all schools. It has many benefits our country needs in order to start success at an early ...
Stop animal cruelty and start protecting animals.
When are we going to stop demeaning women?
Racism needs to be solved or this country will go downhill.
Affirmative Action should be changed so that it allows for true equality in America.
Colin Kaepernick taking a knee during the national anthem.
Global warming is man made, and it is a big problem. Donald Trump is wrong when he says that is is just weather. He needs to deal with the problem ...
Dear Future President: The topic of Immigration has bee...
High school needs to prepare students for the real world, not just college.
The rising cost of college tuition is concerning for those who with low income, and who can’t afford it.
Though gun violence has taken a toll on our day to day lives, expanding our gun laws may not be the resolution.
Many teens committing suicide help stop that problem. Take a stand to help stop that big problem, in the .U.S.
Persuasive letter with reasons to end the war on terror
Please stop sending soldiers to war. This is leading to more war and people are civilians are being hurt.According to the National Consortium for t...
Abortion should be legal.
Livestock care in food corporations and how it affects us.
The black lives matter group are always looking for a change to the awful image society puts on them, but they don't always handle issues in all th...
These topics are the the most important to me and I think they need attention.
A letter to the next president detailing the need for comprehensive laws to prevent voter fraud in all elections
In my letter I talked about homelessness and how they need our help to get someplace in life.
The lowering of normal standards to increase diversity.
The foster system is broken, and we need to fix it now!
This letter explains the huge problem of student debt and how it can be prevented for future generations.
Money Value Decrease
Mitigation is the best way to deal with climate change.
A letter to our future president explaining how the average american citizen feels towards the insane cost of colllege.
We need to lower college tuition.
My letter is an explanation of how to decrease the amount of violent crime and improve society.