Discrimination comes in various forms. One of these forms is genetic discrimination. People who have genetic disorders sometimes look different o...
Mental health is a serious condition, but is commonly overlooked by American society and public officials. It is the responsibility of the next pre...
Dear Future President,
Abortion should be used for only the right reasons.
Americas homicide and gun violence rates are at an all time high.
The violence of guns in this country has gone up. Guns should not be taken from everybody though.
The college tuition should be lowered.
Animal abuse is a serious and sad issue that needs to stop. Animal are being killed and hurt for no reason, it is not right. It needs to be put to ...
I’m 13 and I know how important the 2nd Amendment is.
How will the next president use solar energy to meet our demanding energy requirements?
College tuition prices are incredibly high in the United States. The next president needs to do something about this to continue to give all studen...
Homeless is a huge problem; let's do something about it.
We need to work together as a community to stop the harm of pollution.
The federal government and Wall Street should not be the ones benefiting from tuition debts , mainly because millions of students are struggling to...
Today gun violence is a very serious issue in the United States. What is there to do about such a big dilemma? Is gun control the answer or is ther...
Deportation is a parting a lot of families in the U.S . It is affecting kids and adults we could make a change .
The education system needs to be fixed.
Abortion is morally wrong and needs to be illegal.
Every day, you can hear about ISIS killing people, capturing cities, and causing terrorist attacks on the news. Don't you want a stop to this?
What should we do to fix the drug problem?
It's so important for our country to deal with the problems that come with immigration.
Cancer is problem for people worldwide, let's put a stop to it in america then continue and help the rest of the world.
My letter to the next president is about a topic I very much care about. I feel that gun control needs to called upon and change the laws in how we...
There is not enough gun policies, and the result of that is gun violence.
Drug abuse must stop
Abortion should remain legal because it's part of a women's constitutional right to have control to have control over her own body.
Gun laws should be more restricted and the police should use gun alternatives.
Why do people judge other people on what they wear and how they look?
Abortion is not ideal nor the most accepted practice; however, there are many reasons to give women the right to choose.
There is too much racism in America, and this needs to come to an end. As the president you can help to resolve this issue.
Many people face the fear of not being able to pay next month's rent or getting evicted from their households everyday and if there were more rent ...
Mass incarceration destroys communities
We teach our children that they can be anything that they want to be, so why are people afraid to be themselves?
Terror attacks have gone up because we have no background knowledge on the people who are coming into our country.
Reasons why we should make stricter gun control.
The California coast line needs a drink of water. It's record breaking drought is a big issue.
I feel like immigration is bad for our country and is not fair to the American people.
Animals shouldn't be in captivity. Instead they should be in their natural environment and not locked behind glass or bars.
This letter to the president includes my ideas on changes in education such as testing/diagnostics, Common Core, and states having power to make de...
Coal mines and gun control
Gun control needs to be controlled more heavily.
Police Brutality is destroying the lives of people in the world who didn't do anything.
Imagine one of your pets being abused or neglected for profit or entertainment
Dear Next President, If our goal in America is equality shouldn’t transgender people to go into bathrooms based on DNA not there feeling? This info...
My letter is to speak up about the issue in students having to struggle on paying for their college tuition. I am writing this to call for an atten...
We Need the Wall. Make America Great Again!
The early start of school is affecting thousands of teens around the world, and it's not for the better.
20,000 people die every day from cancer. This includes men, women and children who should or could be saved if we could just find a cure.
A letter to the next President from a student in the U.S.
~ The Importantance of Immigration ~
You, the next president, need these characteristics to be a great president!
Health care should be affordable to everyone.
Imagine you were in a situation where you didn't have any money. You're a teenager with no money and u were pregnant. What would you do? Sometimes ...
How cyber crime is a major threat to United States security.
Terrorism is a major problem.
The overstocking of Nuclear Weapons is an undermined concern today. With the surplus of these dangerous weapons, our human population is at risk du...
We as a nation need to take in mind that our mental health matters to.They don't realize what people feel daily fighting themselves alone if they'r...
This letter is about ways the President could help solve some problems related to pollution.
I am against student uniform.
Everyday Isis continues to cause destruction and kill innocent people in and out their country. And everyday Isis is recruiting more and more ...
My letter is about how people are wasting food because it looks funny.
Discrimination to the LGBT+ community has to be stopped.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become USA citizens
The United States has the most expensive college tuition in the world. Student debt has tripled in the last 8 years, with the total amount of debt ...
Gun laws should not be changed
Some thirteen year olds are mature enough to drive.
According to the New York Times, in 2016 suicide surpassed traffic death fatalities as the number one cause teenage death. Many teachers seem unaw...
Abortion is a choice. The woman or couple that have a baby in the womb should have the option to get an abortion if they wish not to have a child u...
Abortion should be kept legal in our country to give women the right to do what they want with their bodies.
A letter to our future president on what he/she should do to better our nation, improve our security, and how people feel around they're own neighb...
Animal cruelty is very prominent around the country. I believe that dog fighting and horse slaughter are some of the top problems when it comes to ...
Overall, i hope the president will do a great job with his job as president.
Immigrants should have the right to be legalized
Millions of illegal immigrants are being taken from their home each year. Help immigrants gain citizenship with immigration reform!
Letter to the future President
Many teens in the U.S are overdosing on drugs such as heroin.
Greyhoud racing is unethical, and it needs to stop.
We deserve to have the help we need.
alternative energies/fuels are more effective and cleaner than fossil fuels and non renewable energy/fuels
You are tired of hearing their protests, but you don’t understand their reasons. You ask them to voice their grief with respect while their brother...
Abortion is never the answer.
We should start using more renewable ways to produce electricity to help reduce our carbon foot print.
A letter expressing the concerns about ozone depletion and our failing ecosystem.
The most important thing for Trump right now is him trying to be better at politics since he is good with business.
What are you going to do to stop terrorism?
Police have abused their power too much and it needs to stop!
While ocean pollution is destroying the environment, it is also destroying us and the ecosystem living in the ocean.
Gun violence has to be stopped; otherwise, the US will have problems that will be hard to change.
It's not that hard. Read to find out how.
College have lead many people to success in life, but with tuition and the risk of having student loan debt can change one's lives.
Now that humans have evolved to go way beyond hunting animals for food and clothing, we need to consider how to treat animals with care and respect.
College athletes should not get paid to play for their school.
This is an issue that can affect many young people. The next President of the United States should create laws to allow transgender teens to use ba...
Gender equality is a Human Right
stricter gun control laws
Either deport illegal immigrants en masse or grant amnesty en masse - but be decisive about it.
There is a growing concern for the route college tuition is heading, so I decided to ask what the future president will do to resolve this issue.
As I look around America, school systems are failing at different things. Some things they are failing at are lack of parental involvement and over...