Why Endangered Animals need our help.
As our future president, you should help prevent domestic violence by raising awareness and creating more safe homes for domestic violence victims.
Gun related deaths and incidents are getting out of hand and need to be stopped, and the main ideas against gun control are heavily flawed.
Renewable energy is a source in which many people can benefit from it: employees, society, and even the global ecosystem. Fossil fuels is a source ...
This is my letter on the controversial issue of abortion.
The recent increase in trivializing rape culture by Americans is detrimental to American society. Instead of providing victims with comfort and sup...
A letter about why Planned Parenthood should NOT be defunded.
There are four points that can shut down any arguments made by pro-choice believers.
It's time that we address the impact that our diets are having on our health and the environment.
As technology and the use of electronic devices advances, the greater the risk for cyberbullying. Many teens and children face the act of cyberbull...
We are living in a dangerous world due to terrorism
This is a slam poem about censorship.
The whole world is heating up. There is too much pollution and carbon dioxide around us. We need to make some changes right now to keep our world g...
Something needs to be done about animal abuse. In the following letter are suggestions of solutions.
Chronic Student Absenteeism and Transiency
A fetus is a human not a mistake.
Our military has the highest funding in the world, but is it too much?
That Animal Abuse should stop because it is hurting animals and their innocent.
Gun control laws have taken too many innocent lives. Our next President must push for stronger laws.
Racism has been an issue for a while and it needs some addressing as well as minor adjustments.
Suicide,Depression,Bullying is a big issue that Americans have today.Suicide prevention is very necessary if we want this problem to get better. Th...
Abortion is a huge debate, but by looking at the facts a type of compromise can be reached.
The Future President 1660 Pennsylvani...
People all around the world that you may not know have an addiction to heroin or prescription drugs, and no one can help help unless they want help.
The amount of times people are killed because of stereotypes related to race is shocking. These killings not only affect the lives of those lost, b...
This article goes over how the price of college is putting students in the "danger zone".
Because there aren't enough abortion clinics in many states, some women are looking to unsafe abortion, and many families don't have control ov...
Watching news everyday on TV and newspapers, I realized that United States has so many shootings everywhere, including schools and malls where mos...
Animals need to be treated the same. Animal Abuse needs to stop NOW!!
College debt is a very serious problem because it is increasing yearly, leaving students swimming in debt when they get out of college. With this b...
College debt and how it is effecting the youth of America.
This letter is adressing the issues and impacts because of gun control laws within schools.
America needs God!
I want a world in which students of all color are treated fairly in the classroom.
GMOs are very widely used, but are they safe or healthy?
This is my opinion on school testing and why I do not think it is beneficial to the students of our schools.
More laws should be made
For me that most matters is what will you do for America for our country. When a person runs to be a president they always say a lot of things to p...
My letter is on the sexist dress codes in schools and how they body shames girls, and perpetuate rape cultue.
Immigration is a big deal that most people shake off, and others just plain out ignore. The truth is that we should be more considerate about this...
Letter to President
Abortion should not become illegal
A physical wall that by its very existence separates you? A new policy is what we need; we are still the America based on immigration.
An immigration reform should be developed.
Drug abuse has risen in teens, education about abusing could be the fix
The reasons why global warming should be fixed so that life on this planet will be better.
Climate change is a major issue on the cusp of plaguing our planet with ruin and it is about time someone began addressing it seriously.
Illegal immigration of aliens into the United States is a threat to our country and to our country's citizens. Citizenship should not be granted fo...
This passage is about why there should be stricter gun control laws. I will give off tons of evidence that should prove that gun control laws shoul...
One very controversial topic right now in our country is gun control. I personally do not think guns should be that big of an issue. There are gun ...
Immigration should be reasonable in order to protect our country.
It is time to put an end to ISIS once and for all.
Many bright students are unable to get a good college education due to their families not having enough money. This is a problem.
i think that tutors should get payed by schools to help students who are struggling in school because tutors are really helpful.
The Patriot Act is a piece of legislation passed in response to the 9/11 terror attacks on the United States. The act gives government officials a ...
The different ways that Immigration can be dealt with in the United States.
Terrorism can affect how America can end up in the future, you should be able to help America stay strong from terrorists.
The War On Drugs has had a more negative impact than positive, and it's ruining many people's lives
What are you going to do to save our environment?
A woman's right to choose.
Many people in the middle and lower class are unable to afford a higher education. Please help more US citizens get the education they deserve.
Legalizing marijuana will not only help those who are sick but will also increase states' revenue.
A woman has the right to decide what she would like to do with her body and the government should not be able to take this right away.
Inequality needs to stop its getting to much out of hand
Argument for why education should receive more attention and funding.
There are many issues in our country but the root of almost all of then is racism. An you need to stop acting like its nothing because...
Environmental destruction needs to stop!
Many U.S. citizens and politicians believe that immigration is nothing but a nuisance because immigrants take our jobs, and they create social diso...
Dear President. Everyday we look around and see that everything is normal but many of the people we see everyday are homeless or struggli...
we need to focus more Gun Violence.
Illegal immigration is hurting the american economy. Illegal immigrants take jobs away from Americans which puts them in poverty.
Marijuana should be legalized because a lot of people need it for medical issues and it has saved many lives in the past.
While the United States is one of the richest countries in the world not much of our money has gone to feeding the poorer countries around us and t...
There should be no curfews in all cities in the United States
ISIS is responsible for far too many terrorist attacks and human rights violations, and must be halted.
Please aware, we are increasing the crime rate if we do not take appropriate actions toward the issue of gun control.
It is vital for us to have gun control.
Instead of euthanizing; why not rehabilitate?
Everyday, innocent people are dying in Syria and terrorism is spreading worldwide. However, the United States is not effectively dealing with the ...
Schools should switch their starting hour from an early start like 7:00 A.M. to a later start like 10:00 A.M., so that students can have more sleep...
Animal testing doesn't need to keep happening on such a there scale and can be avoided through alternatives.
What will happen when all the minerals are taken out of the ocean? What then? That will happen if we keep taking minerals from the ocean. So why no...
In this video I will discuss the reasons why standardized testing doesn't benefit a student's learning.
The amount of money it takes to pay all your college expenses are unbelievable high. Those with low wages also deserve a college education but the ...
Immigrants put so much effort to stay in America and make a living providing for their U.S. born children, but when one parent is deported, the oth...
In today's society many people are being brutally hurt or even killed by police officers using "extreme force." Due to this some departments have e...
Police Brutality
Americans have too much access to guns which is destroying our country.
Global warming is something real, we shouldn't be looking it as something small. We are just making it worse for our planet. Something small from e...
This letter entails my opinion on the way immigration should be handled. It voices my concerns about deportation and the devastating effect it has ...
create more vocational training high schools
This letter is about the large issue that affects many every day. Equality, such as race, gender and disability are all still a problem in our soci...
Global warming is a big deal. I want to see global warming addressed because it can have drastic effects on the climate.
Dear Mr/Madam president, Have you been been racially abused? That has hurt you so bad that you create view that you hate those people? There are m...
Women should have the option to have an abortion but that doesn't mean that's always the best idea.
Letter to President Trump
I'm here to tell you why we should worry about guns
A look at the connection between immigration and poverty.
This is about what I think the world has come to. And how we are not treating everyone equally and what we should do about it.
Sea life at risk