Guns have been around since before the forming of this country. They have played a key role in the United States' history.
Poverty is an issue that needs to be addressed.
I am going to be talking about gun control.
The 2nd amendment should be altered.
Those who may not be the most politically or financially in your campaign due to poverty are the ones who need your help and advocacy the most.
Plastic pollution is a major issue that is often ignored or pushed aside, but it is a problem that deserves care and attention like all others. Pla...
The minimum wage must be raised to help the economy and lifestyles of Americans.
I am writing about child abuse and how we should make more support group.
In most schools, bullying is a big problem. We do not want bullying in our schools and we want to stop it. So why does bullying exist? Let stomp ou...
Our energy sources are inefficient and running out, and we continue to waste them at a dangerous rate.
Banning mass breeding facilities can not only decreases the amount of companion animals euthanized, but also give them a chance to find a loving ho...
Funding for education needs to be increased in order to produce smaller class sizes and more teachers.
The US should provide universal healthcare to all of its citizens and make sound health accessible to everyone.
The effects of white privilege on America today.
Women are still faced with inequalities even in the year 2016.
It is about how I believe the government should do something to help the homeless youth.
Dear Mr or Mrs President Imagine a student gets a student gets a 4.0 in all of his or hers high school years but ...
pebble mine
Obesity is a big problem in America. Obesity begins with children, so president should change this problem.
Discrimination against other races
Will the president try to make America better or is the president going to do more damage
In everyday life we don't think we are affecting the environment but we actually are. It just doesn't affect the environment but us as well.
Sexism is still a major problem in today's society. Women continue to make less pay and are under-represented in traditionally male-dominated indus...
There are many women in the world who are not receiving an education. With help from the USA we can give many more women a chance at education.
The minor change of start high schools later can positively impact sleep, stress, and standardized testing scores of all students.
In this letter, I will be talking about the increasing of college tuition and how it needs to be stopped quickly.
I want the future president to say no to gun control.
Homicides by guns in Philadelphia
Global warming will someday make earth unbearable to live on
To let the future president know that holes in the middle of the streets has been and will be a danger hazard. We can protect the adults and kids o...
Are teens really just lazy, or is there too much to do?
Same sex marriage
What will you do about it ??
Illegal Immigrants. They are taking our jobs. They are not paying health insurance. They don't have background checks. They are distributing drugs....
I am writing about police brutality and how it is wrong.
What Hillary Clinton is doing and not doing for the environment.
persuasive letter to the next President to cancel the Standardize testing
I think police officers should be forced to have more education
Terrorism has been going on for over a decade, we need too stop it!
A letter on why I believe we should lower restrictions on firearms
Immigration has been a big issue for years.
Obesity is taking over America at an unhealthy rate. Lets use our resources to overcome, fix, this problem.
Over the past few years, police brutality has become a major issue in the United States. Unfortunately it continues to grow and some major changes ...
This is about gun control and ways we can fix it without taking guns.
The reasons why global warming should be fixed so that life on this planet will be better.
We have to watch out, weapons are on the loose. We are being attacked from every corner possible with out stopping it. What would happen if someb...
The concerns and problems influenced by police brutality.
The way we are feeding our students in school is detrimental to their health and therefore affects the ability to learn and be prosperous. This is ...
Nuclear energy is the most ideal option as we face the climate change crisis. It is the most cost effective method while releasing little to no gre...
Gun violence are at an all time high, and It is far too easy for people who are violent or mentally unstable to get guns
The upcoming President should put an end to people who are coming into the united states illegally.
The punishments for marital rape are not as harsh as the punishments for rape itself. The government has took the time to make it a law that raping...
I believe that homelessness and hunger should be stopped.
I think there should be a longer sentence for people who abuse animals.
This letter talks about education in schools and about teachers.
Over-stressed and of no Significance
Claiming a voice at 15.
My letter is about how writing tickets to people with "loud" cars/bikes is wrong.
Dear next president, i am a high school student fro California. From my perspective, one of the most important issues in the next presidential elec...
Post-Secondary education is becoming more in demand, people need to adapt to the change and efficiently increase knowledge and motivation.
Why are women treated differently?
Why concealed carry of a firearm should be legal all over the country.
I'm Black. Am I Next? This is what many minorities want to know while they just try to live their lives as American citizens. In this letter, we wi...
Who are the real victims? Us or the many transgender people that have to fight for basic human rights such as a bathroom?
My letter is about abortion. I think abortion is a very awful thing. I think that abortion should be removed as an option for pregnant women.
Women are getting paid less than men for the same amount of work.
Death penalties are an issue in the US. Everyone should be able to live no matter the circumstances. The government should be against it because of...
Everybody should have the chance to go the college, but not everybody does because it is outrageously expensive.
I want to ask you something. What do you have against drugs? I ask this question because many people have been taking overdoses of medication and m...
A few changes that can drastically improve America.
Online threats encase the world-wide web like they’re viruses. They can seriously make someone suffer due to the feeling of anxiety and concern if ...
We are the generation of breaking boundaries and little green papers have more power over us.
Dear President,
This video is about Abortion focusing on Pro-Choice
Abortion is murder
Keep Wrestling Alive.
Gun Control is not killing people, it is about controlling the gun.
There is no reason americans should have there rights taken by criminals who come in illegally.
some people don`t deserve to be deported?
Different ways to solve the ever-growing debt problem in the United States.
My letter to the next president is on gun violence and taking illegal guns off the streets.
I feel that black people deserve reparations because every since my ancestors were forced to this country there has been nothing but hatred and man...
College rates have increased dramatically over the last ten years; as a result, less students can afford to receive a college education. This trend...
Fossil fuels aren't as bad as we think, nor is global warming.
The struggle of affording health care with the ever increasing prices.
The next president needs to help end racial inequality everywhere.
Abortion is a bad thing
Honey bees are a keystone, indicator species. Their decline points to (and will likely accelerate) broader environmental degradation. Scientists po...
Children are thrown into foster care for unspecific amounts or time when their parents are seen as unfit. Those unfit parents often lose their chil...
September 29, 2016 Dear Future President: I believe the most valuable concern for our future leader is racial discrimination. The United States o...
We need justice for native americans
Pharmaceutical companies focus more on making money than helping with people's health.
Immigration is not being dealt with correctly.
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding the issue of poverty.
My letter is about the problem of police brutality and if its a major problem and if it needs fixing.
Homelessness in America is a serious problem.
Firearms are one of the leading issues in our country and I believe that being educated on Firearms can prevent tragedies.
Gun control
I'm here to tell you why we should worry about guns
Muslims in the United States experience violence in their daily life after 9/11 due to the idea of Muslims being terrorists