All throughout the world, many people are in danger every day because of terror threats, but what steps should we take in order to make this world ...
We need to let more immigrants into the U.S to help rebuild their lives and give them a greater hope for tomorrow.
America is the home of the free and the brave. Here is my opinion about allowing refugees to come here and undocumented citizens to stay.
Abortion should be illegal
I discuss issues on how taxes should be changed and organized differently.
I talk about the problems we are facing today with police brutality and African Americans.
All lives matter
costs to pursue a education should be lowered or taken away
NASA hasn't had a groundbreaking achievement in over 50 years. It's time to change that.
Women have many pressures from society as it is, and abortions just add to it. So many people are telling us that it's murder and that it's not our...
Gun Control is a very controversial topic in the US. There have been many recent mass shootings, riots, and more. If there are laws put in place th...
In the first three months of 2016, 250 people have been fatally shot by police officers. According to the Washington Post near the end of the year...
One of the most controversial problems in our country: the problem of immigration.
Stop the Gangs
In the heart of Montana, the preservation of natural forests are a top concern for Anaka DeJaynes.
There should be more gun control
The LGBTQ+ community has always had a hard time. Especially the transgender community. This letter explains why we need to enforce protection laws ...
Drug use is bad in general regardless of age.
The global economy is making national borders irrelevant. America will soon be at the mercy of foreign powers.
Women don't get treated fairly in the United States. Take a stand.
a short video about homelessness
Cyber bullying is an uprising problem in the U.S. Let's stand up and make a change.
Police in the U.S. are affecting us negatively and their acts should be put to an end. Our safety and concerns matter!
There are millions of homeless teens in the United States, and it is a very large problem that is going unnoticed. Actions need to be taken.
How abortion should be left out of government.
Animal Abuse is ignored and pushed aside for more "important" issues. Thing is, they need us as much as the others do.
Animal cruelty is wrong, and should have a more serious punishment for those who abuse animals.
Getting more kids into college will educate our country and make America more successful and generally happy.
This is a call to action against this illegal act that plagues America.
Terrorism has shown an emergence over the years ever since the attacks on September 11th, 2001 and November 2015.
My name is Isabel G. and I am a 14 year old who lives in Grand Rapids,Michigan. An issue that we have in the U.S. is that the number of immigrant...
Renewable energy: the key to stopping our global warming problem.
The cost of college tuition is rising uncontrollably and becoming a major problem
Terrorism is a serious problem. Lately, ISIS has been extremely active and something needs to be done about it.
Abortion should be illegal.
Immigration has been an issue that has played the country.
This letter is about what I believe should be done about crime in our country. Its a serious problem and need to be handled in a serious matter. Al...
The next president in office must destroy the Terrorist in the Middle East before they destroy us.
I feel that college now should not cost so much to get an education.
Many students are wasting their lunch everyday.
The safety net of the American mental health system is failing, and thousands of men, women and children are suffering the consequences.
It is up to you, Future President, to lower the increasing rise of college tuition.
Orphans are not just a problem in the U.S but the whole world.
Police brutality is wrong and it should be ended
Criminals in the USA have murdered, and killed many times over, but sometimes they can be stopped by guns as well as it can be started. New gun law...
The number one reason high school graduates do not bother to think about the idea of going to college is the fact that the costs of college are too...
Pollution is creating a huge problem for animals, and is taking its effect on us.
The increasing abundance of refugees has led to an immigration crisis in the United States. We should call to attention the safety and security of ...
College debt and how it is effecting the youth of America.
A Hispanic's point of view during all the racism happening around America.
College tuition rates need to go down
Persuasive Letter to the next President to change society and help get rid of the dangerous drugs that hurt our community.
College tuition prevents students around the country from attending college. At least 40% of low-income students do not attend college their first ...
With the contrary gun laws per state in the United States and the simple application process to receiving a Licence to Carry firearms, a more diffi...
Depression is a major problem that can happen to anyone. While someone is depressed, they can start thinking about suicide. Everyone should try to ...
Abortions should be illegal, and here is why.
Fake news is spreading fast due to people on fake news websites and social media.
There are so many benefits of nuclear fusion, so why isn't it being talked about?
Public tax dollars should not be collected for private entities.
Clean water is important to have.
I want the education in the United States to be better and for college tuition to be free so children can get access to education easily when they ...
Free college is going to negatively impact our economy.
This letter outlines the injustice served to reporting rape victims, the misconceptions surrounding rape, and the reasons rape culture is still bei...
Teachers are underpaid
Students with visa's who have spent a major part of their educational lives in America, should be treated equally when it comes to paying for colle...
This letter explains the huge problem of student debt and how it can be prevented for future generations.
Pro-life or Pro-choice, you can only pick one.
We should be lowering the price of college especially if the value of our degree is decreasing.
Why there should be even more strict laws about drinking and driving.
The building of the Dakota Access Pipeline needs to be stopped.
A letter about how climate change is affecting the environment
Homeless people around my community is increasing and over crowding the streets.
One of the main problems we are living with now and urgently need to stop is the discrimination towards all of those who are LGBT. We need to start...
Students in America are falling behind in subjects like math, science, and reading. We are below average in math and reading and just barely making...
These animals deserve better living conditions than the dump that is supposed to the ocean; all of the plastic that we use is so useless. Plastic s...
Did you know that in the U.S there are estimated to be anywhere from 900 to 2,000 new cases every year of animal hurting in the US, where there are...
Religious companies should have the right to deny same sex couples' rights if it goes against their first amendment right.
Lives Cut Short
Mental Health is an issue many people face here in the United States. We should be trained to handle and deal with that issue.
Global warming is a big deal. I want to see global warming addressed because it can have drastic effects on the climate.
Try to find homes for all the homeless so they can stay safe and healthy. The president needs to help stop homelessness and talk to businesses to a...
There are way more problems America should be paying more attention to. We need to take these issues seriously, while we still have time.
Schools should start later in the day because of the positive impact this change will have on students' education and health.
My letter will basically talk about the disadvantages of the cost of college tuition and how in affects families.
My take on why I believe American Sign Language should be taught in all schools.
Viewpoint on immigration
We should stop deporting innocent people especially those who have families.
Gun Control should be enforced and protected more than it is.
Dear Next President: How much money is the United States spending on incarceration? How could the money be spent? This infographic should give you ...
Dear Future President,
In one of the world's wealthiest countries, poverty is extremely prevalent
Don't take our guns
We should create a solution for gender and ethnic equality.
Later school start time
After many grievances and disturbances within our schools, students are left questioning their safety during school hours. Are police our solution?
Native American rights.
Reasons that the President should change energy that we use